
Draven was sitting causally in his room, silently drinking his cold afternoon tea, when he suddenly heard the door to his room banged open, slightly startling him and breaking his peaceful atmosphere. He looked up towards the door and saw Rhea standing there breathing heavily like she'd run a marathon. 

A frown settled between his fine thick eyebrows as he took note of her drenched clothes as if she'd rolled in the snow. "Why are you wet? Did you play in the snow?" He asked with such seriousness that didn't make his silly question sound funny at all. 

Rhea heaved a sigh, "I dug a grave," she replied nonchalantly as if digging a grave was a normal thing to do, she walked around him and sat opposite his chair, "I dug it to bury someone in it, it was exhausting to do such a thing alone in a graveyard covered with snow. I'd have called you to do it, but I thought it would be a waste of time to come get you."