Her feelings

Rhea's heart raced as she dashed to her room, her drenched nightdress clinging to her skin, the fabric heavy with the memory of their heated kiss by the pool. She couldn't contain the wide grin that spread across her face, a deep blush burning on her cheeks.

In her haste, she slammed the door behind her, as if afraid Draven might follow her. She leaned her back against the closed door, the room's dim light casting a soft glow. The lamp in her hand slipped from her fingers and clattered onto the floor, forgotten.

Her hand found its way to her chest, and she could feel the erratic beat of her heart beneath her fingertips. She couldn't help but recall Draven's husky voice and the whispered words that still echoed in her ears.

_'You should go back to your room before I wolf you down in the pool.' he had whispered in her ear.