Taken away

Alina's eyebrows furrowed deeply, but she continued to press the dagger into Rhea's chest without turning around to identify the intruder. However, just as the dagger was about to pierce deeper into her chest, it was suddenly obstructed by a powerful force.

The force that interrupted Alina's actions was a fierce surge of flame magic, propelling her away from Rhea. It was then that Rhea glimpsed the intruder at the entrance.

"Azure, why are you interfering? I finally found the girl, soon I'll tear the core out of her, but what on earth do you think you're doing, meddling?" Alina demanded furiously.

Azure remained silent, summoning his sword and launching an attack on Alina. Rhea couldn't discern the details as they moved swiftly, exchanging blows. But shortly after, she felt her hands being released from the chains that bound her. Before she could react, a strong arm enveloped her body, and they swiftly departed from the dungeon.