Game night went wrong

Rhea stirred as the midday light filtered through the bedroom curtains, expecting to find the warmth of her husband beside her. Instead, the sheets lay undisturbed. Draven must have left the bed when she was still sleeping. However, despite all the sleep, she still felt fatigued, making the prospect of leaving the bed seem like a monumental task.

Nonetheless, thinking of their outing tonight made her decide to get up. With a slow, deliberate effort, Rhea managed to roll over and slip on her robe. However, the moment she attempted to rise, a wave of dizziness swept over her, compelling her to sit back down, clutching her head in her hands.

Rhea remained seated until her dizziness subsided. She wasn't accustomed to feeling this sluggish after a long sleep. Furthermore, she was an early morning person but these days, she always seemed reluctant to get out of bed.