She couldn't identify the figure's face, clothes, nor gender. She thought the thing was taller than her, but couldn't tell by how much. All she knew for sure was that it stood there. Whether it was coming or going was a mystery. I know it's a person. Zoey rubbed her eyes to readjust them. But who are they? Making sure to be as quiet as possible, she slowly maneuvered herself to the upstairs bathroom.
"Alright just keep going," Zoey whispered to herself as she backed into the four-walled room. Surprisingly, she kept her cool. She waited until just the right moment to freak out. When she finally made sure the latch had fully made its way into the wall, her adrenaline kicked into full gear. "Is there anything I can use?" Her hands felt more and more dehydrated as she searched through drawers. This seemed familiar. Looking through cabinets. Looking for something that might not be there. Anger began to consume the woman's mind as she eventually found nothing to defend herself. Dammit, is there nothing that could help me? Her mind continued to race more as she tried to conjure places she didn't check. In the shower? Beneath the sink door. Behind the mirror door. The mirror. The mirror. Feeling somewhat uneasy, Zoey quickly plunges her fist into the mirror to get some resemblance of a knife.
"Zoey? Is that you?" The sound of the old woman caused fear to circulate around her body. Shivers was an understatement.
"Yeah, it's me," She searched around for something to find as an excuse. In haste, she turned over the cold water to play her work off. "I'm just getting myself a drink of water."
"All right, just make sure you don't get hurt." Zoey dryly assured in response. In her mind, she slowly cursed herself as the sight of her own blood trickled down into the sink. She decided to neglect her pain as she searched for the perfect-sized glass.
"I need to kill that bastard." Her voice seethed as she finally found the perfect shard. Although it slightly dug itself into the palm of her hand, the outer edge was sharp enough to cut whatever she felt necessary. She only nodded to herself as she opened the bathroom door and headed down the stairs.
The figure was for sure gone from the stairs, but gone from the house was questionable. Zoey looked at the first floor in discernment. I have to make sure nothing's wrong. I can't be hurt again. Her grip tightened around the shard causing a wave of pain to make its rounds. Dammit. I can't keep doing this. She slightly glinted as she planned her head over to the kitchen.
Zoey knew exactly what that sound was. It was the exact same thing that was torturing her last night. Her heart began to pace. "I know you're there Zoey." The voice in her head became more pronounced, clearly spoken. Almost as if the words were being spoken itself. Just then the figure turned around showing its horrid front.