Lab and Monster


[Kamiya PoV]

Monster's Lab? I seem to have heard of that place...but judging from the name,Of course it's a monster research place,and im still curious why these children's faces turn pale?

"Stella...Why do they look worried about something?Is Monster Research Lab really that bad?"

"Hm... looking at it from the perspective of an ordinary child, just seeing the appearance of a monster is terrifying, but for some ordinary children, it's not bad, just.....nevermind, just wait what will happen there"


Is it that bad?

*arrived In Monster Lab

I can see a large, it's definitely a gate, and what is this, it takes magic to open it? and also need a lot of strength to open it? wow, its awesome,and looks like this was designed so that no monsters can escape, right?

*Gate open*

woah..... it seems that things like this are commonplace in the demon world

"You! come in and line up!"

"eh? w-wait"

But that aside, I didn't expect that there would be so many children here.In my prison cell there were 7 children, among them were me, Stella, 3 demons and 2 other Youkai.

We line up and the tallest one in the front,and of course it was me.

but, if I count, there are more than 10 Rows with 7 children in each row.....did Loki want to create a special squad?

Let's see what will happen next

*footsteps sound*

Oh? have they come?

*murmur* *murmur*

Well, looks like the researchers were pretty excited about their guinea pigs,but I'm still curious, where is the monster?


What? Did one of the researchers give orders or what?but...judging from the direction the children went it was true.

"Stella...what are they talking about?"

"In short, they told us to get ready."

"for what?"

"fight with monsters"

Hearing Stella's words, my eyes opened wide and I realized why all the children had pale faces, even I started to shiver considering it's my second direct battle,It's become more and more worse because we fight monsters that have an unique attack patterns and abilities.

While I was trembling thinking what would happen if I faced a monster, I didn't even realize Stella was approaching me

"I hope everything is fine"


"Hm? What's wrong Stella?"

"Are you all okay?"


Stella is very kind, even though I am human, she never looks down or discriminates against me, she always helps me,I started to stop shaking and calm myself down

"*inhales* *exhales* Yes,im fine"

"...Alright, come here quickly, we have to organize our own team."

"Do you know what abilities our team has?"

"Well, let's see, first the three demons are named Echo,Fianna and Chordino, they can both shoot water and wind magic, and Chordino has good resistance and agility, for those 2 youkai,Akira and Ourin.... they can use Youjutsu, or illusions, but both of them can only use it once because their control is not good enough"

"Hmm...I see, and what role do you and I play?"

"Me? I'm a sword user, so I'll be the one dealing the main damage, and for you....."


"I don't know what's so special about you ('but somehow his blood has a special taste that makes me addicted....*flashback to chapter 7* AAAHH FORGET IT FORGET IT FORGET IT')"

"That's right, how about I go with Chordino?I also have some agility to make those monsters dizzy"

"A-a-alright, it's decided then!"

Stella's face suddenly turned red….. did she want to cry and hold it in? And was it because of this monster's experiment? Damn it, I would have killed that monster right away if that thing made the people who care about me suffer

"#$@$@? @$@$$##!!!!"

Was the time to prepare done already?

Stella went to talk to the researcher, and sure enough she was given weapons, and there were lots of them

"Here....take.....IT...*pant* *pant*"

" time I'll bring it okay?"

"a...alright, please and thank you"

"It doesn't matter"

We started picking up our weapons and were teleported to our respective trial grounds

"are monster experiment really like this?"

"Well, it's already like this, we teleported to a location suitable for the monsters, so they can show their full potential."

" what if they still die? are they still being developed?"

"I don't know, as far as I know they will just be annihilated without a trace left, and that also applies to us, if we give up or go and hide, we will only become food for those,and make them more ferocious and thirsty for power"

To think that this place was the starting place for the creation of the monsters that Loki used...but...for some reason there is something strange about Loki, isn't it with this experiment that he can create a lot of monster and elite squad? but why doesn't he summon monsters and elite units in Novels? never even existed? this is starting to get confusing

"By the way, we're here"

Stella's words brought me out of my reverie and she started to reorganize the team,I am grateful for her presence.

However...I could only see overgrown trees and bush-covered streets, terrible for sight

"@&@$@$#!!(everyone get ready in your position)"

Oh? Stella start gathering, I also have to go there

*bushes moving*

'!!! what's that?? just my imagination? but.....'

*bushes moving*

'No,thats not my imagination,There's a fairly large footprint here, and it leads to....STELLA????'

I ran as hard as I could towards Stella who was walking with the others, and sure enough, the monster started to appear in one of the trees and was about to attack Stella.


"huh? Whats wrong?"


