Alter (3)

[Kamiya's PoV]



"Good,you understand quickly"

this woman...I really don't like how she forced me to speak

also how do i answer it? I really dont know


"a- w-wait...I will apologize so...please?"

*smack* *smack*

wha... what is this scene...Ara gets beaten? even though earlier she looked fierce, and now she looks like a dog whose owner abandoned her

oh?, great punch, the jab is so accurate and fast, OH MY GOD!, PERFECT UPPER CUT!!







what a good boxing skill

"s-sowyy, I won't do it again, I prowmise *sniff*"

and she cried, for real, where that fierce woman I saw earlier?

"Sorry about that Kamiya-chan, and by the way, how did you have 2 types of magic in your body?"


"It's fine if you don't want to answer."

"'s just...I also don't know why"

"You sick Brat,how can you don-"



wow.....with only that word she was silent and gloomy

But...I'm serious, this never existed in the original DxD series,someone who has 2 types of mana, and also how can it stay calm? Isn't 1 type of magic already common to creatures?

"Kamiya-chan, let's put aside what you don't know, it will only be a burden on your mind."

Aria-san is right, I don't have to care about that, I'll just try to be strong, so I can escape from Loki's hands.

"So what are you going to teach me?"


Perhaps the current me is still too weak for serious training, and even the basics of magic I don't know

"How about we learn magic first?"

Magic??? I want learn magic for real!


"good,I'm one of those who are good at magic,so you're in the right person!"

She said it proudly, also what's with that posture? why are you puffing out your chest? it just makes somethings stand out

"So…what should I do first?"

"hm....try to feel the magic first"


"like this"

Aria straightened her hands and focused her mind

And most surprising, a small ball like a firefly flying,swirl around the hand, and start to unite into a medium-sized ball

"this is the magic you should feel"


I can't say anything

I've seen magic a lot in anime and CGI movies, but seeing it with the naked eye is completely different

" do I feel magic?"

"It's easy, you just have to sharpen your senses, and focus on your surroundings, you can see magic is everywhere, but what is inside the body is special."


I tried to do what Aria said, and slowly I started to feel it

" feels so empty... and soft...."



Why are they both silent? I mean Ara might be okay, but Aria?

"K-Kamiya-chan….did you really feel it in first try?"


"What the heck! is that kid still human?"

Hey! I am a human

"*sigh* Kamiya-chan....listen to me,continue that, try to direct the magic towards your hand and try to unite it like I did before"

I nodded and tried

Slowly and slowly I tried it, and when it was collected, I put everything together into a ball



The ball exploded...

"as I thought"



Why don't they seem surprised?"

"I thought what would happen if pure magic and demonic power merged, and it exploded"


both look disappointed

"btw, Kamiya-chan, do you feel any differently about magic and demonic power?"

"...I don't know, it feels like Demonic power is hard, colder, and...dark"

"good, this can be a new research material"

"Aria-san, is there a way to separate it once it becomes one with the body?"

"I think there is... but I don't know how..."


"usually when the magic has become one with the body,it like a magnet, the magic will only surround the location full of magic"

I feel there is one thing that is strange

"Then… how does it feel like the difference between magic and demonic power in the body?"

"magic doesn't have any special characteristics, however, demonic power is more pronounced due to its cold and harsh nature, just like you said before"

I think I understand that, and somehow my left hand feels like it's resonating with demonic power

I straightened my two hands, and try to feel the magic again

gathering magic on the right, and demonic power on the left




Everyone was silent and looked at the ball in my hand

"So...did I succeed?"


"this child is definitely not human, hey you, do you want to be my protégé?"

gosh, that invitation, I feel touched

smile,and close your eyes, feel happy heart and say

"no fckn hell"
