God From ExE

He is someone who always appears in my hallucinations

At first, I thought my hallucinations were harmless, but since "he" appeared, everything felt scary




Let's say that nightmares are the beginning of someone's anxiety, and when the next day arrived, my mind was tired 

just like usual, nightmares always come to me when I fall asleep, and this has continued since I was in high school

I don't know the time when I felt this feeling of horror, but what I can explain is that I was anxious and afraid

the morning that should have been refreshing and calm, now felt cold and condemning

this is very scary

ignoring that is what I do

changed clothes and went to college, that's what I did today, I continued to ignore the strange feelings that surrounded me. Unfortunately, it's all useless, no matter how hard I try, this feeling can't go away

maybe it's getting stronger

even when the lecturer explained, I couldn't focus on listening

Kamiki who was sitting next to me helped me get permission and go home first

and when we came out of the building, that's where my eyes first met the creature




"y-you are.."

"long time no see, kid"

" !- how do you know me..."

that's impossible, shouldn't the hallucination be the future that will happen, how could he know me

"Don't be like you don't know me, haven't we been paying attention to each other since you were in college?"

"...its...its imposibble"

he's been watching me all this time

"You know, I was curious about someone who could pass through time and space completely, and I happened to be able to feel the energy of a goddess from afar."


"Thats right"


So all this time, the person who created chaos in my world was you

"Your goddess is really kind, isn't she? hahahaha.....it's really sad, even just to save you, she is willing to use so much power."

"...What do you mean..."

I couldn't hold back my anger because he dared to make fun of Thirta-sama

"Everything that happened before, in your dreams, your hallucinations, everything is reality that has happened after you left"

"already happend!?"

"What? Looks like you're curious about what happened, huh?" Regalzeva crossed his arms and smiled 

I'm afraid of what he will say next

"Your previous world..."


"I have destroyed it according to your hallucination"


that....that's impossible...

"HAHAHAHA, what a shame, the old you was born in an era where the war between supernatural beings had finished, and your younger brother...Hyoudou Issei huh...he had ruled the demon world at that time"


I already know Issei will rule the demon world, but I feel worried





Regalzeva noticed Kamiya's expression getting worse, and he thought this was the best time to give him a final mental blow

"and guess what? I've also fought against all the powerful dragons, and the one I can respect to is Great Red, Ophis, Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Emperor"

"You...don't tell me you-"

"That's right, I have killed all the dragons I fought in your previous world..."

"..like hell i would believe tha-..."

"including your little brother too"



Kamiya's right hand glowed giving him a power that seemed foreign even to Kamiya himself, but he paid it no mind

Kamiya took out his wings and flew as fast as lightning to face Regalzeva

"...it turns out you're still too weak..."

Regalzeva just kept quiet and closed her eyes

"Light Spear!"

Kamiya summoned his spear of light and threw it at Regalzeva, but instead of dodging, Regalzeva just stood still and didn't do anything.

The spear hit Regalzeva's armor, and it could be seen that the spear was broken into pieces

and of course, Kamiya's attacks didn't stop there, Kamiya took out dozens of light and demonic spears to throw towards Regalzeva

"light spears and demonic spears huh...I'm starting to remember how I destroyed powerful devils and other angels"


Kamiya lowered his hand, and dozens of spears fell towards Regalzeva


Kamiya's spear broke, and something like a screen blocked Kamiya's spear from attacking Regalzeva


One by one, Kamiya's spears shattered into pieces. Nothing remained but small forms of residual light and demonic power.




Weapons similar to gears appeared in both of Kamiya's hands, getting closer to Regalzeva, Kamiya began to deploy the two gears made of demonic and light power onto Regalzeva's armor.

Sparks began to scatter, as time went on, Kamiya's gear became tighter and stronger

but unfortunately, it's all useless


 "...there's no.."

"*sigh*...you're as weak as ant"



Kamiya's gear were shattered and nothing remained, Regalzeva even kicked Kamiya right in the stomach

Kamiya bounced far away and... 

"let me tell you what happened after you did the space and time travel" 

Regalzeva raised his hand and snapped his fingers

"...this is nonsense.."

there, the scene of the destroyed world was being played, like a large cinema screen, the scene that Kamiya had dreamed of and hallucinating.

"I have dominated various worlds in the past, but your world is the most interesting"


"Guess what? This is the world that occurs after you travel through time and space."


Kamiya was speechless seeing the Earth so destroyed

The sky was gray, countless people lay dead, and even the corpses of dragons too 

"Oh yeah! I'll show you something beautiful"

Regalzeva snapped his fingers once again and a headless statue of Liberty appeared

and at the end of the torch there is a dragon's corpse which is quite large in size

"Do you know who is this dragon?"


"This is the corpse of Tiamat, the Chaos Karma Dragon"

Regalzeva snapped her fingers once again, and various screens appeared showing the dead dragons, one of which was Tannin, Great Red, Ophis, and Lilith

"I've done everything I can to create this scene, and of course, the best is over here."

Regalzeva swiped one of the screens, and there Issei was shown protecting his family with his eyes which no longer had any light

"..why...why did you do this?"

"Why? After you left, 100 years have passed, I have started to invade Earth and look for strong opponents, but there are only a few that I can consider strong."


Kamiya was surprised to hear Regalzeva's words, 100 years had passed since he entered the portal created by Thirta

that means Kamiya has been in the void for 100 years while traveling to the past

"Isn't this great? You can get that deformed body, and become the strongest to fight me!"


Kamiya released all the techniques he had, be it magic, light power, and demonic power. It unites everything into one material and forces the three energies to combine



an attack that combines opposing energies is something that has never happened before, but it cant be denied that the power of this technique is strong enough to injure an ultimate class.

then what about god class?




 fatigue cames to Kamiya, it felt like he could faint at any time, but he still couldn't

"not a bad technique"


Regalzeva didn't appear to have the slightest injury or even scratches on his armor

"Now, since you're like this..."

Regalzeva raised his hand and conjured chains that flew to bind Kamiya

"huh!? w-what..."

Kamiya couldn't escape from Regalzeva's chains

"Since I've secured the most important thing, how about we dance next? beautiful lady~?"

Regalzeva looked at Nox who had been watching 

and of course, Nox's answer is

"Stop the nonsense"


I've finished thinking about the plot, it's a little confusing isn't it?

I will write an explanation, read it carefully

What is known is ;

Kamiya was born in an era where the war between supernatural beings had ended

Another important point is that the dreams and hallucinations that Kamiya experienced in chapter 1 is really happened, and that happened after Kamiya changed bodies, Kamiya also returned to the past, a time when Issei was still an ordinary human

the time when Kamiya switched bodies took about 100 years, that means, the time Regalzeva used to prepare against DxD was 100 years too, with all the dragon are get banished

The DxD world that Kamiya was in before and the one that Kamiya is in now look different, that's because I was thinking about the concept of parallel worlds, but Kamiya's existence is more like a "bug" in the system rather than a variable

another interesting fact is that Thirtha can turn back time with a big sacrifice

then it is possible that Thirtha has turn back the time for stopping Regalzeva conquering the DxD?

I'll leave it to your imagination 

Note: Maybe it's a bit confusing, but I'll try to find a better verse concept


 Good Night