I'm a human

The unfamiliar ceiling

I've experienced this several times, but somehow I've gotten used to it.

And if I could question anything, it would be how I ended up in Sitri's mansion.

But...that can already be answered, I was brought by Sona to be healed, and of course it's all because I'm 'Sitri'.

What can I say, since I have that name, I also have to deal with all those families, families that depend on intelligence to live. But somehow Serafall isn't like that?

"*sigh*...let's just forget about it..."

There's no end to thinking about this strange world, let's get up and look around.

The sky was originally purple both day and night, no ocean, just a lake. This place must be the underworld, no doubt about it.

I should also change my clothes... considering this is Sitri's place.

"...wait...how do they know my height?"



it's definitely grandma





 "How did you get here? Didn't you say you were busy last time?"

"Well, we finished our troublesome tasks in Tokyo, so we also wanted to visit our children~"

"I see..."

Actually, they didn't come to Sitri's family anymore after the new head of Sitri's family was appointed, but it was still a mystery why they didn't visit their children and grandchildren after such a long time.

"Grandpa, Grandma, have you met Lord Sitri and Lady Sitri?"

"Of course, they are still as intimate as when they first got married...no, they are even more intimate"

"Oh~~ what's with your face, are you jealous that they are more intimate than us?"

"Who is jealous anyway!"


This couple is really compatible

"Oh yeah, Hajime-chan, let's eat together, everyone's waiting"

While inviting me to eat, Grandma rubbed my eyes and the color returned to violet.

"Okay, and also...thank you, Grandma"

Grandma smiled softly and led me to Sitri's dining room.

And... isn't it great?

What is that long dining table for?

Are they having a banquet? This is too much food for just a few people.

Servants everywhere, oh my, is this the life of a noble?

And there I saw a dashing man with glasses and a height of about 190 centimeters, his black hair and eyes that were naturally violet, a handsome face and also a calm expression.

And when our eyes met, I lowered my head and greeted him.

"Sit down, Hajime-chan"


In front of my table, I saw Serafall and Sona eating, or rather, only Sona was eating, because Serafall kept on feeding Sona.

although Sona still refused to be fed in the end.

It is sad

As I looked around, I felt a sadness that this family would shrink in the future because of a great disaster.

"You're Hajime?"

"Yes, patriarch."

I stopped everything I was thinking and focused on Lord Sitri.

"I see....May I ask how Mother and Father met you?"

"We met Hajime when he was walking alone at night!"

Grandma excitedly explained how we first met. 

"Yes, your mother immediately approached that boy to take him home, and I was a little surprised to see her suddenly approach that innocent-looking little boy.

As he said this, Grandpa held my head and rubbed it.

And somehow it warmed my heart.

"I see... but why did you adopt him as your grandson and not as your son?"


"*sigh* back then your mother was careless to use the form old lady as a disguise and you should have known how it would go"

"Yeah...I guess I know, that's the kind of thing that describes Mom"


This is a truly harmonious family.

"I didn't think Grandma could be so careless." said Serafall

"..." Sona continued to eat

while Serafall and Grandma talked about the embarrassing things her husband and son had done, and Lord Sitri's face suddenly hardened.


Lord Sitri tried to change the subject, knowing that no good moment of his would be saved in front of his mother.

"This may sound rude, but Hajime-kun..."


"Can I know your true origin..."


I knew that this question would come soon.

"Don't feel pressured, I'm doing this to protect the Sitri family from accusations that tarnish our family's good name"

"I understand"

Yes, I also understand, no family head will calmly accept someone who suddenly uses their family name, especially when that person is human and his appearance is unclear whether he is an angel or a demon.

I looked at Grandpa and Grandma.

They both nodded as if to say it's okay.


I wipe the color-changing magic from my eyes and make direct eye contact with Lord Sitri.

"Let me introduce myself again..."

I stood up from my chair and bowed my head.

"My name is Kamiya, Hyoudou Kamiya."




Everyone looked at Sona who dropped her spoon and fork.



"You mean... Hyou..."

"Yes... I'm Hyoudou Issei's older brother."


Sona stopped and looked at me with a surprised face.

"Ho~ I wasn't expecting you to be the older brother of the Sekiryuutei owner"

Lord Sitri rubbed his chin. 

"We were separated for some reason, but now fate has brought us together again as strangers."

"I see..."

Lord Sitri seemed to think of something.

"Father, may I have a moment to speak with him?"

Sona stood up and looked at Lord Sitri for permission.


"Thank you."

Sona bows and approaches me.

"Follow me."


Sona walked out of the dining room and I bowed to Lord Sitri and then followed her.

".... destiny huh..."

While muttering this, Lord Sitri felt a strange feeling in his heart.





 "So...what do you want to talk about?"

"Don't pretend you don't know."


For some reason, it all came out like this

"Do you want to know why I hid my identity from everyone?"


"I take your silence as an answer."

Always so serious and focused.

"It is not my intention to remain silent and hide my identity forever."


"It is just that the time and conditions do not allow me to reveal my identity as Hyoudou Kamiya. As for the reason why I became a part of Sitri, it is because I made a contract with Grandmother, she said that I would become stronger with them, and the condition is that I must become her grandson".

"Then how can you, who was born as an ordinary human, become a half-race?"

"I'm neither..."

"...what do you mean..."

".... I'm neither a demon nor an angel..."

".... doesn't make sense. If you're going to lie, tell a lie that makes sense..."


I looked at Sona's face seriously, and she looked at me with a face that seemed to be changing slowly.

"I'm still a human being."

".... What the hell are you... are you a Chimera-like creature?"

"You're right, I'm like a monster now..."





After he said that he was like a monster, for some reason he suddenly looked up at the sky and fell silent.

I wonder what he was thinking, no matter how you look at it, it's impossible for a human to have both angelic and demonic wings, and the most impossible thing is how he can have both demonic and light powers in a human body at the same time.

Every human has a limit, and the only way to break that limit is to use the evil piece to reincarnate and get a stronger body to break the human limit.

But he said he was a human?

That's impossible.

"Last question..."


"What do you want to do in the future?"

"My goal..."

He who hides his identity will be exposed one day, and his true self will surely appear in this world.

Slowly, the name Hajime Sitri will disappear, and the name Hyoudou Kamiya will become his true identity again.

And when that happens, what will you do?

".... I will protect what is important to me..."


"Even if this human body is destroyed..."


"I will make sure that bad things won't happen....."


The face that looked into my eyes seemed ready to bear a heavy fate.

The person who might fight other God-made creatures, the one who might fight other powerful existences, is very calm.

He looks like a person who knows what he can do, even though he knows it seems impossible, but his struggle will not stop until he gets the results he wants.

".... is that so..."

For some reason....My lips smiled without me knowing....

"I hope you can do it..."

And my heart... pounds for a moment.


My vacation paid off with this chapter

(*  ̄︿ ̄)

Oh my gosh....I'm so tired...seriously

P.S : Good Afternoon