The Fight For The Kuoh (3)

"That's surprising, it seems you guys exorcists can fight really bravely like that."

 he stabbed the fused excalibur to the ground and smiled with great satisfaction as he watched them being tortured,

"Of course, we do this for the sake of justice and also for the sake of the teachings given by God".

Irina replied loudly and without hesitation. 

"Is that so...then are you sure that the God you serve still exists?"

"What do you mean, Fallen Angel Leader Kokabiel..." 

Kokabiel really couldn't imagine how excited he would feel when he told them this incredible truth.

"Are you still doing useless things like praying to the God?"


Zephyr and Irina were confused. 


While covering his face with one hand, Kokabiel laughed wildly and explained the truth that happened during the Great War

"whatever, I'm the one who started this war anyway..."

Irina dan Asia merasa tidak ingin mendengar kata yang akan keluar dari mulut Kokabiel, walaupun kebenaran merupakan hal yang seharusnya mereka terima, tapi kebenaran yang terlalu menyakitkan membuat siapapun tidak mau menerima apa yang mereka dengar\


"Not only the four Demon Lord, but the God himself also died, right?"


Everyone looked in the direction the voice came from, and their eyes came to a young man with black hair and violet eyes.

"Hajime-kun!?" Suzu was surprised to see Kamiya who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Kamiya also replied Suzu with a wave and he also approached Rias and the others.

"Who are you..."

Kokabiel was unhappy that his stage was stolen by a stranger, but he put that aside because he felt that this stranger was a little different.

"Hajime, Hajime Sitri, greetings, Fallen Angel Leader Kokabiel"

Kamiya introduced himself while walking forward

"Sitri? huh, as far as I know, Sitri doesn't have dirty mixed blood like you!"

Kokabiel knew that Sitri was a family of pure-blooded demons, there was no way Kamiya who had angel wings could be one of Sitri's.

"'re right, but I'm already part of their family, at least for now"

Kamiya was at the very front to protect Issei and his already exhausted friends

"You....wait, what do you mean by God also died in the Great War!?"

Xenovia asked with her emotions out of control


Kamiya remained silent for a while and explained briefly

"In that war, the three factions that fought lost their greatest strength, in which not only the four Demon Kings, but the God that you worshiped also died. And if you don't believe it, then it's normal, every prayer you offer has been managed by Archangel Michael-sama. I admire him."

"That can't be true! You must be lying!"

Irina who heard that fact did not believe what Kamiya said right away, Asia even began to lose consciousness when she heard that God was dead. Meanwhile, Zephyr and Xenovia were trying to calm themselves down


Kokabiel couldn't help but laugh when he saw the Exorcists start to suffer and their faith was disrupted.

"But it's a bit strange, how did you know that?"


everyone also began to realize how Kamiya knows that God is dead. 

"... well, how about you guess it?"

"'KUHAHAHAHA, INTERESTING YOUNG DEMON! hey, how about partnering with me? I can give you strength and power for you half demon?"

" Oh~"

Kamiya held his chin and looked like he was thinking

"That's an interesting suggestion"


Kokabiel was intrigued by this young demon who seemed very knowledgeable.

"But I'm sorry, I have to refuse it."


Valper who was guarded by several fallen angels yelled at Kamiya for refusing Kokabiel's invitation

"...ah~ so noisy, can you give that fat priest to me? I want to kill him." 

 Kamiya closed his eyes while covering both ears to provoke Valper's anger

"You can take him if you want" 


 "Thank you!"

Valper was surprised by Kokabiel's unexpected reply

"Come here"

Kamiya snapped his fingers and over his shoulder appeared a small black projectile with a faint hint of blue

"Before that, Valper Galilei..." 

 Kamiya knew what Valper had in mind

"Light and Darkness are indeed two different elements, but from the beginning, they were not separated and guarded by God or whatever" 

 "...what do you mean! It's obvious that Light and Darkness are elements that have been separated and kept in balance by God!" 

 " seems you misunderstood something"



 Valper was silent and Kokabiel at the side was intrigued by Kamiya's thoughts

"Since the beginning, Light and Darkness have never been separated, just because the two elements are united, it doesn't mean that God is gone..." 

 "So you're saying that God is still alive!?" 

 Valper who wanted to get the answer immediately came forward and waited for Kamiya's reply


Kamiya looked up at the distorted sky

"I'm sure...the God you serve is dead..."

"Then what do you mean-"

"but...the God I know is an existence that is willing to save the lives of souls that should be exterminated from this world..."

" nonsense!"


Kamiya looked at Zephyr, Irina and Xenovia while saying

"You don't have to worry about a world without God..."


"Even if God didn't exist, this world would still be a beautiful place..."

With a gentle smile, Kamiya turned to look at Valper and Kokabiel again.

"I've explained my opinion, let's end this."


Kokabiel couldn't stop being amazed by the young demon in front of him.

"Alright, I think so too"

Kokabiel then flew into the sky and spread out his wings.

"Then, show me the power you have, young demon!"

"...I can't show you all..."


Kokabiel was confused by that answer

"If I do that, my soul will be destroyed."

Raising both of his hands, Kamiya sighed and looked very disappointed.

"But I can still counter your light with something!"


Kokabiel made a medium-sized spear of light, then he raised it high and extended it.

" usual..."

Kamiya then turned around and walked towards Xenovia

"Can I lend your sword?"

"...You mean this sword?"

What Xenovia showed was the sword Kiba made with his Sword Birth.

"No, no, but your real holy sword"

"...don't tell me..."

"yes, the holy sword, Durandal"


Irina and Zephyr were shocked, how did Kamiya know that Xenovia had Durandal with her?

"That's impossible"


"You are not the true wielder of the Holy Sword!"


Yes, he knew, but would Kamiya also do it for no reason? Of course not.

"Then do you want this city to be destroyed with you in it?"


Xenovia didn't know what this demon was thinking, he forced Xenovia to give him Durandal even though it was impossible for him to use Durandal, but right now, the situation was very urgent, no matter what his plan was, Kamiya should already have a way out.

in the end, Xenovia took out Durandal from another dimension and gave it to Kamiya

and when Kamiya held it in his hands

"'s more untamed than I expected"


Xenovia and the others were surprised to see how Kamiya was handling Durandal casually.

"You...aren't you a demon-"

"hm...let's discuss that another time"

Kamiya walks over to Issei while holding Durandal in his right hand

"Issei, can you still give me a Boosted Gift?"


Issei hesitated for a moment, but Ddraig didn't feel any objection or suspicion towards Kamiya, so Issei decided to trust Kamiya. 


"Boosted Gear Gift"




"Asia, come here!"

"What the..."

Aurion held Asia who was almost blown away by the blast of power that Kamiya released, meanwhile, Rias couldn't believe there was a demon with this much aura and power, the blast of power alone was enough to make some of them shiver 


"With hard work and pain"

Kamiya held Durandal tightly and attempted a normal slash towards the gymnasium




"...what was that?"

Xenovia trembled as she saw the true power of Durandal, and what was most surprising was how Kamiya could wield and control that much power. And not to be missed by others, Sona who was outside the barrier was surprised and wondered what explosion had just happened

"hm....I think this is enough"

Kamiya then walked to Kokabiel who was waiting. 

"Are you ready to die?" mock Kokabiel

"Yeah, sorry to keep you waiting"

Kamiya and Kokabiel laughed at each other, but Kamiya made the final preparation, which was to infuse Light Power into Durandal, this made Durandal twice as strong with the additional Boosted from Issei.

Even this power is on par with the Satan-Class Devil.


Kokabiel threw a huge spear of Light at Kamiya, seeing that, Kokabiel was confident that he could destroy this city and its entire population.

However, Kamiya simply closed his eyes and focused on launching his strike. 





Everything seemed to have slowed down

Kokabiel's powerful attack....the flow of magic....the movement of everyone....even....I feel like the world has stopped...only I could move...

This body was filled with so much Light Power...

I can feel my body that was covered in green aura... now it's mixed with a golden aura..."

And it looks like I can really do it... Hold Durandal with both hands... Position the sword on the left and then angling the position of the sword as if it were going to be slashing....

Let the Light Power flow towards Durandal...and let the sword echoing in the sky






One rapid slash

Other from that, Kokabiel saw nothing else.

He was lying on the ground looking at the sky again...but the difference is...the sky had a huge crack in it.

he couldn't feel his lower body

While looking at what happened to his lower body, Kokabiel saw the young demon holding Durandal in his right arm. His appearance was very different, with dark black hair, angel wings on his right back that stretched out with a very radiant white color, and then his blue eyes that were like the sky.

Kokabiel finally understands

he was defeated, without even recognizing it

He thought about what would happen to the world with a monster that hadn't grown up yet but had powers that surpassed his expectations.

and when he realized that he was about to disappear, Kokabiel left a short sentence saying

"You monster..."


Is That All!!??



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P.S : Good Night