Venture wastelands

Trialist Point Ranking -

1.E066666 :171 points

2.E056696 : 61 Points

3.E004560 : 53 Points

4.E002568 : 49 Points

5.E007288 : 47 Points

6.E000001 : 46 Points

7.E009285 : 43 Points

8.E008184 : 42 Points

9.E001239 : 40 Points

10.E00277 : 39 Points


The top 100 trialists were shown on the list, and naturally, he was at the top of the list with a huge lead with 171 points.

He managed to earn more points due to the demonic beast tide, as he killed many demonic beasts while running and managed to increase his points.

Everyone also looked at the ranking, but they were not surprised by the top ranker's points, as the person managed to win 10 matches, so naturally his points would be high. As for the others in the top ten ranking, there is not much difference in their points, and there is Neck-and-neck competition between them.

And there is one more piece of news: now if someone wants to stay in the city, he has to pay 3 points, so the body-refining martial artists who did not go outside to hunt and earn points cannot stay in the city.

With that different notification received by everyone, Jiang Chen also received a notification: "Do you want to use 3 points to stay in the city [Yes/No]".

Without much thought, he paid 3 points. The majority of the martial artists did that, but there are many who did not have enough points or had no points; they received different notifications. And Yu Tianhao is one of them.

Yu Tianhao checked the notification: " Trialist E156785 you do not have enough points to stay in the city; if trialist do not leave within fifteen minutes, you will be forced to teleport outside the city". Knowing this, he became anxious and afraid, as he did not know what to do.

Both Jiang Chen and his uncle understand the situation. And then Jiang Chen said "It looks like you cannot stay in the city, but don't worry, as I will also go outside with you and help you hunt some demonic beasts so that you can have enough points to stay in the city".

Hearing his new master's words, he calmed down a little and nodded.

Then, without wasting any time, all three of them moved quickly and went outside the city. They moved quickly, and after a few minutes, they arrived a few miles from the city, as they did not want to meet other martial artists and have conflict with them.

As they are a small group of only three, other martial artists can target them outside the city, so they moved quickly.

Jiang Chen then looked at Yu Tianhao and said, "I will severely injure the demonic beast, then you just need to deal the finishing blow to it, okay, and while I fight with demonic beasts, your uncle will protect you." As he said, he glanced at Yu Tianhao's uncle, and Yu Tianhao nodded his head with understanding.

After that, Jiang Chen uses his divine sense to sense his surroundings, as he does not want to be careless in this dangerous wasteland.

And then they slowly started to move. Very quickly, they encountered their first demonic beast, and luckily, it was only an early second-grade demonic beast. The moment it appeared in front of them, its strong and ferocious aura engulfed them.

Both Yu Tianhao and his uncle felt the pressure and strength of this demonic beast, especially Yu Tianhao, as he is not only a weak body-refining realm martial artist but also timid and inexperienced. So Jiang Chen made a quick move with his finger and shot a sword qi, which directly broke the defense of the demonic beast as it was paper and gravely injured it.

Seeing how easily Jiang Chen subdued the demonic beast, Both Yu Tianhao and his uncle were shocked beyond words. They did not expect Jiang Chen to be this strong, as even a seventh-level innate realm martial artist may not necessarily be able to injure these demonic beasts with a simple sword qi.

And then Jiang Chen gave a signal to Yu Tianhao to kill it. Yu Tianhao sees this, slowly takes a deep breath, and takes his sword from its sheath with nervousness, shaking hands and slowly mumbling, "You can do it! You can do it! There is nothing to be afraid of," and then he came closer to the demonic beast.

Even after the beast was injured, its ferocious, bloody aura did not diminish, so he still felt afraid, so he closed his eyes and stabbed the beast with all his strength. Even after that, it did not die quickly; it wriggled in pain for a few seconds releasing a strong killing intent and then finally died.

Slowly, Yu Tianhao opened his eyes, as his body was still shaking, and looked at the beasts that died, then took back his sword that impaled this beast.

And then he checked his points and saw that they had increased from the original '0 ' to '1', which finally made him feel better.

At the same time, Jiang Chen saw that Yu Tianhao could obtain points like that and felt relieved; otherwise, it would be difficult for this kid to survive outside in this wasteland.

So after knowing, they did not stop and tried to find some more demonic beasts to hunt, and in a few hours they managed to hunt a few demonic beasts, and Yu Tianhao's points were increased from '1' to '5, and Jiang Chen even helped Yu Tianhao's uncle to get some points, as the night before he only managed to get '3' points and hurt himself badly, which he already used today and had no points left.

As they were looking around and hunting demonic beasts, suddenly Jiang Chen's Divine sense felt something out of the ordinary, and his embryonic sword intent became restless.

And then he looked at that side, but to his surprise, in that direction there was a small mountain that was emitting a weak sword intent that only those who understood sword intent could feel.

Seeing this, a thought appeared in his mind: "Could this place have some relic or treasure left by a strong swordsman".