Silently Returning to Clan

"What do you mean?" Senior Xiao Yi asks, as he still does not feel safe or understand Jiang Chen's intention. "Senior does not need to feel nervous, as I just want to ask senior to join my sect," Jiang Chen said.

Hearing the words from Jiang Chen, senior Xiao Yi felt a little better as long as he did not kill him, but he wanted to know more and if there would be restrictions on him. "Sect, can I ask which sect it is?" senior Xiao Yi asked.

"If senior is thinking that I came from a famous sect, then I am sorry to disappoint, as the sect I am from is the sect that I just established, 'Divine Sword Sect', and I want senior to become elder of my sect. Don't worry, senior, there won't be much restriction on senior and I will not force senior to do something that is beyond senior capabilities or something that hurts senior's conscience".

"What new sect", He was surprised that such a strong person did not come from a strong sect. He started to think "I should join this sect anyway with this person's strength; even a newly created sect will become strong quickly, and he even said he will give me a better inheritance; it is worth taking a risk".

"Okay, I am willing to join the sect", Senior Xiao Yi finally said as he made up his mind.

And at that moment, system notification is heard in Jiang Chen's mind [Assessment task: Recruit three elders of the innate realm for the sect (2/3)].

"Then, senior will be the second elder of our sect," Jiang Chen said with a big smile.

"Second elder, Ahh, and sect master did not need to call me senior; it felt weird," Xiao Yi said and thought, this sect master still thinking to act like a young man when he may be older than me.

"It's alright; you are senior; naturally, I have to give that respect." Jiang Chen said these words from the bottom of his heart.

But for senior Xiao Yi, feel weird and ask, "Sect master, can I ask how old you are? It's okay if you do not want to tell".

"It's alright; what's there to hide about? I am eighteen right now", Jiang Chen said without any thought.

"What? Eighteen! Not eighty! Senior Xiao Yi shouted as he lost control of his voice. Seeing the shocked expression, Jiang Chen naturally understood that his strength did not really match his age, at least in the spiritual kingdom. "It's eighteen," Jiang Chen said with a smile.

But senior Xiao Yi could not believe it;but there is no need to lie. He cannot wonder what kind of monster has the strength of at least the sixth or seventh layer of the spirit master realm at the age of eighteen. The spiritual kingdom never had such a talented martial artist, and even all nearby kingdoms would not have such demon-like talented martial artists.

But after the shock, he became happy, as now he had joined a sect of such talented martial artists who will definitely become king realm martial artists and become a true overlord of this region, as later even spirit master realm martial artists or many third-rank professionals will find it difficult to join.

So he was really glad. "Now then, where are we going now? Is it back to the sect or any other place? senior Xiao Yi asked.

After hearing his age, the loyalty of senior Xiao Yi has reached '82' points, which is quite high, so there will be no problems in the future. "No, before going to the sect, we needed to go to another place", Jiang Chen said, and then they quickly collected all the treasure, and he remembered the cave beside the spirit tree as he will come back when he has sufficient strength, then both move out of the cave and the mansion and leave the thousand beasts forest.

They then moved towards the star meteor city to meet his clan members and his family, as even though he sent a letter, they would still be worried about him. But the main reason is that he wanted to meet his first ancestor and make him his sect elder.

Before, he did not think about it, and as there are restrictions and only a single person from a clan can become an elder, overall it would not be much help to him as he wanted some special talent in various fields of professions to be his sect elder, but his first ancestor is different; he is talented and strong, but for some reason he cannot breakthrough.

As the reward given by the system is something he needed, something that the sect required, or something for a disciple, one thing is sure: the system provides things that are needed most at that time, like the cultivation technique for his first disciple, who needed a special technique for his devouring body. So, if his first ancestor joins the sect, maybe the reward for this task will be something that can help his ancestor.

So he decided to ask his first ancestor to join his sect and try to see if he could get something that would help his first ancestor.

After two days of travelling, they appeared near the star meteorite city. But this time entering, he did not use the original token of the Jiang Clan but bought the black iron token that is used for temporary stays, as even after a month there will be a few spies from different forces eyeing the major clan and forces of the star meteorite city.

But now with his strength, those low-level spies with such weak strength cannot find him if he tries to hide, and so he left senior Xiao Yi in an inn and silently came into the Jiang Mansion without anyone noticing him he went to his parents courtyard, as his mother will still be feeling anxious about his safety.