Two Guests

Jiang Chen slowly watched as the three of them left. "It's time to train," and with that thought, he disappeared and appeared inside the 'Tower of God' and quietly started to deduce and understand different intents based on many martial arts and techniques.

Slowly, the noise made by the divine sword sect calmed down, and the southern region regained its peace, but now everyone knows that there are not three but four top sects in the southern region.

Even though 'Divine Sword Sect 'has just been established, it still at least has two late-stage spirit realm masters, which makes them strong enough to rival the other three top sects. So no one takes this new sect lightly, and it also sits in the position of one of the top sects.

Almost ten days have passed since the 'Divine Sword Sect' accepted disciples, and now the White Floating City is less crowded, but still, there is some increase in its population.

As the city lord has joined the sect and becomes a city under the divine sword sect, Elder Xiao Yi and Elder Zhong Wenshu are opening pill stores and arranging different formations throughout the city.

As the nearest city to the sect, White Floating City is very important and can be a good source of income for the sect. So both of them are quite busy these days.

But today something happened as two strong half-step spirit master realms appeared at the foot of the mountain and explained that the reason for coming here was to join their sect.

"Let them come in," Jiang Chen was interested to know for what reason they wanted to join his sect.

Moments later, two people appeared in the main hall: a young man in his mid-twenties and a woman of similar age. The young man had a resolute expression sharp jawline, and a chiseled stone and the girl had big black hair with emerald eyes.

He looked at both of them with interest, especially the young man, as it was the first time he saw anyone except him in the innate realm, who understood sword intent.

Yes, this person had understood a rare sword intent, for other martial artists it might be difficult to feel it but he who understood rare slaughter sword intent can feel the sharp hidden aura in him. He used his eye of insight on both of them.

[Lin Xuan]

[Age: 26]

[Martial Art Realm: Half-Step Spirit Master]

[Physique: None]

[Loyalty: 76]

[Martial Art Talent: 47]

[Innate Talent: Sword Heart]

[Bloodline: Desolate Sword King]

[Profound Truth/Intent: Desolate Sword Intent (First Layer Entry Realm)]

[Martial Art Cultivation Technique: Desolate Sword Sutra (Remnant)]

[Martial Art: Swords of Desolate Heaven (Entry Level)] One-point slash (perfection),

Three layered Slash ( Perfection), Sword Steps ( great accomplishment)]


[Lin Ruyu]

[Age: 25]

[Martial Art Realm: Half-Step Spirit Master]

[Physique: Spirit Flame Body]

[Loyalty: 75]

[Martial Art Talent: 46]

[Innate talent: None]

[Bloodline: Flame Spirit King]

[Profound Truth/Intent: Embryonic Fire Intent]

[Profession: Low-Third-Rank Weapon Refiner]

[Martial Art Cultivation Technique: Burning Earth Technique, Flame Tempering Refining


[Martial Art: Soul-Burning Lotus Fire ( Entry Level)] Fireball ( Perfection), Flame dragon (

Perfection), Flame Butterfly Dance (Great Accomplishment)

"Ohh!, A natural swordsman and a weapon refiner."Looking at both of them, he could not help but feel happy. If they both joined his sect, then it would be really good, as their talent or strength is really exceptional.

Especially the weapon refining master, as he needed it for completing the sect upgrade task, but the swordsman is also important, as ironically speaking, even though he named his sect 'divine sword sect' except him, nobody in the sect is a real swordsman and even his two direct disciples did not use swords, so another swordsman for the sect is also good.

When he was watching these two, they were also looking at Jiang Chen and were trying to understand his strength.

But no matter what method they use, they cannot see anything, as he is covered in some mysterious, unfathomable power, which horrifies them.

They were not from a backward place like the Spiritual Kingdom but came from another domain, where King Realm martial are common, and there are even many who surpassed King Realm. They had seen many strong martial artists of the king realm, but even they did not give them such a profound feeling.

They felt as if they were not seeing a human being but a celestial being that shoulders the heavens and earth.

Jiang Chen also saw their shocked faces and smiled internally, "It looks like the fish is hooked."

With the help of the [Infinite Cosmos Sutra], he created the mysterious, fathomless aura. As the [Infinite Cosmos Sutra] is cultivated to a high level, he can become the cosmos himself, the ruler of the universe, so it is not surprising if these two felt they were facing heaven and earth.

"So you two wanted to join the sect?" Jiang Chen asked, which snapped them out of their thoughts.

"Yes, Lord, we wanted to join the Divine Sword Sect," both of them said, feeling a little nervous. They really felt great pressure from this mysterious sect master.

Oh, why join my sect? With both of your talents, you can easily join the 'dream soul sect', the strongest sect in the whole spiritual kingdom."

"Instead, you two come to join my just-established small sect in the southern region?" he asked as he glanced at the two of them.

Hearing the question, they both did not know how to answer.

They were originally from the Red Sun domain, but because of the catastrophe of their clan, they had to leave their family. One of their ancestors used his life to deduce a way for the survival of their clan.

But the deduction only showed him a few words: 'Desolate Domain Divine Sword Sect', and so their ancestors used every means to send them to the desolate domain, where they both travelled for more than three years, searched different continents, and finally heard about the divine sword sect.