Domain Battle

Few of them were the only ones who were impressive; there were also some outside of the Destiny palace who were also quite strong and understood strong martial intent.

He also understood a little bit of the vastness of the universe, as there are so many talented martial artists in this small area in the southern part of Altair City, not to mention the whole of Altair City and the other nine virtual cities.

How many talented martial artists will there be if they are all combined? There are still numerous races in the universe, and with all of them taken together, the number will be unimaginable.

But this did not dim his confidence but made him expectant of the time when he and his sect would stand proudly in the whole universe, looking at the vast stars.

After all of this saying goodbye and exchanging contacts, he later returned to the real world.

He slowly opened his eyes in his place, and as he learned many new things, he was ready to continue his closed-door training, but Elder Xiao Yi suddenly came to visit.

"Come in", and immediately elder Xiao Yi entered and bowed.

"What's matter, is something happening?", Jiang asked, as it was rare for elders to visit him.

"Sect master, it is indeed important; there is actual news about the domain battle."

"Domain Battle" Jiang Chen was surprised when he heard this as he read from an ancient book that every thousand years there will be domain battles to determine domain ranks, and according to the ranks, different domains will get heaven's blessing, which will increase the luck, heaven and earth aura of the domain for a thousand years.

So the domain battle is crucial as it determines the future for the next thousand years of the whole domain.

It is also the biggest stage for geniuses from various domains to show their strength and talent.

"What about Domain Battle?" he asked.

"Sect master, there is news that two months later, in the capital, they will select the thirty most talented geniuses of the three different age groups who will represent the Spiritual Kingdom in the Divine Domain main selection."

"Three age groups; what are those groups?"

Elder Xiao Yi instantly said, "Sect master, according to age, they have divided the martial artists into three groups."

"The first group are the youngest geniuses under the age of twenty-five.'

"The second group of martial artists are the geniuses between the ages of twenty-five and fifty."

Finally, the third group of martial artists are those aged between fifty and a hundred years.

"Oh," he heard and nodded, as this three-age group is the most crucial time for any genius martial artist. After reaching the age of 100, most martial artists mature, and their paths become set at this time. So the battle for this age group is indeed correct.

"Okay, then for these two months, double the resources and pills for all disciples in the sect and tell them that after two months, we will select the ten strongest among the disciples who will represent our sect in the capital."

Also, please tell Elder Zhong Wenshu to start refining the ancient pills for the improvement of disciples so that they can perform better in the upcoming domain battle.

"Yes, Sect Master,", Elder Xiao Yi nodded and left the place.

During these three months, because of the good inheritance he bought, not only did Elder Zhong Wenshu's alchemy realm increase, but it also contained many different and ancient, unknown pill recipes that were many times better than ordinary pills.

As their ingredients were rarer, it took them quite a while to acquire the materials, but now they already had most of the ingredients for first and second-rank pills, which could be used by the disciples to increase their strength quickly.

This domain battle is also important for his sect to reach a whole new level. He thought of participating as he was just about to become nineteen and could participate in the first category, but he gave up after thinking for a moment that, as a sect master, if he joined with his disciples, it would become weird. What more? He wanted to maintain the mysterious image of the outside world.

Most importantly, even if he won and became champion, he would get nothing worth so much trouble, as no matter what the rewards are for champions, they cannot be better than his system's rewards, so it is just a waste of time and might create troubles for him if he stands out too much.

So it is enough for the disciples of his sect to participate and show good results.

Ye Feng and Yu Tianhao are already in the late stage of innate and have the strength to battle the spirit master realm, so they are sure to be in the top thirty or top ten, but if they want to go higher and achieve good results in the main battle of the divine continent, their current strength would not be enough as there will be all the geniuses from all over the continent, and their strength will be among the lowest group.

So in these two months, he had to train them hard and make them break through the spirit master realm, then they might have some chance.

He made up his mind and immediately called his two disciples.

And a moment later, both disciples appeared in front of him. "Greetings, Master," and they bowed in front of him.

Jiang Chen looked at them and nodded, as he could see they were not slacking. "Okay, good, stand up."

Just now, Elder Xiao Yi informed me of a great opportunity for you to meet and know geniuses from all over the world.

"You have two months to prepare for the biggest event in a thousand years, so for that, I am going to teach you everything in these two months, and what you can achieve will depend on your creation."

And without wasting any more time, they enter the tower of God, where he will preach and clear their doubts about cultivation techniques and their martial intent.