Monochrome Universe

In this world, along with normal people exist monochromes.

- Monochromes are the people who lack the ability to see various colors around them. The world is visible to them only in black and white and different shades of the two.

- They are generally pitted on by others as they cannot experience even the basic joys of life.

- There is only one way through which they can gain the ability to see colors and that is to find their chrome.

A Chrome is just like any other ordinary person. But they become extraordinary when they come in contact with their monochrome.

- A Chrome's presence grants a monochrome the ability to experience colors.

- They often are referred to as a soul-mate or fated-mate of a monochrome as only due to their presence a monochrome can see the world in color.

When a monochrome comes in contact with his chrome he experiences a color rush. It is a phenomenon or the process where the monochrome can start seeing different colors. This process can be highly exhaustive for the monochrome initially.

Symptoms of a color rush can vary from but are not limited to,

- breathlessness, painful seizers throughout the body, losing consciousness, momentary blinding of eyes and exhaustion. As more time pass by, the mono will get use to the process.

The chrome's presence around them enables them to see various colors. The more they stay together, the longer the monochrome can experience colors. So even if the chrome isn't around them for some time, they are about to see the colors.

But if the time period of separation extends too much, the monochrome slips back into the black-white-grey color palette.

Since the chrome's presence enables a monochrome to see colors, monochromes have a tendency to get obsessive and possessive towards their chrome. These negative tendencies often lead to criminal activities enacted by a monochrome on the chrome.

To make the adjusting process easier for both the parties, a counselor is appointed to them who communicates about what the other party is comfortable with and what can be done in future for both of them.

A chrome can lead a normal life without their monochrome. But same cannot be said for the monochrome.

Hence a chrome is regarded as a soul-mate of the monochrome and often they end up in a romantic relationship.


The concept of this novel is based on the Korean Bl "Color Rush". Although instead of using the word Probe I've used the word Chrome.