Something evil is cooking?!

Rajat tapped his feet frantically as he waited for the elevator to reach the top floor where his boss resides. For the past 2 days his employer was not being his usual self. And since yesterday he wasn't picking up Rajat's call either. So Rajat had no other option but to go to his boss's house, to make sure that that grown-ass man was fine. Nothing was more infuriating to him than babysitting a 30 year old man-child.

The elevator finally reached his employer's penthouse and Rajat made his way towards the front door. Putting in the passcode, he hurried inside to see what his boss was upto.

Pin drop silence greeted Rajat. The furrows on his forehead became more apparent as his mind tried to determine what could have happened to his employer. Rajat would never admit this but deep down he really cared for Dhiraj. Even though he was 3 years younger than Dhiraj, his brain saw Dhiraj more as his younger sibling whom he had to protect from falling. So despite Dhiraj's arrogant behavior, this man always stood by his side.

And now that Dhiraj hasn't contacted him for a whole day, despite trying to be calm, internally Rajat was panicking.

He looked around Dhiraj's hallway but the man was nowhere to be seen. He called out, "Sir?!"

~No answer

Slowly Rajat made his way to the room, he knew Dhiraj would be in. On reaching the door, he gave a knock. "Can I enter sir?"

Moments pass by and then a faint voice was heard, "yes"

Rajat opened the door. That was Dhiraj's office and working area in his house. He spent most of his time there and would only go to his bed to sleep. Especially when Dhiraj had to think about something, he paced back and forth inside the office. Knowing the quirks of his employer, Rajat knew where he had to go.

Dhiraj laid on the sofa, blankly staring at the ceiling. It seemed as if he hadn't left that place for a very long time.

"You haven't been coming to the office for the past 2 days. You know that will cause problems in the work flow right?" Rajat stated the obvious.


"And you know you should avoid causing such hindrance?"


Dhiraj replied in a tone that was devoid of all energy. Rajat knew the problem was serious.

"Care to share what the problem is?"

And Rajat was also sure that it was something to do with his employer's latest interests.

Dhiraj replied with a monotone, " In a really hospitable and nice way.....he told me to fuck off"

*Sigh. Rajat knew this would happen some or the other day.

"You must've pushed him on to the edge. That's why he did that."

"THAT IS NOT TRUE" Dhiraj whined like a child as his inner child took over.

Usually, Dhiraj liked to be perceived as a charismatic, witty and a 'can't-be-fooled-easily" type of guy. He made sure to behave, talk and showcase himself in a manner that would mesmerize people. But things were different when it came to Rajat.

Unlike his usual self, he could be a complaining, whiny brat in front of Rajat. He had nothing to fake and just could be his authentic self. Rajat never really judged him and always found ways to work through with his different personas. 6 years of working together had built a trust in between them that wasn't easily shakable. So Dhiraj now whining in front of Rajat wasn't anything new to him.

Letting out a dramatic heavy sigh, Rajat asked Dhiraj, "Tell me what exactly happened.

Dhiraj narrated the events that took place 2 days ago. About how he was first welcomed and then kicked out by Nakul.

"Well, too bad. There's nothing we can do. You did stalk him." Rajat concluded.

"What? Isn't it unfair? I LOVE HIM" Dhiraj cried out loud.

'Isn't it just your infatuation with monochromes that is making you say that?' Rajat couldn't help but question his Boss's declarations.

"Are you sure?" he questioned Dhiraj.

"Why the fuck won't you believe me?" Dhiraj picked up the glass on the table in front of him and smashed it on the floor.

Dhiraj can always control his anger well, so him losing his control? Rajat knew things were different this time.

Realizing what he just did, Dhiraj quickly apologized, "Sorry".

Rajat just kept on observing the man, contemplating if he should help Dhiraj or not. The man in front of him was strong willed, not ready to budge no matter how many people tried to take away his accolades from him.

He recalled why he decided to follow that man in the first place. Dhiraj shone so bright just like the sun that Rajat couldn't help but walk after him. And now seeing the same man in such a state of dejection, Rajat knew he had to step in.

"Show him-'' Rajat began in this calm voice. "Show him how beautiful the world is when he is with you. So much so that he can't go back to his monotone life. Become his comfort zone, that he can't imagine getting out of."

Dhiraj let those words sink in. But still was unsure about it.

"Do you think that's possible?" he questioned Rajat.

"It's in our very human nature. If something becomes our comfort zone, going back to how things were earlier.....becomes impossible. Just show him how vibrant life is, when he is with you. And he can find that ONLY with you." Rajat reinforced his theory.

"Wow, you sound like an evil mastermind." jokingly, Dhiraj couldn't help but point that out.

"Yeah. objectively speaking, making someone depended on you in a way that they can't stand on their own IS evil-"

Rajat was a brutally honest man. He cannot sugar coat things just because it might hurt someone. And therefore, he cannot ignore the different implications, good or bad, of a situation. That was specifically the reason why Dhiraj made Rajat his right-hand man(?!).

"But-" Rajat took a pause before continuing, "in this situation what will determine whether this is evil or not.....depends upon you. If I had a feeling you would be misusing this and harming Nakul, I wouldn't have shared this with you sir."

"Yeah. I'll give the world to my baby" a determined Dhiraj proclaimed, showing off his silly grin.

* * *