Nakul participates in the Battle

The little games of Dhiraj were in full swing. He didn't leave even a tiny opportunity to tease Nakul. And for the most part it seemed to work. Nakul was getting visibly frustrated. His ogling of Dhiraj had increased. What Dhiraj also couldn't help but notice was that Nakul had started wearing shorter clothes. Earlier, when Nakul mostly wore sweatpants and baggy shirts, he had now turned to boxers and tank tops. Dhiraj even tried asking Nakul about it.

"You are into boxers now?"

"Yeah. Do you realize how hot it gets here?" Nakul dismissed him off quickly.

Now Dhiraj wasn't sure if that was in fact the actual reason for the change. Especially keeping in mind that the weather hadn't really been that different. A part of him did slightly hope that HE was the reason for that change. He was getting impatient now. Hopefully his baby will reward him soon!!

* * *

It was evening. Nakul opened the fridge and took out a bottle of juice to drink. He tried to open the bottle but the cap was jammed. He tried some more but his efforts went in vain. That's when he felt a figure towering him from behind.

"It's not opening?" A voice whispered in his ears. It was close. Dangerously close. It belonged to the man, who he was lately frustrated with. Apparently, Nakul couldn't help but feel....something was off. This man purposely did things that would make his heart pick up pace. And lately Nakul could just feel that man was up to something. Making fun and teasing him intentionally.

"I can help" That man, Dhiraj, whispered some more. By then, he knew that his voice definitely made Nakul feel some type of way.

"I'll do it myself," An agitated Nakul blurted out. He put in more strength but the cap didn't open.

"Hey..hey...slow down...." Dhiraj put his arms around Nakul hugging him from behind, as he held Nakul's hand along with the bottle. He intentionally made his whispers softer than before.

"....slow down...or will spill..." he traced Nakul's fingers with his, "and if it spills...your clothes will get all wet..." His nose nuzzled slightly into Nakul's ears. And Dhiraj's eyes fell on Nakul's neck.

'Don't. Resist yourself.' Dhiraj reminded himself that the time was not yet. But the nape of Nakul's neck was telling him to give into the sweet sweet temptation. Dhiraj absolutely loved biting onto Nakul's neck. But again, it wasn't the time yet. He still had to push his baby a bit more.

"We don't want you to get wet right?" Dhiraj teased Nakul more with a low raspy voice, "especially when we both know that there are some other interesting ways to get you all wet...." Dhiraj finally opened the bottle.

Without asking Nakul, he drank a sip from the bottle. Nakul was still lost in thoughts. Dhiraj handed over the bottle to Nakul and turned to leave. But not before giving off his classic smirk as he whispered, "I hope you enjoy your drink"

'He knows.' Nakul finally figured it out. He knows I pretend to forget. 'And that's why he's trying to drive me nuts.'

Now although Dhiraj predicted that once Nakul is driven into a corner, he would just admit and come clean. Nakul had different plans. Dhiraj had clearly underestimated how mad Nakul could get. And how his anger will only turn into retaliation.

'You think you can play these little games with me, smug face?! Guess what, I'll show you how frustrating things can get.'

* * *

It was a weekend but Dhiraj was in more hurry than usual as he desperately had to rush to his office. But that day, his tie had no plan to cooperate with him. He had tried tying it several times but it just wouldn't sit properly. He was ready to give up and rush to the office without a tie when his mind told him that this adversity can be turned into an opportunity. And so, he made his move.

"Nakul!!!" He screamed on top of his lungs. A minute later Nakul came into his room.


"This tie just won't sit right. Can you do it for me..?!"

Without giving much thought to it, Nakul stood in front of Dhiraj, tying the silvery-gray tie. Dhiraj let out a smile. If only that scene would repeat everyday. And that's when Nakul caught him smiling. He understood Dhiraj's intentions and that set him off the edge. What should've been just a boring task of tying a tie had slowly turned into...something else.

Nakul stood awfully close to Dhiraj. Taking his time to get the task done. Dhiraj had suddenly forgotten the urgency to rush to his office. Instead what he could focus on was how close Nakul stood in front of him. He started to feel the sudden impulse of pulling Nakul closer to him. Close enough that their chest pressed together as Dhiraj would then slowly place a light kiss on his baby's lips. Followed by a trail of equally soft kisses from the corner of Nakul's lips to his eyes, then ears and finally his collar bones.

'Fuck. Not yet.' Dhiraj steadied his thoughts. He desperately wished that the day would come soon when Nakul would finally be honest with himself and they can together. He smiled at that thought. And that's when his eyes met Nakul's.

Oblivious to Dhiraj's little wish, Nakul got agitated looking at that smile. 'This guy really loves teasing me. I'm just gonna give him a taste of his own medicine.' So once the tie was done tying, Nakul started lightly grazing over Dhiraj's shirt. Pretending as if he was swiping away dust particles, he touched places he never would have.

Starting from Dhiraj's collar bones, to his shoulders then going all the way to his back. Then the lower back and coming back to....the chest. Dhiraj's chest was indeed soft...'like a pillow.' The well fitted pale light blue linen shirt did do justice to those pecs. His fingers hovered over the chest and then, he had an impulsive yearning to rub Dhiraj's nipples. And he did.

Dhiraj shuttered at that unexpected touch. His breathing pacing up. The last thing he expected was Nakul suddenly becoming.....proactive. But Nakul was too lost in his own thoughts, while staring hard at 'em pecs. His eyes met Dhiraj and he could feel a dumbfounded Dhiraj from those eyes. He couldn't help but feel a sense of win. Yes!! He successfully left Dhiraj baffled!! So that little win only pushed Nakul more.

Picking up the deep blue blazer, he helped Dhiraj put it on. Dhiraj simply followed what Nakul did, too startled by his baby's actions. Once Dhiraj had worn the blazer, Nakul focused his attention on slightly grassing it as well in an attempt to tease Dhiraj.

"Your tailor has done a good job. Suits do suit you quite well." Nakul remarked with a sly smile on his face. It was then that Dhiraj picked up on what Nakul was doing.

And so he took a deliberate step closer to Nakul. As he lightly held Nakul's waist, he whispered, "I think it's you whom they suit better. You will just sexy wearing a suit...." he brought his lips even closer to Nakul as he whispered, "My mind is going crazy just by thinking about it...."

A flush of red swept across Nakul's cheeks. And looking at Nakul blushing hard, Dhiraj couldn't get prouder of himself. But before Nakul could snap something in retaliation, Dhiraj's phone buzzed.

It was Rajat, reminding him once again that they must hurry to the office.

Nakul left the room, still embarrassed by Dhiraj's remarks. And Dhiraj kept looking at him still wearing that triumphant smirk.

* * *

"Ahh....Nakul....My back is aching a lot.....Can you massage it a bit?" Dhiraj was at it again.

But little did he know what his baby was going to do next and what it would lead to. Nakul was not going to give up so easily this time.

"Yeah sure. Why not" Nakul replied with a mischievous smile on his face.

* * *