The Fears

'It tickles.' Dhiraj felt something on his forehead. He opened his eyes and was soon hit by golden rays of sun and a beautiful man staring at him. It was his man. His baby. 'Ahhhh....there couldn't be a better start to my mornings than this sight.' Letting out a giddy smile, he crawled closer to his baby as he then put his arms around Nakul.

"This is the best morning view I've had so far," Dhiraj flaunted his smile at that thought and that smile made Nakul blush. He simply looked away trying to hide his own smile. Dhiraj indeed enjoyed that view.

"Can I get to see this view everyday?"

Nakul wasn't sure what Dhiraj meant by that. "What?"

"Meaning.....can we.....share the bed?" The puppy begged his master.

" that idea" Of course Nakul would agree. After all, how can he say no to this adorable puppy and the man...he had started falling for?!

'Indeed this is my bestest morning.' Dhiraj was on cloud nine due to the developments their relationship had had. And all he could do was smile more at that thought.

* * *

'I smell toast and omelets.' Dhiraj just got out of his bath. While sloppily drying his hair, he absentmindedly followed the source of that delicious aroma. It was Nakul making breakfast.

And then there was Rajat, seated in front of Nakul. 'What?!' Dhiraj was surprised by that sudden visit.

" here?" Dhiraj inquired Rajat. The last thing he wanted in between him and Nakul was a third wheel.

"I came to check up on you" Rajat sipped more of the coffee.

Dhiraj couldn't help but roll his eyes. 'Coming here for this insignificant reason and interrupting me and Nakul.' But his grumpy face lightened up the moment his eyes fell on Nakul. He was utterly focused on his task of making omelets. His hair down, loosely fitted clothes, rolled up sleeves, his pants below his belly button that exposed his sexy....'He's such a feast to eyes. I'm finally being showered with the rewards for being patient.' He couldn't hold himself back anymore.

Approaching his baby, Dhiraj whispered in that low-pitched voice of his that he knew Nakul loved, "Hey....Good morning once again."


Literal chills went down Nakul's spine. He shyly turned towards Dhiraj and whispered back "Morning". But for some reason he was conscious. Maybe because they were in the presence of a third person that day. A part of him wanted to place a kiss on Dhiraj's cheeks so bad, but his body was almost frozen due to the eyes of an outsider on them. What was even more ridiculous was the fact that he knew that Rajat knew about the type of relationship he was in with Dhiraj. And he also knew Rajat didn't mind that. But still. Something just....made him not want to show his association with Dhiraj in a "physical" and "emotional" sense.

Nakul was pulled out of his dilemma the moment he realized warm fingers tracing his abdominal hairline. His body grew even more conscious of that touch but they didn't stop there. They move upwards, eloping him in a warm embrace as Dhiraj then buried his face in Nakul's neck. He couldn't be happier as he finally knew that he could just hug his baby whenever he wanted. His hug grew tighter as he let himself melt into Nakul. Nakul could too feel that warm embrace. He too wanted to melt in Dhiraj's arms.

A smile had just started to make its way on his lips when suddenly he sensed the eyes of the person in front of him. Those eyes were...uncomfortably looking at them. And that's when almost involuntarily, Nakul whisked Dhiraj's arms, pushing Dhiraj away.

*Pin drop silence

Everyone stood still. Rajat quickly understood that he should get himself out of that scenario and so he bid his adieu.

"I'll be taking my leave. I hope you won't be late to the office, sir" Rajat stressed on the 'sir' part and left.

But Dhiraj was on a different plane. He was throwing daggers with his eyes on Rajat. 'Bloody third wheel'. As soon as Rajat left, Dhiraj shifted his focus to Nakul and he sensed a grave sense of guilt in his baby's eyes.

Nakul's brain wasn't able to comprehend what had happened. All he felt in that moment was that he didn't want people to see him 'that' way with another man. But what also was true were the feelings he was starting to have for Dhiraj. And the undeniable attraction he felt for the man. 'Why did I do that?!' He knew the answer deep within but a part of him didn't want to confront the question. Because he knew...that would be unfair. Unfair because the man in front of him was ready to give all of this world to him. But Nakul couldn't help but feel.....scared.

Scared because maybe the world would see him differently. Fear that what if his own family won't accept him? It didn't take Dhiraj long to understand what was going in Nakul's mind. No words were exchanged but he could easily perceive the conflicting look in Nakul's eyes. He wrapped his arms around Nakul once again.

In an attempt to make Nakul feel better, he began, "Rajat has always been like that. He doesn't have any issue with us. He just...doesn't like this kind of PDAs and romantic gestures in general. For him, couples are the cringiest in this world. Don't worry."

Nakul knew Rajat meant no harm but his mind couldn't let go of the anxiety being with a 'man' brought. "I...." Nakul made an attempt to explain himself but had no idea what he should say.

"Shhhhhh....."Dhiraj whispered once again, "I said right?! You don't have to worry about anything"

Nakul's sense of guilt only increased due to Dhiraj's words. He felt he MUST say something to Dhiraj. And so he decided to be honest. "I.....I'm trying. I know I'm slow but....."

That was more than enough for Dhiraj to pull Nakul in his arms once again. Those words were enough.

'I know you are trying babe. And that's enough. We don't need to hurry. Take your time and fall for me. Really hard. Love me. And only me. Become obsessed with me just like the monochrome that you are. And then, only see me in your world.'

Dhiraj's need for love was dire. And the only person who could be savior was his monochrome. His baby, Nakul. 'I love you baby. I hope you will say that to me soon. I'm your chrome after all. We are bound by destiny.'

* * *