He met "Her" too

If I found someone who loves me that much, I would risk the world for them.

Those words kept echoing in Nakul's mind. Echoing would be an understatement. More like....haunting him. They simply wouldn't stop plaguing his mind.

The elevator chimed and Nakul reached his destination. After that "dinner" with Anaya, Nakul's mood didn't get any better. And naturally Dhiraj being the good dog that he is, sensed that. Of course one won't be happy after they meet your boyfriend's fake girlfriend. Therefore the puppy came up with a plan to make his master feel better. And so he drove to the restaurant they had their 1st date [A/N: disguised as a hangout😌].

Nakul made his way out of the elevator when a familiar voice halted him.

"Nakul?" It was a woman.

He looked up. I've heard that voice. Who was it- and suddenly all of his thoughts vanished. His eyes were left wide open as he immediately recognized that face. She was Dhiraj's past. Tanishqa. And looking at her, his eyes immediately turned away out of shame. Maybe because now he knew better than anyone else how it felt that your lover was taken away by someone else. Even though he technically hadn't done anything wrong, he shouldered an ambiguous guilt.

Tanishqa wasn't a mind reader. So she mistook that little gesture. She concluded that it must because of the grudge he might have against her. After all, the last time they met, she didn't particularly treat him well.

Tanishqa wasn't that shallow of a woman. She herself regretted those actions once the air around her cleared. In fact she reflected on her actions, sorted out her feelings, moved on and was now in a much better place. But maybe Nakul meeting her so randomly wasn't a coincidence. She took it as a sign from the universe that it was a chance to right her wrongs.

"Hi! "She began. And when Nakul still struggled to meet her eyes, she felt maybe she should take things in her hands.

"I understand your reaction. I.....wasn't in a good state when we met last time. But...ah...." She stopped, having no idea what she should even talk about. Nakul on the other hand was surprised due to her calm tone. He half expected her to laugh at him. 'So now he left you for some other bitch huh? You deserve it.' was what he was expecting to hear.

"I-I don't have any excuses for the way I behaved that time. I don't think you were the person who deserved my....fury...haha..." She laughed nervously. "I was being petty."

It was only then that Nakul looked up to her. What he saw were sincere eyes.

"That's fine. You were....hurt back then." was all Nakul could manage to say.

Hearing those words made Tanishqa feel relieved for some reason. She had long understood that it wasn't Nakul who was at fault. It was that other man who was frivolous. In fact she came across the "news" about Dhiraj. And looking at Nakul now, she hoped he was doing fine. Although she wasn't sure if those tabloids were actually true. She had been in the industry for long enough to know what's true and what's a facade. And as much as she wanted to ask Nakul about those headlines, she kept quiet.

She decided to change the topic, "So...you are here alone?"

"I'm with Dhiraj. He's coming in a few minutes."

And that answer gave Tanishqa her answer. She reconfirmed. "So, those....."

Nakul understood what she was trying to ask immediately. In a hush-hush tone he replied, "That's....That's just a fake...PR thing...."

Oh! So he's ready to go such lengths to protect their relationship?! That surprised Tanishqa. The Dhiraj she knew would've never done that. He didn't gave two fucks about what people thought of him. But now that he was trying to be so cautious, she knew that Nakul really meant someone to him.

She smiled at that thought. And that smile itself took her by surprise. She genuinely HAD moved on. Still wearing that smile, she told Nakul about that thought. "If he's going to such lengths for you, you really must mean something to him. I'm happy for you." She gave Nakul's hand a squeeze. Oddly, even Nakul felt his mood getting better than before.

"But....." She still had some doubts. She knew very well how it felt getting your heart broken. And she absolutely didn't want anyone, any-fucking-one, to ever experience. So she had to give Nakul some cautionary tales.

"Lo-look. Please don't think I'm meddling in your business. Or-or trying to get in between you guys, but I HAVE to tell you this Nakul." Her desperate eyes seeked Nakul. "I hope, I wish, I pray that you guys stay together for a long time. I pray God will always keep you both happy. But I still have to warn you...."

Now....had it been someone else, Nakul wouldn't have paid attention to them. But this lady was someone different. Her eyes didn't wear malice. They showed genuine concern. Something about those eyes made Nakul feel she wasn't trying any funny things. She did actually mean those words. And so Nakul paid attention to them.

She continued, "With the experience I had with Dhiraj, I think of him as a butterfly. A gorgeous butterfly that everyone wants to have. Who knows that everyone wants him and wouldn't mind taking advantage of that. I hope you guys will always be together, but.....Don't give....all of your heart to him."

She paused letting her words sink into Nakul's mind before continuing, "And maybe he HAS changed. But there are still many people out there, ready to claim what's yours. You might trust him, but don't let your guard down."

Nakul understood her words quite well. He nodded his head in agreement to what she was saying. And he thought maybe he can take advantage of Tanishqa being an insider of the movie industry. He made his request.

"Can I ask you something?"


"How is.....this Anaya?" He wanted to get a better understanding of his.....competition. "As in, how is she? I bet her image is perfectly crafted to appeal to the general public."

Tanishqa knew what Nakul wanted to know. Whether she was a threat or not. "Ummmm...She has good relations with most people in the industry. Because she's really smart. She knows how to get her way around people. You know.....How to appeal to them. It's better to be careful if you ask me. She seems like an ambitious girl."

And with that Nakul got his answer. Taking a cue that nothing was left to be discussed Tanishqa turned to leave. But before she left, Nakul asked her a final question.

"Why are you helping me?"

Tanishqa paused. Would he believe her reason if she told him? But his thoughts didn't matter, because she was doing that for herself. As if she owed it to him. Maybe....I should just be honest with him?!

"Nakul.....sometimes when life breaks you down. She does that because she wants to rebuild you in a better way. I guess that's what happened to me. And I'm grateful for the lessons I learnt. I guess this is just a way to return the favor."

Nakul didn't understand those words. How can being broken down result in becoming better? Won't it just hurt? But before he could ask her anything, she was gone. Like wind, moving freely wherever she wanted.

I didn't get to say thanks to her. But fuck it. What's important is that I got to know about that girl. I must be careful.

He was plotting his next move when someone beckoned him. It was Dhiraj.

"Why are you waiting outside? I reserved the table."

"I...was waiting for you. I wanted to go in with you." Nakul's face immediately lit up. That restaurant held a special place for both of them. They made their way inside and sat on their table. The ambience of the night was similar to that of their 1st date and Nakul spelled that out.

"It's the same as our 1st date?" Nakul's eyes twinkled in those evening lights

And hearing that last word, Dhiraj nearly spit the water he was drinking. Date?!!!!! He chimed in too. "Yeah. That's why I wanted to come here. We met nearly a year ago. I thought maybe.....we can do something special."

Yeah. It's been a year. A crazy year. So many things have changed. But I promised we will be here next year. And the year after that. And the year after that. And many more years, babe. I'll not let anymore come between us. Nakul smiled more as he made that silent promise to himself.

* * *

"It's tomorrow?" Dhiraj was on a call with Rajat. He was busy overlooking the files hence he put the call on speaker. And Rajat was reminding Dhiraj that he HAD to attend the premier of Anaya's upcoming movie.

"Yeah. Tomorrow evening. It will look great if her boyfriend shows up to support her?!" Rajat's plan was clear.

But Dhiraj wasn't too keen towards it. He understood that they should make public appearances regularly, but isn't showing up on everything related to her too much? "Is it really that necessary for me to be there?"

"Absolutely. If not, then how will people even buy into your relationship?"

AGH! This was starting to get annoying for Dhiraj. But nevertheless, he agreed. "Okay. Tell me the time."

"The event will start at 6. I'll drop by 4 with your suit to oversee things."

"Okay." Dhiraj reluctantly agreed. Haiz, he cut the call. Fuck! This is a mess. I wanted to spend some time with Nakul. Now I won't be able to do that.

Unknown to him a certain someone was eavesdropping. And that someone was none other than his baby. 

* * *