(18+)The Torture

Fuck! How can I focus when you are torturing me? Dhiraj gulped. He MUST get his work done asap. He returned back to his work, even more determined to complete it. Nakul returned to massage too, but the truth was, he never actually intended to let Dhiraj complete his work. Where's the fun if things just happened how they are supposed to happen? If he just let Dhiraj complete his work, that won't be fun.

Nakul wanted to tease his man. Rile him up. Get his cock hard. Drive him crazy. Leaving him wanting for more. Craving to get fucked by him even though he knew better that he should be completing his work. Begging to get fucked by his baby. Yeah. That's what I want. I want him to spread his ass for him right at this table, where he is the man in charge. How good would it feel when every time you sit here, you will remember me. Remember my touch and the things we did. I want to mold you to my liking honey. That thought itself is so exhilarating.

The basic carnival instincts took over the monochrome's mind. The thirst to engrave his existence on to his man was now driving his actions. And his fingers moved to the spell of those thoughts. Going from Dhiraj's shoulder blade, to his neck to the back of his ear to the side of his temple. Sure massaging those points would relieve a person's stress, but when one adds seduction to that equation, the moans come out as a result.

And Dhiraj too started feeling it. The way those cold fingers grazed from the back of his neck to his ears to his forehead, he knew it was something else. His eyes close, relishing the heroine[drug] like high they were giving him. Driving him towards the edge. He wasn't quite right there, but they were working their magic. The dilemma of completing his work or giving into the pleasure returned. What should he choose?

"Nakul.....baby....let me complete my work..." Dhiraj voiced his pleas.

"Go on. I'm not stopping you." Nakul whispered more.

"You are not helping either~...."

Nakul's hands moved south grazing Dhiraj's shirt. They stopped at those pink buds that Nakul absolutely loved teasing. He started encircling them, flicking them every so lightly.

"~uhmmmmm...."Dhiraj whimpered. And on boy.....Nakul loved that reaction. Seeing his man trying so hard to control himself, to not to react, trying to get his control back, only to lose more of it, flipped a switch inside Nakul's brain. This time he purposely pinched one of those nipples.

"AHHH!!" Dhiraj nearly screamed, leaving his baby with a triumphant smile.

"Focus Dhiraj. You need to get this work done." The master teased the puppy more. And those whispers didn't help Dhiraj either. Here was the scene in which his baby was coming on to him, seducing him. So how could he even pay attention to something else? How can I work when you're doing this to me? Maybe I should just get done with it.

"I thought you were a diligent worker." Nakul nibbled on Dhiraj's ear, eating it full ASMR style [A/n: If u know then u know what I'm talking abt] and that asmr only hardened Dhiraj's already erect cock.

Maybe I AM just a horndog. Dhiraj made his choice. His determination to work went flying out of the window. Instead he chose the pleasures of skin. He instantly closed all the tabs on the screen, saving his work progress and switched off his PC.

"I'm done."

"Hehehe. You are so impatient honey. But maybe you should be rewarded." Saying that Nakul turned the chair to the side, making just enough space for him to get down on his knees as he stared into Dhiraj's eyes. They didn't look away. They maintained eye contact as their heart picked up pace. Because they both knew what would come next. An inexplicable pleasure.

Nakul unzipped Dhiraj's pants and he could see a little wet spot on top of it. A tiny smile appeared on his mouth. And soon he unleashed the monster. Dhiraj's cock sprung out, all erect and veiny. Nakul looked at Dhiraj once again. He was panting so hard. That sight made his own dick jizz out. And while maintaining that eye contact, his tongue licked the length of Dhiraj's hardened shaft from the bottom to the top. He proceeded to take it in his mouth.

"Aghhhh..." Dhiraj arched back savoring the wetness of his baby's mouth. His cock was about to explode. He wanted to feel that mind numbing tightness around his dick once again. It had been so long since he put his dick inside a hole. His cock missed that tightness. I wanna fuck him right now. FUCK! I wish I could ram my dick inside him. But he knew they were not there yet. So maybe satisfying himself with Nakul's mouth was the best alternative. His hands held Nakul's head, trying to push him more. But abruptly, the wetness was gone. Dhiraj opened his eyes. Nakul had stopped. His eyes questioned his baby, why did he stop?

Nakul understood that look. "We don't want your clothes to get dirty, do we?" He pressed that smile on his face and Dhiraj knew quite well what it meant. It meant he was going to be tortured even more. But there's no gain without some pain. And so, Dhiraj obliged. He got up, tossing aside his trousers, then his boxer. He was about to unbutton his shirt when Nakul stopped him.

"NO! Leave the shirt on." Nakul marveled at the sight in front of him. Dhiraj was wearing only his plain white shirt. No pants. Nearly knee high socks with shoes. Shit. I want to fuck him right now. He got hebby-gibbies inside his stomach. Ah! Why is this man so sexy?

When Nakul was feasting on the sight in front of him, Dhiraj on the other hand was awkward and nervous due to the location they were in. But oblivious to that, Nakul made his move. Pulling Dhiraj to him, he kissed his man. And that kiss made Dhiraj forget about his worries. Nakul wanted him. He desired him and that was enough. So Dhiraj returned the kiss too. This time it lasted for rather a short period of time. And Nakul's moved to the next task. Groping his man's ass as he massaged those buttocks warming them up.

"Are we going to have sex?" Dhiraj questioned out of nowhere.

"I thought I had made that clear when I was blowing you."

"But.....we don't have any lube and stuff." Dhiraj was genuinely puzzled. But Nakul's smile made it clear that...he had planned things ahead.

"Honey.....I'm trying to be ready for any scenario, any chance. That's why I....." He showed Dhiraj the pouch of lube he was carrying. And before Dhiraj could react to Nakul's "preparations", Nakul turned him around. His back was towards Nakul as he was facing his desk. He figured what Nakul had in his mind. But Nakul voiced his wants.

"Can you bend over your desk and spread your ass for me honey?" Nakul asked courteously. Of course Dhiraj had to comply. He bent over, but didn't meet the other requirement that Nakul had.

This won't do. "Dhiraj. Honey?! You forgot the 'spreading-your-ass' part?"

Dhiraj bit his lip. For some reason he found it embarrassing that he was told to show his ass in his own office, at his own desk. But nevertheless, his baby's wish was his command. He did the needful and that certainly pleased his master.

"Ahhhh....now isn't this a lovely view?!" He took a generous amount of lube and slowly started stretching Dhiraj's tight passage. Scissoring his way through.

Dhiraj winced due to the pain. His whimpers only increased, and he tried hiding them by covering his mouth. Meanwhile Nakul could exactly feel the way Dhiraj's body trembled under him. How his body was getting hotter, red and how his eyes were nearly teary. But he liked that reaction. Afterall, It's only more proof of how much his body loves my touch. I want to see him even more embarrassed. Ashamed of how his body is desperate for my touch.

So he leaned into the shivering man as he whispered the words that only made that man more redder. " Why is your ass so tight? I think I'll have to spread it everyday so that it becomes loose. Then...." He rammed his long boney fingers harder. "I will be able to slide my cock inside you anywhere, at any time you want. How's that idea?"

Dhiraj heaved heavily. Why was he even listening to those shameful words? Surely he wasn't enjoying hearing them....or....was he? His coy teary eyes met Nakul's. Like a prey they stood at the mercy of the hunter. But little did the hunter know that maybe....just maybe those eyes were a trap. Baiting the hunter to drown in them. That symbiotic relationship between them, in which they both were mutually dependent on each other, was only getting stronger. And the absurd part of it was that, that they both weren't even conscious of it. Just like a moth attracted to the fire they both kept getting drawn to each other. And now it was to the point that one was ready to shame the other for his own self-satisfaction. While the other drew his contentment in the other's pursuit of "satisfaction".

He likes it. Nakul could conclude that. His man's hazy lust filled eyes made it evident, they were enjoying those suggestions. You want more? I can give you more.

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