(18+) Shame!!!!

I'll fuck you so good that no woman will ever be able to satisfy you. You will always need me.

So once the condom was put on, he stared at Dhiraj's twitching asshole for another second. His eyes fell on Dhiraj's leather chair. Hmmmm. This can work. He got an idea. He sat on the chair, making himself comfortable.

"Quite a comfortable chair you have here." Nakul commented. It fell on Dhiraj's ear who was trying to catch his breath. He still wasn't over the chills running down his spine due to the previous session. He thought maybe they would catch a break. But his baby had different plans.

"Come to me, honey." Nakul pulled Dhiraj by his waist. "Don't tell me that that was it?" He questioned the trembling man. Dhiraj had barely recovered and now his baby was ready for a round 2? But nevertheless, he sat on Nakul's lap, and his ass could feel something pointy poking it.

"Give me a minute." Dhiraj rested his back on Nakul's chest. And an eager Nakul resumed the foreplay. Stroking Dhiraj's dick, he tried reviving that monster as he planted some hickeys on Dhiraj's neck. He waited for a few minutes but then, his impatience took over.

"Don't tell me you are done. That's the stamina you keep bragging about? Didn't you want more?" He tried to egg his man. And when the "stamina" of the mighty puppy who always was keen on humping, was questioned, Dhiraj took the bait.

"I...I do want more" Dhiraj replied in a way that he knew would please Nakul.

That response indeed made the corner of Nakul's mouth curl up. Aww! He definitely knows how to please me.

"Okay!! Then let's do this." Nakul put his plan into action. He made Dhiraj get up. "Sit here now." His eyes pointed towards his raging boner.

What? Sit on tha- In that moment Dhiraj understood what his baby wanted him to do. He wanted Dhiraj to ride him. A reverse cowgirl to be exact. Dhiraj looked hesitant. Not because he didn't want to have sex. But more because how should he? There isn't space for me to move. Neither is there something I can support myself with.

Nakul understood that contemplation. But rather than helping his darling with it, he decided to sit back and enjoy Dhiraj coming up with a solution. Seconds later, Dhiraj did. He supported himself by holding the edge of his desk as he slowly tried putting Nakul's cock in his ass. It was more difficult than he thought. As every time he tried putting that rod in, it slipped. What angered him was the fact that Nakul was making no attempts to help him and was wearing a smile enjoying his misery. Finally a frustrated Dhiraj, voiced his anger.


And oh boy! Nakul loved that reaction. He took matters in his own hand, slowly sliding his stupid cock in Dhiraj as Dhiraj lowered himself. But Nakul was not done with shaming his man.

"So?! How does it feel having a stupid dumb cock inside you?" Nakul played with his chest.

Dhiraj didn't reply. How could he? Here he was getting himself off by bouncing up and down his baby's cock, pleasuring himself at his own desk. He simply covered his mouth in an attempt to stop those dirty moans from escaping his mouth.

Although the pace was slow, the angle at which that dumb cock was penetrating him was lethal. It was opening him up in a way he hadn't experienced before, crushing spots inside him he didn't know would make him lose his mind. His head was starting to spin. And the words his baby kept whispering in his ears, weren't helping.

"Please make me come. Will you ride me good honey? You are so kind. Letting me fuck you at your desk. Going on with my every whim." Nakul's mouth started running loose. He was losing control over himself. His puppy wasn't better either. The feeling of his[Dhiraj's] mind turning into mush returned. As if he was being teleported to another dimension with every thrust of his baby's stupid cock. He wanted more of it. Long had he forgotten any shame. He rather be honest with his instincts. The instincts that wanted to seek a bliss that won't be any less than intoxication of cocaine. And that bliss was brought to him by Nakul's next words.

He said, "I bet no one will ever love me like you do."

Yes. It's only me babe. Those drunk eyes turn to Nakul as he proceeds to kiss him. Tongues intertwined like snakes mating. His words reinstated the very exact thing that Nakul wanted. "You are right. No one ever will. I'm the only one for you. And you are the only one for me."

Yes. That's it. Erase everything else from your mind. Only see me. Just feel me. Nakul's hips moved faster. "Yes. That's exactly how it is honey. It's only us for each other. I love you so much, Dhiraj. I love you."

In the passion of that moment, Nakul got up from the chair, making Dhiraj lose his balance. Nakul steadied him. He pulled his pulsing member out of Dhiraj. Because all he wanted to experience was his man's face when he came. He turned Dhiraj around and made him lie on his back on the desk. With both hands, he picked up Dhiraj's legs, resting them on either side of his shoulder. In that position he could reach the brim of Dhiraj's ass. Locking his fingers with Dhiraj's Nakul started moving his hips once again. His nasty mouth didn't stop though.

"Honey! Will you remember me every time you sit here? I love the thought of seeing you blushed every time your remember how good I fucked you here." Nakul leaned into Dhiraj and Dhiraj wrapped his legs around Nakul's waist, clinging on to him.

Nakul's voice grew softer, "I cannot help but wonder babe, will anyone ever be able to satisfy you anymore after this?" Contrary to him, Dhiraj could no longer comprehend those words. His mind was all hazy. His eyes rolled back as his back arched, a sign that he was at his limit. That didn't stop Nakul. He continued with his whispers.

"No right? But that's a good thing...You know why?" Nakul kissed Dhiraj's forehead. "Because only I will be the one who can satisfy you. And I'll be so proud of myself if that's the case. That it's just me who can satisfy this dirty little hole. "

And the very next moment Dhiraj spurted out his watery semen. His rolled back eyes returned to normal as he closed them, slowly drifting to sleep.

"I'll make sure that you won't be satisfied with anyone, honey. You will always need me." Nakul kissed him as he too came.

"I love you~

I love you so much~"

* * *

Fuck, I'm late!

Rajat rushed to the top most floor of the office building. It was 4:30 in the evening and he was trying to call Dhiraj to remind him about the premiere appointment of Anaya's movie. But Dhiraj wasn't picking up any of his calls. So all Rajat was left to do was hurry towards Dhiraj's office. He soon reached his destination and waved a small 'hi' to the secretary stationed outside.

She noticed him hurrying towards the office and recalled her boss's instructions. Don't let anyone disturb me until I tell you. Simply wanting to follow them, she halted Rajat midway. "Sir, stop."

Rajat wasn't used to that. He had the unspoken permission to walk in and out of Dhiraj's office as he pleased. He couldn't understand why that wasn't the case that day. "Why?"

"He's with someone and he had clearly instructed me noy to allow anyone to enter the office until he's done with that meeting." She recited Dhiraj's instructions.

I didn't know about any meeting with a client. Who's he with? Is it...? No- that can't be the case. He tried drawing up his conclusion. "Is it a client?"

"I....don't think so. He looked more like a friend?!" The secretary answered with hesitation.

Rajat's doubts were starting to clear up. But he still should confirm them. "Call him, Ruhi. He has a very important appointment. And we must've left by now but...."

Ruhi, the secretary, wasn't sure of what she should do. Her boss had clearly instructed her not to call either. But the man requesting her was her crush. How can one say no to your crush's request? Therefore she rang up the office.

A few seconds later, the call was received.


"Hello?!" An unfamiliar voice picked it up.

"Ah.....I am sir's secretary. Where is he?" She shot nervous glances at Rajat.

"Oh! Hi! Actually Dhiraj fell asleep. He had been telling me how much his workload was. He's really tired. And after some time he-"

"Who's it?" Rajat frowned, demanding to know the answer.

Ruhi opened her mouth to answer when the man on the other side of the call, stopped her.

"Is that Rajat?"

"Ye-Yeah. It's Rajat sir. Actually he wanted to meet sir. So I-"

The man cut her midway, "Oh. Okay. Tell him I'll come to see him in a minute."

"Oh-okay." Ruhi was absolutely confused as to what was going on. But she delivered the message.

"Sir, he's.....that....sir-" She had no idea how she should address that man. "He's coming to see you in a minute."

"Hmm." Rajat simply hmmed. But Ruhi could easily figure out that it had an underlying layer of anger to it.

Please don't let it be him. Rajat prayed silent prayers. But alas, they weren't answered. Because the next second he saw the man he wished wouldn't be the one meeting Dhiraj on that day and at that time.

Nakul came out of the office, wearing a.....rather triumphant smile on his face. He made his way towards Rajat and stopped when he was close to that man.

And with an arrogant smile on his face, Nakul greeted him. "Hello Rajat. Great to see you again." 

* * *