Chapter 25: A Kingdom United

Chapter 25: A Kingdom United

The kingdom basked in the afterglow of victory, its people rejoicing in the newfound peace that Seraphina and King Alexander had brought. But beneath the surface, tensions simmered, for the wounds of the rebellion ran deep. Seraphina and King Alexander knew that true healing required more than just restoring order—they needed to unite the hearts of their people.

Together, they embarked on a mission to bridge the divides that had fueled the unrest. They traveled throughout the kingdom, meeting with nobles, commoners, and everyone in between. They listened to their grievances, their hopes, and their fears, offering reassurance and empathy.

In the grand hall of the palace, a council of representatives gathered. Seraphina and King Alexander presided over the meeting, their presence commanding respect and authority. They encouraged open dialogue and collaboration, fostering an atmosphere of unity.