Chapter 41: Darkness consuming

Chapter 41: Darkness consuming

Seraphina's eyes widened as a vision washed over her, a glimpse into a future fraught with chaos and destruction. She saw the realms torn apart, darkness consuming the lands and the people living in fear. It was a grim reminder of the immense task that lay ahead.

"We must act swiftly," Seraphina exclaimed, her voice filled with urgency. "The balance is tipping, and we cannot afford to delay."

King Alexander nodded, his expression serious. "We will gather our allies and convene the Council of Realms," he said, his voice determined. "It is time to unite our forces and face the impending threat."

With the Elemental Scepter in their possession, Seraphina and King Alexander set out to rally their allies. They visited neighboring kingdoms and met with rulers and warriors, sharing their vision and urging unity in the face of darkness.