Chapter 02

"Can you walk faster?" The Viscount said with an angry tone.

I have been running to be able to follow him but I can't follow his pace because of my tiny legs.

"What a useless thrash. Do you know how precious my time is?" The Viscount continue to scold me with his harsh words.

I keep running to follow the Viscount to the mansion.

When we get into the mansion, he briefly shows me the kitchen and study room. He also told (warn me) to never walk near to the Viscount family living quarter that located in the opposite direction of my living quarter.

Of course, I also will never want to go to that direction because I don't want to even see them.

As I arrived at the room with a shabby door, the Viscount turn his head and glared at me. He opened his mouth. "From today onward, this room will be your room. Except for the time for you to get your food or your study time, you must spend your time in your room."

I could only nod and enter the room. The room looks like a storeroom. There is only an old bed inside the room.

Although I know about how they treated Renneshia in the game, it was worse than I imagined. There are many things that I want to say about how they treat Renneshia. But it's more important to think about the future. Right now I need to think about how should I avoid my death flags in the future.

In the game, I, Renneshia Ventus Ruach am an illegitimate daughter of the Viscount Ruach. She had a difficult past and get abused by her family. Not only the Viscount family members but also the servants.

When they realized that Renneshia was a genius, they try to use her as a political tool and arrange for her to be the Second Prince's fiance.

The dating game story will begin when the heroine became fifteen years old and get into the academy. And it will become the start of my misfortune. I need to prepare for any possibility to avoid my death flags.

Now, I need to remember every single thing about the game.

First, the plot was something common. A commoner girl suddenly gained the power of the Saintess.

The Empire where she lives got the report about her awakening as a Saintess and make her to be a student in the Empire Magic Academy.

At the Academy, she will learn how to use her power and the noble's etiquette to help her interact with the nobles and create her harem.

The heroine will be getting help from the Capture Targets and their love will grow as they work together. Sometimes they saved her from the harassment of the rival characters that jealous of how their fiance treats her.

The worst part that I fear is the part where most of the rival characters in that game would be killed because they were tainted by evil spirits. Especially the villainess Renneshia, the last boss of the first part.

The heroine will find out about Renneshia's secret and expose the evil power that will cause her to be killed by the Capture Targets.

She is the villainess that will be killed by the Heroine and the Capture Targets because she doesn't have any blessings and is always known as someone who is tainted by evil spirits.

The Heroine, who became a Saintess can sense the energy of the evil spirits and use her power to kill the evil.

In every route, they would kill Renneshia and her fiancée, and the Second Prince would get cursed as he banished the Heroine from the Empire. That's how the trial or first part ended. The updated paid version or the second part of that game is launched on the day of my death.

There's a piece of information that the second part will be about the Heroine's adventure to dispel the Second Prince's curse. For some reason, I thought that the game plot was too suspicious. If Renneshia can make such overpower cursed, why doesn't she do that to the horrible Viscount family?

Besides the Heroine hailed as Saintess is a bitch who steals other fiancée and kills her rivals as evil from my point of view. Such plots seem to be common in those dating games. But how can they make such a character as a Heroine?

Argh...I want to curse the company and the workers who made this crazy game.

Why did they make such an absurd plot where only the ending of the villainess is always fixed?!

Even when you have a bad ending, Renneshia will also be killed for some reason. That means that I am fate to be killed by them when I became the Renneshia, if I described it simply it was an Absolute Death Flag.

Right, it's decided that you will be killed just because you are a rival character. And whatever route the heroine decides to pick it will end with every single rival character's death.

What the heck is this crazy plot!?

I should sue the company when if I know this...I really want to bomb the company right now and choke the one who created such an absurd story, but I can't do it anymore.

Let's have more positive thinking. Hmmm..., so what should I do now?

At least give me some clues or options to help me.

No, no, no. This only makes me more depressed. Don't give up, myself!

Let's think about the story that my niece told me, right just remembered how cute she was when she told me about the game. Maybe I will find some clues to help me to avoid these absolute death flags.

There must be something about Renneshia's background...If I remembered correctly, Renneshia was being abused by the Viscount family, and even the servants act rudely to her.

She was born without any blessing from God in this world. She later knows that her mother was a descendant of the traitor tribe that was cursed by the Goddess, the creator of this world.

Her mother tries to hide her identity and work as a maid in the Viscount Ruach mansion but one day, the Viscount was drunk and forced himself on her and causing her to get pregnant. The Viscountess was angry at her, she demoted her and send her to stay in the slave compartment as punishment.

As she became a slave and gets pregnant with the Viscount's child, she can't hide her identity anymore. She can not dye her hair and finally, they found out about her secret identity.

When they saw her black hair and eyes, they change their treatment for her. They started to bully her or treat her worse than a slave.

Even while she was being tormented by them, she was able to safely give birth to her daughter, Renneshia. Renneshia who has her mother's beautiful black hair and eyes was hated by the people in the Ruach family mansion.

As a powerless child, she tried her best in everything but no one appreciate her hard work. She can not run away because the Viscount took her mother hostage.

Somehow I feel sorry for Renneshia's (myself) fate...She was being abused by her family, and for some reason, the people in the Academy will hate her for no reason.

Before the end, Viscount Ruach will tell her the truth about her mother who died a long time ago. They hide it because they want to use her and make her follow their orders.

The worse part was when she feel despair, her fiancee was stolen from her by the heroine and she will be killed by the heroine (Saintess) because she was tainted by an evil spirit.

Right now, I got reincarnated as the most unlucky villainess in the game so... I need to find a way to run away from my fate. Can I break away from my death flags?