Chapter 26

After I finished my breakfast and tidy myself, I went to the training hall which only the Viscount family members were able to access it.

It was a wide training hall. And as I enter the training hall, I saw something disturbing.

To describe it simply, I think that I will call him a muscle incarnation in my mind. Because that being that might become my trainer or swordsmanship teacher is a bundle of muscle with a strange mohawk haircut.

He was busy flexing his muscles while muttering something. Is he did do his training like how it was written in the martial arts books?

I move my feet that feel heavy because my mind seems to be screaming and feel a bit uncomfortable as I get closer to his direction.

"Hahaha, can you feel how wonderful all of you are? Oh, my beautiful muscles, you have improved your beauty after we did yesterday's training. Hahaha..."

Ugh...can I run away from this training? He had an unexpectedly high-pitched voice which didn't fit his large body. His effeminate tone reminds me of the okama characters in some animes. And he seems to be some crazy muscle-brain character. I can't imagine what kind of disastrous combination is this.

I have lost all of my motivation and I feel like I will puke if I look at him for one more minute. I haven't seen his face so I think I might be able to keep my sanity intact.

"Hmm, who is that!" He suddenly realizes about my existence and turns around.

I decided to fix my gaze on his feet. Don't look at his face. From what I saw it, it was similar to an unlucky randomized character when you start a game.

Oh my goodness, why did he realize my existence? Just enjoy your nice time admiring your muscles. I will definitely won't disturb your good time by wasting it with my training.

"What are you doing standing over there? You are the one that I need to train, right?"

He is glaring at me and scanning my tiny body (if he compared it to his body).

"Hey did you hear me?" He asked me as he started moving in my direction.

"I'm really sorry for coming late. My name is Renneshia Ventus Ruach."

I decided to apologize and introduced myself with a bow. I hope you will hate me enough or ignored me like my tutor.

"I don't want to scare you with my name. So just call me 'teacher'. Hmm, you seem to be avoiding my gaze. Hey did you never learn that you should look at other people's eyes when you are talking?"

He is telling me to look at his face. I hope he has a scary face that fits his body or maybe a face that is smeared with makeup. As I followed his word and look at his face, my mind went blank.

I don't know if it was too funny, too disgusting or too chaotic or it might be a mix of all of those feelings.

The Goddess of Creation might try to make pranks or is in the mood of creating surrealist art while creating him. It is not because he has a strange or inhumane face but it was a cute and innocent boy's face with round and puppy-like eyes. I don't even know how I should react to it.

Did the Goddess was too tired and pushed the random button? What kind of unlucky randomized combination...I admit that most people in this world have a good-looking face, but this kind of combination is...

"Do you have something you want to say to me?" He suddenly frowned while glaring at me.

"No..., I don't have any questions." I shook my head.

"We should start your swordsmanship training from today onward. But looking at that poor, weak, small and thin body, I revised my plans as you need to build up your body until it has beautiful muscles like me. So we will start the training by running around the training ground for ten laps. You can start running now."

I feel that he had a lot of loose screws in his head. It was definitely different types from the other crazy people in this mansion.

"Should I do some warm-up first?" I just want to delay or it will be better if I could cancel this training while clumsily doing the warm-up exercise.

"What?! Only the lazy and weak person will need such a thing. Come on, run quickly. It's only ten laps."

Oh my goodness, how could the Goddess create such crazy bas**? I hope you will get muscle cramps when you exercise later.

I have too many retorts for what he just said to me. I really wonder what did he thinking about as he said that to a three-year-old little girl. Besides how could a little girl like me have a similar body to him?

Just trying to imagine myself having a similar body to him is making me feel that I might have a horrible nightmare tonight.

I started to run around the training ground. Although I have secretly trained myself, I still feel that he was bullying me with this training. My stamina might not be able to finish it. Even if I use the techniques and tricks to help me run a marathon, but my current body won't be able to do it.

One lap is around two kilometres because this training ground is also used for archery training. So I need to run around twenty kilometres for my first training. If I die from exhaustion, I will grab the Goddess collar and shake it really hard before I ask why she didn't give most people in this mansion have some common sense.

I keep running as I keep internally cursing at least the crazy people in this mansion or asking about what the Goddess was thinking when she create all of these crazy people.

I don't know how long I'm able to run around the training ground, but I started to feel hard to breathe and my tiny feet started to wobble after I finished my fifth lap. My eyes got darker and I don't remember what happened after that.


When I open my eyes, I was lying on my bed in my room.

Huft...I think it was all just some horrible nightmare. There should not be such an existence in real life, right? Such creatures should only exist in the horror movie that I will never watch even if there is someone who offers big sums of money.

As I feel relief and want to wipe the sweat on my forehead, I feel that my whole body hurts as hell.

'Damn, it's not a dream.'

I am despairing from the reality. Because it means that I need to meet that monster once a week.


Knock, knock.

Someone is knocking on my door.

This is strange. Brother Winslow and Sister Ancelina usually will open the door after knocking. And if it was the other servants, they won't even knock and just kick the door. Who is it?

"Come in." I decided to say to the person that knocking on my door.


The door was slammed open.

"Oops, what a feeble door! Oh, right! I just want to say that your body is too terrible. You need more exercise. That's why I decided to spend my precious time to help you with the training."

'Did you mean to bully me?'

The word 'help' that comes from his mouth is sounds like 'hell' to me.

"I know that you are a lesser being as you don't have any blessing. I never thought that you will be this weak. For a child who has reached the age of sword training, you are too small if I compared you to the other children. That's why you need to train harder than the other children. Hahaha, just leave it to me."

As he continued his rambling with that effeminate high-pitch voice, which was extremely lethal. I'm glad there is no glass in this room. I dare to bet that he would be at least crack those glasses when he is talking like this.

I decided to raise my hand to ask for the most important thing.

"Umm, could I ask about when the children in the Empire started their sword training?"

Right, it was the most important thing because he just said that I look smaller than the other children around my age. Is there a misunderstanding? If there are, I hope he will cancel our class.

"Hmm, did no one tell you or you are as dumb as what they are saying? Of course, it was five years old if they started their training earlier than the other. Please remember this common sense. Did you not learn any common sense?"


I look up to the ceiling as I was told by one of the people who not have any common sense as someone who didn't have common sense. I really want to say something like 'Heaven above, why do you make me reincarnated in this crazy place?' or something with a similar meaning.

"Teacher, I'm not a five-year-old child but I'm just a three-year-old child." I feel that I need to say it as I want to stop this training or at least to delay it for two more years.

"Huh?! What did you say?" He picked his ears as if he did not hear what I was saying.

"I say, I'm a three-year-old child," I shouted loudly to make sure that he hear me.

This time for sure, I'll make sure to stop him from continuing the training. I hope he will still have a shred of common sense or brain in that mass of muscles.