Chapter 68

Ludger enters the Red Dawn restaurant with a bad feeling. Ludger thought the mage might do the same thing to the Red Dawn and injure someone that precious to him.

"I'm back!...Um...I-I'm so-sorry...did I do something wrong???" Ludger feels afraid because he saw his mother's angry expression as she saw him.

"I have heard that you got into an accident. Are you alright? That's why I told you to stay here and don't go anywhere by yourself." Katarina quickly checks Ludger's body while scolding him.

"Don't worry, Mam. Nothing happened to us but someone just surprised the horses and cause some rampage. Luckily no one got injured because of this little accident. The city guards still inspecting the cause of this accident so they might visit Master Ludger later if they need his testimony again." Hugo calmly explains to calm Katarina's worry.

"Is that the truth?" Katarina glared at Ludger to confirm the truth.

Ludger quickly nodded his head but Katarina seems to see something from his reaction and said.

"Haa, we will talk about it later after I finished my work. Do you want to eat something?" Katarina decided to stop questioning Ludger and ask him later in their room.

"Right, Master Ludger, I want to continue our conversation about the edible mushrooms and wild grass that we talk about before." Hugo decided to ask about what he wanted to know.

"Right. We are talking about that before. I think I will be able to show you something related to it right now. I will need you to try something that I made a few days ago." Ludger said and let them follow him to the kitchen.

As they enter the kitchen, they are able to see Caron who is busy preparing the ingredients for the dinner menu. They greeted Caron and follow Ludger to the cooling magic tools, Duratus. Ludger then takes something from it and put it in a bowl with some cut fruits and some jam.

"I want to hear your opinion about it and could you guess the ingredients of this new food that I try to make. This is one of the examples that I want to show you." Ludger gives them the bowl.

Both Favian and Hugo feel interested in the bowl that Ludger give them. Both of them know the food that Ludger give are mostly something delicious or something that they won't be able to get from other places.

They put their spoon into the bowl and found out that it was something white and have a smooth and creamy yet dense texture. As they spoon it into their mouth, they were able to taste the tart flavour. The next thing they do was mix it with the cut fruits or jam and taste it again.

Watching the changes in their expression, Ludger knows that both of them seem to be like it. He took another bowl and give it to his mother and Caron before taking his share. It was something new and unique for the people in this world. But it was something both Ludger and Katarina often ate before they go to the West.

"Is this something that you made from fruit?" Favian mutter softly.

"But how could a fruit become creamy like this?" Hugo wonders about the texture.

"Hmm! Is this what you made with the milk that you ask me about before? I think it was a good idea to sell it when the weather becomes hotter." Caron said with a surprised tone.

"Huh!? Milk!!!" Favian and Hugo were surprised by Caron's words.

"Right, it was something that I made from fermented milk and it was not only for food but it could be used as an ingredient for beauty products. It was called a yoghurt." Ludger explain.

"Can you please let me know more about the beauty products? I think it would sell extremely well! Let's talk more about it!" Hugo was excited and grabbed Ludger's hands.

"Stop it! Teacher, you should tell me how do you create this. What kind of processes that you use?" Favian released Ludger from Hugo but he also grabbed his right hand with shining eyes.

"Alright, alright! I will explain it to you but please released my hand. I still need to help with the preparation for the dinner time." Ludger released himself and calm them down.

In the end, both of them refuse to go back until they get the answer to their questions and both of them keep trying to ask more questions. If not for Caron and Katarina who stop them from dist8urbing with their work, they might keep asking Ludger for a few days and nights.

When they finished everything, Ludger and Katarina went back to their room.

"So, is the accident that happens this evening is related to the magic tower again? Did they try to capture you or did they want to kill you?" Katarina asks with a serious face.

"I don't know about what they are aiming but I think they seem to testing my magic skills. Both attacks that they do before keep bugging me. They seem to be interested in the story of my skill at using magic without chanting. But today's attack is too strange. I could not explain it as I still don't know about what they are thinking." Ludger, no, Renneshia explain what happened in the accident.

Katarina looked at her dear daughter's face. She could see that she was telling the truth but there was also worry and fear in her expression. Katarina always knows that her only daughter will have to face a difficult fate in the future. But as how she heard from the elders in her race, the only person who could change it is someone in this country. That's why Katarina feels worried about her child, especially after the accident with the mage before.

After discussing about what happened and how 'Ludger' will solve it later, they decided to rest and stop thinking about everything that they couldn't solve. It was the only a short peaceful time before the storm that will happen in the future.


Somewhere in Labyrinth City, at one of the buildings near the cemetery area. A group of people wearing black robes that hide their appearance and body shape secretly gather.

"I got the order from our Lord. He wants us to search for a person that will be arrived in this city. The Lord told us we need to capture that person alive and it will be better if we could also make that person join us."

The first one to speak was a person that seems to be their leader. The leader of the black robe group has a medium stature and a cold tone and demeanour.

"What kind of person? Man or woman, young or old?" Another person asked with a childish demeanour.

"Our Lord said it was a young female from the race from another continent so she might have black hair and eyes. She should be near this city because he could feel her presence but couldn't pinpoint her exact location because of the seals." The leader answered.

"Is that person is the one that our Lord has tried to search for almost eight years?" The childish voice said as if remembered something.

"I didn't dare to ask but it seems to be the same person." The leader replies with a nod.

"Could it be that she was an eight years old little girl?!! Why did our Lord look for that little girl? Huh!? Could it be he is having such preferences!!! That's why he never even takes a glance at me." Another person with a sexy woman's voice said in a joking manner.

"Don't you dare to make such a joke about our Lord! He must have a great reason to look for that person." Another person shouted angrily with high pitched tone at the one who is joking.

"Calm down, young boy. She didn't really mean it and don't make the guards came because of your shouting." A low voice stops the angry person.

"I don't think those lowly guards will be able to stop us." Another person said with an arrogant tone.

"The Lord told us to act secretly and we need to hide our real power. Our Lord said that the Duke in this City has an annoying ability so we must not let him know our existence." The leader warns.

"So, how do we find that person?" The one who is angry before calms down and asks with a high-pitched tone.

"From what I heard from our Lord's story before, isn't the race from another continent are talented with magic and they were able to alter this world law?" The seducing sexy tone wonder.

"The only person who could do that is that race leader. The leader is known as the daughter of the Goddess...Do you think she will come out if we create a disaster in this city?" The person with low voice answers and ask their opinion.

"Eh!? Do you think that she will show herself like that? Didn't their race always hide from our Lord? That's why they were escaping to that moving continent, right?" The childish voice asks.

"But I think she will show herself if a lot of people are in danger. If the story is about being the daughter of the Goddess, then won't she will act like a hypocrite and would try to save them from the dangers?" The arrogant voice asks with a sinister tone.

"So, what kind of dangers that we need to create in this city without alerting the Duke?" The person asks with a high pitch tone.

"Then how about we use the thing outside of this building?" The leader asks while pointing outside of the window.



"What a good idea!"

The other persons show their agreement to the leader's suggestion and they leave the building as if they disappeared like a cloud of smoke.