Chapter 74

They look at the condition outside the temple from the temple wall. When Shia looks at the undead that surrounds the temple wall.


Her heart beating fast and she could smell disgusting smells something seemed to give her pressure that makes her whole body ache. As Renneshia could feel what Shia feel, she realized that it was almost similar to the bad feeling that she experienced in the adventurer guild before.

"Saintess, we heard that you are looking for us." Kadaklan runs to Shia's direction with Pendragon.

"It's alright. And I have told you before to just call me Shia. More importantly, I need your help to fight the undead again. We need to rescue them and lessen the number of victims so the undead numbers won't increase." Shia told them that she need their help.

The group of people that follow Pendragon are mostly the people with mixed blood. Even Pendragon and Kadaklan were having the blood of humans, elf and seer races in their bodies. Although both of them have seer race blood, but it was too thin so they are not obligated to serve Shia.

As they arrived at the temple wall, they began to attack the undead that surrounded the wall. The temple warriors were pouring the holy magic to purify the undead. The warriors were using the attack magic to stop the undead.

'Ugh! This was even worse than what I felt before.' Renneshia feels more terrible than when she was in the adventurer guild.

'Is that also caused by the same thing?' But it causes her to have a foreboding feeling.

If it was the same cause, then what she saw as Shia might would be happen in Labyrinth City. And what if this kind of scene happened inside the City?

"I give my prayers to the Great Goddess that created this world. Let me borrow your power to protect this world. What I want is the power to purify the tainted ones and let them get their salvation in their eternal rest. Holy Curtain!" Shia chant the holy magic spell with a posture as if she was praying to the Goddess.

As Shia pour her magic power, a beautiful seven-colour barrier started to surround the temple surroundings and grow larger as she pour more magic power into the spell. The undead that touched the barrier turned to dust and disappeared.

The barrier got larger and more undead disappeared. They were able to save the people that surround by the undead and take them to the temple to protect them.

From above the wall, Shia was able to see the warriors who fighting with the undead hordes. The most eye-catching person is Pendragon who warped his sword with light magic and reminded Renneshia of the aura blade in some story in her past life.

Shia seems to be mesmerized by his movement which looks like dancing. His sword moves with smooth-flowing movement and leaves a light trail creating a painting-like scene. Every time he swings his sword, the undead head leaves their body and turned into dust as the priest seems to bless him with holy magic.

The undead decreased quickly. And they were able to save more people that were attacked by the undead. But when they almost defeat the undead horde...


A large fireball with a diameter of around twenty meters appeared and hit the barrier and causing a large explosion. The explosion harms both sides without differentiating ally or foe. Because of the blessing and barrier from Renneshia and the priest, their group was able to lessen the number of victims with only ten people dead.

But they were still in trouble because the people near the explosion were injured and lost their ability to fight. Shia turned her head to the one who create that fireball from about the wall. A silhouette of a person wearing a black robe can be seen from behind the undead horde.

"That's!" Shia was really surprised when she saw the robed person and glare at the figure as if she had some sort of vengeance.

Renneshia tries to peek at Shia's memory and knows that the robed person was one of the followers of God of Chaos and there is a high possibility that person was the one that create the undead hordes. What makes her angry was because that person trampled the dead. She was emphasised with the soul of the dead because she could feel their feelings.

"ALBINA! KADAKLAN! Lend me your power!" Shia shouts out loud with anger and sadness in her voice.

"Mama?! What is that?" Albina in her human form runs in Shia's direction.

"What should I do, Miss Shia?" Kadaklan who is nearby come closer and bows.

"I need both of your power of ### to defeat that robed person and free the soul that becomes his slave and bind to that person. Only your power will be able to help." Shia gives her order.

"I understood!" Kadaklan answered and started to transfer his magic power to Shia.

"I will help you too, Mama. I will do everything as long as I am able to make you happy." Albina said with a determined face and start to transfer her magic too.

Renneshia feel confused because even though she could peek at Shia's memory, she was unable to understand what kind of power that Albina and Kadaklan possess. And Shia said that only their power will be able to save the soul of the dead.

'What kind of power is it?' Renneshia decided to observe it carefully.

A silver magic power floated around Shia's body and she started to move her hand as if gatherings the silver light and shape it. When she spread her hands, the silver light became similar to silver threads and keep getting longer.

'It reminds me of making noodles. But what is this power?' Renneshia still can't understand what kind of power this silver light possesses.

"I give my prayers for the Goddess that create this world. With the kindness of the Goddess and the salvation that she gives to every creature in this world. Let me lend your power to release the poor souls from their binding and cut the misfortunes in their fate. I offer the power of ### in my hands to cut the ###. Goddess's Salvation." Shia chants and spread her hands to the sky.

The silver threads on her hand fly everywhere but it only has one destination, the undead and the robed person. When the threads touched the undead, they stop moving and become silver dust. The robed person try to run away and send some attack magic to prevent the silver threads from touching his body. But Shia cleverly put one thread underground and was able to bind him with the surprised attack.

"We did it!" Someone happily shouted as finally all of the undead disappeared.

"WOAAHHH!!!" The surviving people cheer and cry happily because they were able to survive.

"So, that is my fate." Shia suddenly mutters in a small voice and looks at the remaining silver threads on her hands.

'What do you mean?' Renneshia ask because she could feel Shia was talking to her.

But Shia ignores her and walks to the tied-robed person. Albina, Kadaklan, Pendragon and the warrior names Mordake follow her to protect her. When she stands in front of the robed person, the robed person looks up and the hood fell down and revealing his face.

It was a middle age man with a big scar on his left face. There are also a few cuts on his face that make him look horrible. But he was smiling widely when he saw Shia and Shia seems to feel shocked from looking at his face.

"Long time no see, Saintess. Do you think I have died because of what happened last time?" He said while smiling happily but it makes him look like a crazy villain.

"S-Sir Ephialtes! W-Why do you do this...?" Shia mutter in a small voice and her body trembling.

"Why do you betray us, Teacher?" Mordake also screams angrily at him.

The robed person whose name seems to be Ephialtes, is a warrior from the temple that like Shia's father. He always protects her before the accident with the demon race happens and Shia saw Ephialtes die to protect her from the demon race's attack.

'But how could he able to survive after his chest was pierced and his heart was gouged out by the demon race?' Renneshia was surprised after she peek at Shia's memory.

But before Shia is able to snap out of her shock, Albina pulls her sleeve.

"Mama, this person is in the same condition as the others who attack us. You need to let him get his salvation too." Albina said with a worried expression.

"I'm sorry that I let this happen to you, Sir Ephialtes. Please rest peacefully." Shia said with a sad tone as if she was holding herself from crying and pouring holy power into the thread.

"Ahahaha! You are always too late, Lady Saintess! Because of you, my soul will be the slave of the God of Chaos!" Ephialtes laughed like a lunatic as he blame Shia and his body get burned by the holy power and become black ashes.

When Shia looks at the ashes, she is suddenly unable to see anything.

"So I was fate to die. I couldn't change my fate. If you want to know, please meet with the Kadaklan in your place." Shia mutter in a small voice as if she wants Renneshia to hear it.

'Wait! Please tell me more about it!' Renneshia shouted but it was useless.


She wake up from her sleep and found out herself lying on the bed in the familiar room.