Chapter 100

It was dark. It was freezing cold. I could hear the sound of water dripping near Renneshia. As Renneshia gets used to the darkness, she starts to be able to look at her surroundings more clearly. She was inside a stone prison-like place with only one side with a steel bars door.

'Where is this?' Renneshia thought as she looked at her surroundings. 

[Where are you? Where is the person who will become my bride? The person who I have waited for a very long time. If I can have your love, then no one can.]An eerie voice that makes Renneshia feel her whole body and soul catch a seem to be freezing, could be heard from outside of the steel bars. She looked around but couldn't find any way out. 

[I love you. I always love you. Even when you hurt my heart and betrayed me. Hehehe, if I kill every person that you love, will you finally look a me and love me back? Ha...haha!]

The eerie sound started to talk about some crazy nonsense and laugh like a maniac. Renneshia felt that she was in a dangerous situation and looking for a way to avoid it or hide from it. She looks at the stone wall and tries to check if there is a secret door or something similar mechanism on it. She couldn't find anything and the eerie sound seemed to get closer to the steel bars.

When she feels panicked, a golden light shines from outside of the steel bars.

[Argh! Y-You! You damn bastard! Do you want to steal her again from me? This time I won't let you get her. She will be mine and I will definitely kill you horribly!] The eerie voice said with an angry tone.

The golden light makes Renneshia feel warm and safe. She seems to know and feel familiar with the golden light. The golden light makes her feel calm but she also feels sad and tears start to drop from her eyes.

'W-What? What happened to me? Why can't I stop crying?' Renneshia thought. 

Renneshia feels confused about the reason for her burst of feelings that seems to be different from her real feeling. She wonders about what really happen happened but can't find an answer. Finally, she decided to go closer to the steel bars but suddenly someone grabbed her hand from behind. 

"!!!" Renneshia was surprised and looked back to the person who grabbed her right hand. 

As Renneshia turned her head, she was surprised by the person who was grabbing her right hand. She had a similar face as her but a bit older than her. With an expressionless face that reminded her of a doll and the black hair and eyes that looked like the night sky. Right, she was the real 'Renneshia' from the game and the real owner of this body.

"I-I...Y-You..." In front of the real 'Renneshia', Renneshia could only stutter without being able to say anything to her.

The real 'Renneshia' move both of her hands and holds her face. It was an ice-cold hand that seemed to be freezing or as if she was a corpse. Renneshia tried to free herself from the real 'Renneshia' but for some reason, she couldn't move her body as if it was frozen by the cold.

"You seem to have a happy life. You seem to be able to save Mom from dying and run away from the Ruach family safely. But how long you will keep running from everything? You need to fulfil your duty and the responsibility that they entrust you! Look at the chaos that you caused! Even though I am grateful for your efforts in saving Mom this time but I don't like the way you keep avoiding everything and suspicious to everyone." The real 'Renneshia' said with a disappointed tone.

"W-What do you know when you can't even save Mom! How could I do it by myself!? Even if you are the real 'Renneshia', but how could say something like that when you can't even do anything until your end?" Renneshia feels that the real 'Renneshia' unjustly blame her.

Both of them glaring at each other's. They feel dissatisfied with each other and envy each other in different ways. The real 'Renneshia' envies Renneshia for having a lot of people around her who love her as Ludger. And Renneshia who hoped that she could become herself and didn't have to worry about anything as she was a cold-hearted person.

"Do you know how I hope to have a cold heart like you and be able to calmly face anything that might happen to me?" Renneshia said to the real 'Renneshia' with an angry tone.

"Do you know how much I lost to be able to freeze my heart like that?" The real 'Renneshia' asked.

"I know. It makes no one beside you, right? But it will make you don't have to feel afraid and suspicious of the people around you, right? I have felt afraid that the people that I love might turn into a God of Chaos's believers one day lately. But even after we have defeated four people of the black robe group in the last two years, we are still unable to find their leader. And there is the possibility of the appearance of the God of Chaos's apostle like what happened to Shia." Renneshia shouted. 

Renneshia has been stressed by the bad feelings she gets because the black robe group seems to suddenly aim for 'Ludger'. Although they were defeated by the current Duke Kadaklan, Kismet or the person that is known as Darius to the people who often come to Red Dawn restaurant but the last two person was caught to lurking around the Red Dawn restaurant. That's why Renneshia feels afraid that the God of Chaos's believers might be able to find out her real identity. 

"You are really pathetic. Rather than worried about something like that, you better to treat the people around you better and trust them. It might be difficult for you to solve it alone but it will be easier if you have someone who is able to help you. And I want to ask you about what you are going to do if you meet with him in the future because you know the Duke?" The real 'Renneshia' ask with a serious tone.

"I don't know how I will face him but I will definitely do my best to avoid him. Didn't both of you never love each other and only get together because both of you want to gain something from the other?" Renneshia said with a suspicious tone.

"You are half right. But looking at what happens outside of this room, I think I am also do not know the truth about what happened to our relationship. But because of it, I want you to at least meet with him even if only one time." The real 'Renneshia' said with longing in her tone.

"Hmm, could it be?! Do you really love him like how it was described in the end?" Renneshia is surprised and asks.

"You will understand about it if you meet him in the future. Hmm, it's time. See you later." The real 'Renneshia' calmly said as she looked at the steel bars.

"Hey wait! What do you mean with your last words?" Renneshia tried to grab her but she disappeared.

The golden light becomes brighter and Renneshia wakes up from her dream. It was the day she became ten years old and two years after she ran away from the Ruach family and lived as Ludger.

It was almost three months before she was able to meet with Brother Winslow and Sister Ancelina who finished their apprenticeships and left the East. Both of them come to the West as their promise to her before she left the East before.

Both of them are extremely happy to be able to meet with her again even though they were confused when they saw her as 'Ludger' when they arrived at this city. Their family members who follow them move to the Labyrinth city also feel awkward as they don't know how to call Ludger (Renneshia) but in the end, they decide to call him (her) as 'Savior' because Ludger (Renneshia) was the person who helps or save their family member and make them to be able to have the current condition.

All of them decided to work at the Red Dawn restaurant. And the Red Dawn restaurant had been renovated and getting bigger than before. The women in the West getting more beautiful because of the beauty products that Ludger and Favian made. The mortality rate of the adventurers and mercenaries also gets lower after Ludger and Favian create a lot of items that might help them. And the merchant guild also getting bigger because of the appearance of the new things in this city. 

The Labyrinth City has grown a lot more than before Ludger arrived in the city. And most changes were caused by Ludger's existence. That's why the people in this city like him. But there are also some people like the people from the magic tower who dislike him because he keeps refusing to their invitation to join the magic tower.

Currently, Ludger is known for joining the adventurer guild and alchemy guild. But he also secretly joins the merchant guild with a fake name, 'Nero' which gains popularity among female customers.

But it was the story that will be told at a later time.