Chapter 105

It was a chaotic day. But it finally ended when it was the time to close the restaurant. Ludger feels more tired today because of the reaction from the customers who saw Ludger's makeup. He promises everyone to not remove it this whole day but he promises to himself that he will not do it again in the future. Ludger only needs to finish the last thing for today, meeting with Darius.

"Here, it was the prototype of the things that you want. We still need to check about the distance of the connection between the items and to check how much it will consume the user magic, how long we will able to use it and other practical things of these items." Ludger said while giving him the communication magic device that was shaped like an orb with a pedestal. 

"Hoo! So this is the item that you told me about before! Hmm, the instructions book for using it is quite detailed and easy to understand. Let's test it after I go back. The distance should be half of this town, right? I think it was enough distance to look if there are still the remains of the black robe group." Darius was amused by the communication devices and said with a satisfied expression.

"I'm finally able to get some rest after finishing all of the things I should do. There are still a few things that I need to do and prepare before winter comes. I will take a break when winter comes except if something urgent things happens. So, go back and don't disturb me after testing it." Ludger said with a tired tone as he pushed himself to finish his job as quickly as possible. 

"How cold of you to drive me out like this. But I will forgive your rudeness because it was funny to see you get in trouble because of your makeup. Will you also dress up in different styles later? You will get more fans if you do that. Or how about a bit of feminine clothing that might raise the male fans?" Darius said while scanning at Ludger's current appearance. 

"I also think my child would look good in a dress or cute outfits. But what a shame because my child is too shy to wear it." Katarina who accidentally hears their conversation adds.

"You really have a good sense of fashion, Lady Katarina. I also like to see Ludger in that appearance if possible. But I am afraid that some dangerous people (pervert) do something dangerous after seeing him in such outfits." Darius nodded his head before saying with a troubled expression.

"You are right, it was too much trouble to be born with such a beautiful and attractive face. My child will be too attractive with whatever outfits my child is wearing. My child often said that face is the deciding factor for an outfit." Katarina proudly praises her child's beauty. 

"Mom, please stop that. You need to go and rest because the restaurant is quite busy today. I don't want to see you get sick later." Ludger tried to stop his mother and pulled her hand to leave that place as he was too embarrassed to hear his mother's words.

As they leave Darius alone in front of the restaurant, he chuckles when he remembers Ludger's reaction when they start to talk about his appearance. It was always amusing when he thought that Ludger always acted flustered when he got praised by other people. It was a contradictory action to his usual proud and bit narcissistic behaviour. 

'It must be to hide his shy real self or to hide his real identity. But he really never stopped entertaining me with his unique quirks.' Darius smiled as he left the Red Dawn restaurant.


[...I think it was a success. Don't forget about what I just told you. They will go to the adventurer guild tomorrow. Please help them if they are in trouble. But you don't have to force yourself to do it. Just check their condition tomorrow if you have some free time. I'm grateful even if you do not do it because I know how busy you are lately...] Darius said with an unsure tone.

"I know what you mean by it, but don't worry about it because tomorrow I have some business in the adventurer guild and I have promised Sister Elviira that I will help her with something." Ludger said that he still feels in debt for his help which saved his mother's life.

[I have to tell you to not think about it again. But you will answer that you are repaying your previous debt again, right? Alright, I won't say anything about it again. I'm sorry and thank you for taking this job. I won't take your time, good night. Bzzzt...] Darius said and disconnected the connection. 

Ludger looks at the communication device and turns it off before he prepares for the things that he needs to do tomorrow and goes to sleep. Ludger feels that the Duke Kadaklan, Kismet is telling him a piece of important information that relates to the game plots.

"You need to get some rest. It has been a few days since you worked yourself and tired yourself like this. For today, please take some rest so you won't get sick later because it's getting colder lately." Katarina hugged Ludger from behind and stopped him from continuing his work.

"Alright, I also want to rest for tonight." Ludger nodded his head and went to sleep.

As he lay his body, his exhausted body was finally able to relax and he lost his consciousness in a second. Ludger had been too tired because of his work lately but he felt something was urging him to finish it quickly. After talking with Kismet about the communication device, he finally understood the reason.

'I want to save them if possible. I think they are dead in the game plots. I don't know their appearance but didn't say that they are an important people from the capital. I don't know if it still follows the plot or if it has changed from the original story because I have run away from the Ruach family.' It was the last thought before Ludger fell asleep. 


It was a beautiful garden. The sun shines brightly and makes the garden seem to be shining like it is made from gems. A young boy with red hair and golden eyes was sitting on the garden chair under the largest tree in the garden. The tree shade seems to be protecting him from the hard sunlight. But the shade also makes him look melancholic as if he is mourning.

'I don't know why but I feel sad and my heart felt as if it was torn apart when I saw his expression... But he looks similar to Renneshia's fiancé in the game, Prince Edmund. No, is this a dream or the real Renneshia memory?' Renneshia thought as she observed her situation calmly.

She could only do it calmly because she had experienced similar things when she saw Shia's memories before. She could feel the hot weather and how it getting a bit cooler when she went under the tree and bowed to the young boy that sitting under the tree.

"Greetings, Your Highness the Second Prince, Prince Edmund Ignis Pendragon. I hope the blessings of the Goddess will be always with you. I'm really grateful for your invitation today. My name is Renneshia Ventus Ruach. I am grateful because you granted me your precious time today." Renneshia said with a polite and respectful tone while lowering her head like how the etiquette lessons said.

"So you are one of my fiancée candidates. You don't need to act differently as it was only the two of us today. You must be feeling tired from your long journey, so please sit down." Prince Edmund said and told her to sit on the other chair across from him.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Renneshia makes a curtsy and sits in the chair across from Prince Edmund's chair.

Both of them sit silently without saying anything and just sipping their tea in a perfect manner. 'Renneshia' didn't dare to raise her head and look at Prince Edmund's face as it was a rude thing to do to the Royal family members. Only after they empty their cup, does someone break the silence. 

"To tell you the truth, I don't think we both will like each other. But with the engagement, will make me able to prevent the people who tried to be my wife because of my status. You act differently from the other fiancée candidates or if I said it bluntly, you seem to be forced to meet with me today. Do you dislike me or have someone that you love? How about we put a fake engagement to avoid us from other engagements? We will do it until we meet someone that we love. I promise to annul our engagement if you decide to marry another man that you really love." Prince Edmund suggested and gave some explanation to Renneshia.

"I agree with Your Highness's suggestion. I will accept the annulment if you find your true love later. I feel grateful that Your Highness chose me to do it. It was my pleasure to be able to get chosen by Your Highness as your partner for this fake engagement." Renneshia politely said as she bowed her head to show her gratitude.

"I don't know if you are doing this because you are this kind of person or you are trying to make me to dislike you..." Prince Edmund said with an annoyed tone.

"Your Highness, bad news! Something happened to the Labyrinth in the Labyrinth City. The Duke reported that a lot of people died because of the accident. This is the name of the victims from the accident." A servant reports the accident and gives some paper to Prince Edmund.


"Let's end our meeting today. I will give you another notice later." Prince Edmund said with a grave tone as he left her in the garden.