Chapter 108


Someone slammed the door open with annoyance on his face. The three people in the third training ground look at the face of the person who just opened that door with confused expressions. They were not surprised by his identity but because of his expression. 

"Did something horrible happen to you, Mr. Hudson? Hey, don't glare at me like that. I didn't do anything to you." Ludger wanted to ask him the reason but he was glared by Hudson and he tried to stop him because he didn't do anything to him.

"Both of you are really driving me crazy! Do you know how much trouble both of you always give to me? Why do you keep acting like him? Are you sure that you are not his child?" Hudson said with a frustrated tone and tired expression as he spoke to Ludger. 

Ludger knows who Hudson is talking about but he still doesn't understand why Hudson acting like this to him. Even if he tried to remember what he had done this week, he couldn't remember anything that would give Hudson any trouble.  In the end, he concluded that it was unreasonable to blame him for the things that he did not do. That's why Ludger feel he needs to retort Hudson's words.

"Mr. Hudson, it was an unreasonable claim as I should be not do anything that might give you any trouble. If it was related to that person it was better if you scolded him directly to him. And it was really rude of you to say that I am similar to him." Ludger protested Hudson's unreasonable words.

"Hah! Do you know how much trouble that you have caused lately? He seems to hide it from you but there are a lot of requests that looking for your information and they seem to pay a lot of reward for anyone who accepts those requests in the black market. He kept bugging me even forcing me with his authority to help him with the investigation. But when those requests were finally gone, but why did both of you throw another trouble at me?" Hudson started to make a complaint. 

"Hey, it was not my fault. You should blame that Evil Duke. And why do you keep saying that I cause trouble? It was not my fault that I was born as wonderful as this. So why do you blame me like this? Is it a sin to be born with a handsome face like this?" Ludger said with an exaggerated act.



Alvera and Elviira couldn't suppress it anymore because it was too funny to look at their interaction. They also feel that it was not Ludger's fault as he becomes more and more like the character in that book. As a result, it caused of the crazy fans to try to find 'Nero's' identity by spying on Ludger because they speculated that 'Nero' was someone who always watched Ludger. Their reasoning was because that book started appearing a week after Ludger arrived in this city.

"Haa...It's not about that but the noble children that you just saved before you came here. Have you heard about them from him? But what do you do to even make those boys interested in you?" Hudson sighed and said with a tired tone as he saw Ludger's clueless expression. 


Around half an hour before, city guards took three noble children who wanted to take the apprenticeships as adventurers in this guild. Although they seem to trying to hide their identity as nobles, but their outfits show they are not some commoners. But because had heard about them from the Duke, Hudson didn't dare to try to speak rudely to them. 

"We want to have an apprenticeship as an adventurer in this city. And...could you tell us if we can choose someone as our mentor?" The young noble boy who dresses as a priest with a high-class outfit asks with a serious expression.

"Hmm?! Do you know the adventurers from this city? Can you tell me who is it?" Hudson feels surprised because the noble children seem to know the adventurers from this city.

"We don't really know about him but he was a great person and he just helped us when we got into trouble on our way to this guild. I think he is quite famous in this city. The city guards also seem to respect him." The young noble boy with a priest outfit tells him.

"He also has a great technique as if he was an experienced person that good at fighting even without any weapon and is able to fight almost ten people without being hurt by them. I have asked the city guards about it and they told me that it was his original techniques that he created from his experiences. I really admire him." The young noble boy with a knight outfit adds with admiration.

"Are you talking about Einar? I think that he will gladly to accept that request." Hudson said politely.

"No. They call him Lord Ludger so is he some noble child from the family from the West territory? Could you tell me which family he was from?" The noble lady with a mage outfit asked with shining eyes and an interested expression.

"Huh?! What??!! Who?" Hudson felt he was hallucinating and hearing something weird.

"The person who they called 'Lord Ludger'. The handsome boy with an elegant manner and wonderful talents like 'Lord Louheithi' from that famous story. Oh right, he has beautiful red hair and brown eyes and...he also said something about helping in a restaurant." The noble lady with a mage outfit said with a flushed face and started to breathe heavily. 

"Uh..., I think that you are misunderstanding something. That Boy, Ludger is not someone from any noble family so he doesn't have any family name. The other is the fact that he just started his apprenticeship this year. So...he won't become your mentor." Hudson said with a bitter expression.

"Huh? How could he just start his apprenticeships when he was older than us?" The young noble boy with a knight outfit said as if he didn't want to believe it.

"It was his decision when he just arrived in this city. If I remember it correctly, his reason was to help his mother to be able to adapt to the city. He is living with his mother but because of his talents, there are a lot of people who want him to work or join the guild. But because he was new in this city, he decided to postpone his apprenticeships until this year." Hudson explains with the story that most people in this city know.

"What a great person!" The young noble boy with a knight outfit said as he felt touched by Hudson's explanation.

"Huh? But why they are calling him as 'Lord Ludger' if he was a commoner?" The young noble boy with a priest outfit asked with a confused expression.

It was normal for his confusion because the title of 'Lord' is only used by nobles or some people who are being known for their high accomplishments in the things that they mastered. The strange thing is because it was caused by the latter, only people with similar jobs will call him like that. But it was different as most people in this city call him like that. So the three of them feel strange when they know that Ludger was not from a noble family. 

"I think you are new in this city so I need to tell you the reason why most people in this city call that Boy as 'Lord Ludger'. As you said before, he seems to be similar to that character in the story, right?" Hudson explains with a complicated expression.

"Unn! You are right! He looks really similar to the most famous character in the currently most famous story, 'Lord Louheithi'! Eh, could it be that he is also one of his fans?! Is that the reason for his similar behaviour?" The noble lady with a mage outfit excitedly said.

"..." Her companion stepped back with a wry expression there was also shame on their face.

"I don't know if he was imitating that character or not. But even before that story was being published, I think that Boy had already acted like that. That's why everyone in this city who knows him calls him like that. That Boy has told them to stop it but it seems that was not effective and only made it worse than before. As a result, everyone keeps calling him like that. Right, I think he also has a secret fan club which is this city's currently largest organization." Hudson explained to them but looking at their expression he suddenly felt a headache. 

"Then, how could we meet him again if we want to thank him?" The young noble boy with a priest outfit asked with a serious expression with a longing gaze.

"It will be better if you ask the people in this city as they will tell you where to wait for him. It's not that I didn't want to tell you, but it was also part of your apprenticeship test. If you really want to be an adventurer, you should be able to get at least the information that you need. I will accept your apprenticeships and give you the best mentor for you." Hudson said and sent it out.


"That is what just happened. But what are you doing in front of them to make them admire you like that?" Hudson said as he rubbed his forehead. 

"Ha..., I think being too beautiful is also also a sin." Ludger sighed and said.

"As expect from 'Lord Ludger'! His beauty really knows no bond and is able to make both men and women mesmerize them." Alvera excitedly said with an admiring expression.