Chapter 115

It was a mentally tiring day for Ludger. It's not because something troubling Ludger's peaceful life but for some reason, he keeps feeling there is something wrong. It's like someone is trying to mess with Ludger's mind or as if all kinds of memories overlap with each other and cause some kind of chaos in Ludger's mind. As a result, strange things keep happening to Ludger every time Ludger look in the mirror. It was different from the time Ludger met with 'Shia'.

'It was not Shia and Renneshia (me) should be the only person who has the Goddess fragment after her death. Then who could be possible, it should be not possible. From Shia memories, the last fragment bearers will disappear after they pass down their knowledge to the next bearers. Like how Shia disappeared after she did that...then who are you?' Ludger looks at the reflection in the mirror. 

[Why do you do that?!] Suddenly Ludger could hear a voice in his mind.

The reflection in the mirror seems to change. In contrast to the expressionless Ludger in the mirror, the real Ludger seems to be able to guess the reflection's identity. A similar beautiful face it with a mysterious and cold atmosphere surrounds that person. The polar opposite of the always-smiling Ludger, that person seems to be hard to approach or make people could only admire that person from a distance. 

[Just want to remind you, don't hate him.] Ludger could hear the sad tone of that person's voice.

"Why do you say something like this?" Ludger said to the mirror but the reflection returned to normal and couldn't give any answer that Ludger wanted to hear.

'Is this dream, illusion or reality? I still feel there is something wrong with me, but how could the real 'Renneshia' appear like that? I thought that the game 'Renneshia' could only appear in my dream because I was the 'Renneshia' in this world. I have thought about it but I'm sure that this world was different from the game as I was able to run away from that place...Is this because I feel guilty for the 'Renneshia' from the game and have delusions like this about her?!' Ludger or Renneshia feel lost but all the things that just happen in front of her.

"And who did she tell me to not hate?!? In the game, there are too many people who you should hate especially all of the Capture Targets...If the person that she means was Prince Edmund, then she wouldn't have to worry about it because I would never meet him who is currently busy looking for a woman to be his fake fiancee...haaa...this is really making my head hurt." Renneshia said in a small voice as she decided to sleep and end this tiring day.


"The Emperor decided to train you as his son, the second prince, Prince Edmund's fiancee! You need to stay in the Albion Castle until you finish the training." Viscount Ruach told her as he took her to the capital city.

"Can I meet my mother when I come back?" Renneshia asks with a hopeful tone.

"As long as you did a good job and her condition getting better." Viscount Ruach said with despise in his gaze.

But Renneshia who didn't have any experience in reading other people's expressions can't understand the Viscount gaze. She feels happy that she could save her dear mother because she was chosen as the second prince's fiancee. She knew that it was just a fake engagement as what Prince Edmund said to her before. Their relationship is similar to businesses that she read in books.

'I was glad this fake relationship with him would let me save my Mom. I hope my Mom will be able to get healthy again like before. I want to hug her and tell her about the things that I learned about from my studies. I was really happy every time she praised me and gently caressed my head. I will do my best! So please wait for me. I miss you, but I will be patient.' Renneshia thought as she tried to make a resolution in her mind to motivate herself.

Renneshia arrived in the castle and greeted the Emperor with Viscount Ruach who quickly changed his attitude and acted like a loving father. Although the acting scared Renneshia, she only nodded her head every time the Viscount asked her. The Emperor seems to like Renneshia and he acts more like a proper elder if compared to the people in Ruach mansion.

As they finish their conversation, the Emperor ask the maid to take Renneshia to her room. The Viscount left her and went back to the Ruach territory. At first, Renneshia was feeling afraid as she arrived in a new place and had a hard time or more precisely didn't know how to communicate with other people. As she kept worrying about almost everything in this new place, she finally arrived at her room.

When she entered the room, she was surprised by the wide and tidy room. The bed is three times larger than her bed in the Ruach mansion and it was more soft and comfortable. There was also a large window where she could see the beautiful garden. And there is a bathroom in her room with a bathtub that she can use. Renneshia thought that it was something like what she always imagined when she read the books about the noble's lives.

'Can I really use all of this? Or will the punishment be harsher than when I was in the Ruach mansion? No, no. I need to focus myself on doing my best to save my Mom. Even it was a comfortable place but I had to save my Mom." Renneshia being resolved was swayed by the better condition of her new place but when she remembers her mother she hardened her resolve.

The maid came and wanted to help her to put her things in her new room but she politely refused because she didn't want to trouble the maid. Besides Renneshia did not have a lot of things as she was only given some dresses, shoes and cheap accessories to not embarrass or make the Ruach family when she stays in the castle.

She feels weird about the reaction to how the maids and other servants treated her. It was too uncomfortable for Renneshia who got such treatment for the first time in her life. The more they treat her with kindness, her face becomes more expressionless as she can only feels more uncomfortable than before. How scary it was for Renneshia who came into a new place and got an unfamiliar treatment. But still, she didn't give up as she had a goal that she wanted to achieve.

The next day after she arrived at the castle, she began her training. She could follow most of the things the tutor taught her easily and was able to pass the test that was given to her. But Renneshia still said that she was lacking and needed to learn more. It was because she always thought that she was too stupid like what her tutors in Ruach mansion always told her.

After receiving the tutors' evaluation, the Emperor let her to enter the Royal Library but she could only read on the first floor of the library. From that day, she often spent her time reading some books in the library because it was the only thing that she was familiar with. But different from the library in Ruach mansion, the Royal Library especially the first floor always have some people who come to look for something to help them as the people who work for this country.

The people who come to the Royal Library will turn their heads and look at Renneshia because it was rare for such a young lady to diligently study like her. Although they seem to want to talk to her, but they don't dare to interrupt her when she is so focused on reading the books. After a few weeks Renneshia spent her free time in the library, Prince Edmund suddenly came to see her.

"You are really a weird person. Why do you spend your free time to study like this? Don't you have any hobby to spend your time?" Prince Edmund said as he couldn't understand Renneshia who kept studying as if she would die if she didn't do it. 

"Because I'm too slow in learning, Your Highness. That's why I need to learn more if I don't want to be laughed at by others. And I think that reading was my hobby." Renneshia answers politely while keep reading.

"Huh?! You are kidding, right?" Prince Edmund said with a surprise tone.

"No, I'm always serious, Your Highness. I think it was not appropriate to answer your questions with a joke." Renneshia stops reading and looks at Prince Edmund who for some reason has an embarrassed expression as his face turns red.

"You are really...weird. How could you say something like that with that expressionless face? I never thought that you were that kind of person." Prince Edmund said with an unbelievable expression.

"Did I do something wrong, Your Highness?" Renneshia asked while tilting her head in confusion.

"Haa, I never thought that I would have someone like you to be my fake fiancee. Please remember that you can't fall in love with me or think that I will love you. I remember that you also want to get something from our relationship, right? So don't forget to keep respecting each other personality space and not bothering the other person." Prince Edmund said as he held out his hand.

Renneshia timidly asks "What are you doing?" 

"What?! Just put out your hand and shake my hand like this, it was a gesture of agreement of our deal." Prince Edmund said while looking suspiciously at Renneshia.