Chapter 133

"What a great surprise! I never thought that all of your acquaintance was able to pass the preliminary match and get into the top sixty-four participants. But who is that young wandering knight who has a similar sword technique to you? Is he also your acquaintance?" Darius who eating at Red Dawn asks with a curious expression.

It was not strange for his curiosity as Ludger's sword technique is made with the knowledge from the other world and it was too unique in this world. From how the people who know about Ludger's techniques, they will think that Nemesio might be his disciple or someone who accidentally read something that contains the sword technique. 

"I never met him before but someone I know might teach him about it." Ludger put on a poker face and flatly answered the question as if he didn't care about it.

The fact is Ludger feel relief that the book that Renneshia gave to Nemesio before seems to be useful and be able to understand what is written in that book. And Renneshia has seen that he has a talent for using the martial arts from her previous life when the first time they met each other. But Ludger never thought that he would grow to be such a fierce person while using soft martial arts.

It was like he turned into someone else after holding his sword and kept reflecting his enemy's attack as it turn into a counters. The worse part was because he add his power to add the power of the reflected attack, his enemies all have a dark face. I would say he was quite vicious for doing it to them... Well it was because they are looking down to Nemesio who is young and seems to be lacking in experience. 

"But I never thought that the three of them also participate in the Winter Tournament. Did Ed and Rain want to check their ability? As for Leo, I think she has the same goal as the other fan club members. I will just watch them and rooting for them as a spectator." Ludger add his opinions while looking at Darius face.

Edgar and Rainold also able to pass the preliminary matches by only using their sword skills. Ludger realized that Edgar was using his speed and unique movement to avoid his enemy's attack and make them hit each other without hitting them. It was different from Rainold who only used his pure power to swat his enemies even without using his aura. 

As for Leona, she was making a large water sphere that surrounded the whole ring and make her enemies lose consciousness or give up before they are drowned. From what Ludger saw, Leona's magic seems to be able to act as a good attack. But Leona needs to create a barrier first to protect herself from her opponent's attack before able to finish her chanting. It was something that inspire Ludger to create similar spells later.

"You are unexpectedly dense when it comes to something that relate with you." Darius shook his head.

"Rain seems want to learn a bit about my techniques. As for Ed... I think he just don't want to be left alone as his friends are all directly or indirectly participate in the Winter Tournament, right?" Ludger said as he want to prove that what Darius said is wrong. 

"If you said so, then won't you feel left out by your friends because while they are busy with their preparation, you are enjoying your meals like this as if it doesn't have any relation with you." Darius seems unable to understand the current Ludger. 

It was something that relate to him and his future but he seem to not care about it. While the public have a hard time finding him before the Winter Tournament, burius is still able to meet him or contact him with the communication device. But every time he saw Ludger, Ludger seemed to be lazing around and he didn't do anything that looked like preparing for the Winter Tournament. 

"If I show it to everyone, it will lessen the surprise for it. And you know about the guild that I wrote in my participation form, right? What do you think about it?" Ludger smiles brightly but it looks extremely dark for some reason. 

"I feel sorry for all of them when I saw your current expression. How embarrassed they will be when your introduction is being announced later. And if they lose terribly to you, they will look like a joke in the eyes of the people from different cities and countries. But it will raise the popularity and fame of our production and creation guild. I quite like what you want to do and you also realized that I support your plan but be careful because they might retaliate against you later." Darius agrees but also reminds Ludger to not go overboard. 

"Don't you think that using the fan club members as a good deterrence for the low-rank guild members and guilds from their fierce appearance in today's preliminary match? I am really scared by how Sister Alvera and Sister Elviira end their matches that quickly. The only one with a similar vibe to both of them was thee Tower Master of the the Magic Tower and the famous mercenary from the mercenary guild. Right, Mr. Einar was quite surprisingly participated in this year's Winter Tournament. I thought that he might let Sister Alvera and Sister Elviira as representative of the adventurer guild." Ludger remembered all the preliminary matches that he saw today.

Elviira quickly ended her match using her light magic to blind all of the other contestants and make them unable to continue the match. But the bright light did not harm the referee and the spectators even I was quite bright. It only causes them blind for around an hour but Elviira give them a warning and make their face got pale. After the match, Ludger still remembers how scared they were when they met with Elviira who asked about their condition with a smile.

Alvera's match is scarier because she use a powerful tornado-like magic to throw everyone out of the ring just after the match begins. She seems to be hiding her real power and using such an explosive method because she wants to end the match quickly. In Ludger's eyes, she seems to act like that to make the other contestants unable to see her real power.

Vice Tower Master of the the Magic Tower, Keres is ending her match in a similar vibe with Alvera and Elviira's matches. She only uses one spell to make her opponent unable to fight her and it is even much worse than Elviira's blinding light. She uses her magic to turn everyone in the ring into ice sculptures. Her cold expression seems to make the temperature become much colder to all of her opponents. 

 The famous mercenary from the mercenary guild was a spear user who had a good technique. He was quite skilled as he seemed to be able to use everything around him as a weapon, even the other participants who unluckily stood near him when the match started. It looked similar to Einar's match who hit his opponent like a tennis ball and made them thrown out of the ring.

"You seem to haven't heard about this news. Alvera and Elviira enter as the participants of the Winter Tournament not as the members of the adventurer guild but as the members of the Ludger fan club. That was the reason for Einar being forced to participate in this year's Winter Festival by Hudson's order. He was the only person who didn't have any interest with this year's price." Darius touched his chin as if he was thinking about something.

"I feel really sorry for that unlucky bastard. But I hope he won't encounter someone scary in the next match... At least let him have some dignity in front of all of the spectators. It made me feel sad for how low his luck was." Ludger shook his head as he thought about how unlucky Einar was.

"Well...when you said that...I think he really was unlucky. But he might show good matches although he looks like that. After all, he was a veteran high-rank adventurer in this City. Hmm, where are you going? Have you decided to train yourself for your possable opponent after the final?" Darius saw Ludger was leaving him.

"I need to ask Favian for some potions and magic terms as my weapon to beat them as an alchemy guild member. And I have seen how all of them use their power in today's preliminary match today. What I need to do right now is to make something to neutralise their power." Ludger explained in a small voice as he didn't want to be heard by other people. 

While most of them still hide their real power, Ludger seems able to predict how they are fighting. And what he needs is to get some rest because he has been training herself. Ludger was so focused with his thoughts until he heard something from behind.

It was Darius warning.

"You will be disqualified if you are using any dangerous poison..."

Darius seems to feel worried with Ludger preparation. But Ludger ignore him and return to his room to contact the alchemy guild. No one will able to guess what kind of preparation and method that Ludger will used in this years Winter Tournament. It will cause everyone fear the alchemy guild in the future.