Chapter 138

Favian is a strange person but he was also smarter than other people. But he never tries to talk to anyone else because he will end up hating their foolishness. He kept distancing himself from other people even when he decided to join the alchemy guild. He only focused on his own research until the day he met him.

He still remembers when he met with the little boy who danced with a sword in his hand the first time he saw him. At first, he thought that the boy would become the same as the other adventurers that he had met before. But when they started to give them some unique food that he had never seen before. And the more he talked with the boy, he began to realize that his knowledge was something that he never thought of before.

It was something that made him feel mesmerized for the first time in his life. At that moment he decided to think of him as his Teacher and started to learn from him. His life changed from that day onwards. He started to see other people around him and realized that everyone has their own talents and weaknesses. 

But as he started to open his heart to the other, he realized that his Teacher seemed to put on some kind of mask to hide his real thoughts. He always put that smile on his face and always acted politely, especially in front of females. While he acts like a womanizer, he actually makes a walk between them. But the other people seem to be too stupid to realize it.

Well, he admits that his Teacher is a perfect person because he has everything like looks, power and wealth. But I was never able to understand the reason for his Teacher always tried to hide his talents or make himself as low profile as possible even if it was impossible to do. Because he always has the charisma that makes most people want to look at him.

Meeting with his Teacher was the most fortunate thing that happened in his life. After a while, he met with a woman who had similar talent to him, Aqila. Then his life becomes much better than before as he is able to find more new things in his life. But the only person who never changes in this changing City is his Teacher who still acts like usual putting a line to separate himself from other people around him.

One day, he suddenly asks some weird questions to him and Hugo. While Hugo is someone who could be described as the person who perfectly fits the definition of a merchant, he is another person who is able to understand Ludger the most. Ludger only shows a bit of his real self in front of both of them. It's not because he trusts both of them but because they never mind about his identity and only think about his ability. 

It sounds cold but it gives Ludger some peace of mind. But even so, no one seems to be able to make him open his heart even a bit. But lately, his behaviour has been getting worse. As Ludger started to get influenced by the dream that he saw every night. It makes Favian feel that Ludger might disappear lately. 

But when Ludger show him his secret as the race from another continent, Favian finally realises that Ludger actually treasures the people around him. But after he tells them, a foreboding feeling creeps in and makes him think that Ludger will disappear as if he never existed. But luckily the person called Darius seems to stop him.

"You seem to understand a bit of Ludger's thoughts. Oh, right. About the secret of that letter, I had tried a few tricks that might reveal its secret but I didn't find any clue. Do you think there is a trick that needs special conditions?" Darius talks in a gentle manner.

It was different from the time he usually talked to him before. It surprised Favian because what Ludger did before was able to change such a difficult person like Darius in an instant.

'As expected of my Teacher everything that he was doing always gave the people around him the chance of having a better life. Sometimes he looks like a God to me.' Favian really admires Ludger in his mind because for him Ludger is really like a God, no it was more precise if we said that Favian really thought that Ludger was God.

"You seem to be extremely happy right now. Is it because the Boy told you about his secret? Well, the Boy is someone who always hides everything in that small body." Hudson said while looking at Ludger who was still busy reading the documents. 

"But I still hope that he will tell us about it when he is ready later. I will always wait for him even if it will take years until he is ready." Darius nodded as if agreeing with Hudson's words.

They were talking about Ludger who focused on the documents in his hands. But when they are talking about how many secrets that Ludger need to carry, Ludger's body suddenly staggers. Then a bright and blinding light shone from the documents and Ludger collapsed. 

"Ludger!!!" Darius quickly ran to prevent his body from falling to the floor. 

Everyone in that room feels surprised and shocked by what suddenly happened in front of them. Darius quickly checks Ludger's condition and finds out that he just fell asleep. His breathing and his pulse are normal nothing is wrong with him but he keeps sleeping. 

"What happens to him? Why did he suddenly collapse like this? Is something wrong with those documents?" Hudson panicked because Ludger suddenly collapsed.

"Hmm, these documents seem to be really hiding something big. Excuse me, Mr. Darius. Does these documents' content look like this before?" Favian calmly looks at the documents that fall from Ludger's hands when he collapses.

"What are you talking about?! It was not as important as his condition right now. Have you never cared about your Teacher's condition?" Darius angrily yells

"Calm down. How could I not care about my Teacher's condition? But right now we need to look for the cause and look for any solutions that we are able to get to help him regain his consciousness. I know you cared about him. But exactly in a time like this, you need to be calm." Favian said with an annoyed tone.

Of course, it was because he felt panic but still trying to think rationally. His Teacher was so important to him that he felt like his world would end without him. But he still needs to keep his composure and find a way to help him as soon as possible. That was why he did that.

Hearing Favian words, Darius seems able to calm himself and open his mouth. "Give those documents to me. Thank you for reminding me. I will compare it because I still remember the content of that letter."

Darius quickly read the documents after laying Ludger's body on the sofa in that Laboratory. As he reads those letter-like documents, he frowns as it turns into some unknown language. 

"T-This... How could it turn... Why did it change into some unknown language?! Why did it turn into something like this? Could it be because of his bloodline? No, why is this happening." Darius seems to be shocked by the unexpected change.

"Then could you please write down the previous content? We might be able to get some clue from it." Favian quickly said whatever appeared in his mind that was able to help Ludger regain his consciousness.

"Give me some papers, I will write it exactly like the previous one." Darius quickly made a copy of that letter.

Favian and Hudson quickly take a look at the previous content. As they read it, they could understand why Darius previously said that it was some kind of love letter before. They also thought that it was some strange letter because the opening of the letter have explained that the recipient of this letter had died a long time ago even before the writer wrote this letter. 

It makes them feel something is wrong because although the writer knows the recipient of this letter has died, but the content is as if he knows that the person that he writing to will one day read it. The three of them become more confused because the previous content seems to be nonsense right now and it won't help them to get any clue to help Ludger.

While they were busy finding a way to wake Ludger, Ludger or Renneshia's consciousness was currently in a special space that was hidden in those documents.


"This place! Right, isn't this where the first Duke Kadaklan's body was buried? I have seen it before in the 'cemetery accident'...But why did I come here?" Ludger feel confused as he looks at his surroundings which suddenly change.

Ludger looks around and feels a bit strange because he can perfectly remember that he just reading some documents that Darius or the current Duke Kadaklan, Kismet showed him in Favian secret Laboratory. Then the documents suddenly shone brightly and he closed his eyes. But when he opened his eyes, he suddenly stood in this place. 

As Ludger looked around, he realized that this place was not the place that he had seen in the cemetery before. The most different part was because it was a beautiful hill without any tombs like what Ludger had seen before.