Shut your mouth!

Xianwu gazed at his father, who could not express his happiness holding the royal decree.

"You have been appointed as rank one officer in the Ministry of Revenue," Lee Shimin said with an overjoyed face. He instructed his wife to distribute sweets and provide free grains for the families of the servants working for them.

Lady Lingji, however, was displeased with her husband's celebration of Xianwu's success in obtaining the highest-ranking position in one of the Empire's most important ministries.

"Xianwu only obtained this position because of your reputation and his loyalty to the royal family. Despite failing the examination numerous times, he doesn't even think to show gratitude towards his father for his efforts," Lady Lingji remarked.

"That's because Father insisted I take this position. That's why this royal decree appointing me to the ministry exists. I would have thanked my father if he hadn't used his influence to secure my appointment," Xianwu pronounced with a dissatisfied look.

"Brother Xianwu should not act this way anymore," Zhongshu interjected.

"Don't speak in my affair," Xianwu coldly replied.

"My Lord, look the way Xianwu talks with his younger brother. Why don't you say anything to him?" Lady Lingji complained to Lee Shimin.

"He is not my brother," Xianwu said and turned to leave for his room.

"Xianwu, this behavior is unacceptable to all of us. You are the eldest in this household, yet you act like the youngest troublemaker," Lee Shimin remarked. "His Majesty has summoned you to the palace tomorrow to meet with him," he added, placing the scroll on the table.

"I understand," Xianwu replied and requested his father's permission to take his leave.

"Xianwu, I don't want to hear any complaints about you once you start working," Lee Shimin asserted.

"There's something I want to tell Father. I won't let him do anything wrong. I obtained this position because the Grand Empress Dowager sought support for her beloved grandson from the esteemed Chief General of the Empire," Xianwu proclaimed, looking at his stepmother before exiting the room.

Lee Shimin was well aware of the rebellious nature of his eldest son, but he never imagined a time would come when Xianwu would try to threaten him.

"What did Brother Xianwu mean by that?" Zhongshu asked, looking at his father.

"Nothing. You should go to your room and try not to communicate with Xianwu. He doesn't even consider my sons as his younger brothers and always demeans them," Lady Lingji stated and narrowly gazed at her husband.

"Brother Xianwu isn't a bad person, but he lacks a bit of empathy towards his brothers. I can understand his view. He didn't get the love from the family he deserved," Zhongshu proclaimed and gazed at his mother.

"I always give him the desired love. But he never acknowledged my efforts," Lady Lingji asserted and asked Zhongshu to go to his room. "You must be tired because of the entire day's training. I will ask the servant to send dinner for you," she stated.

Zhongshu nodded and bowed to them before leaving the room.

As he reached the inner courtyard, he saw Xianwu and Yujin standing across from each other.

Zhongshu rushed to get hold of Yujin, who looked intoxicated.

"I heard you would join the Ministry of Revenue," Yujin said to Xianwu.

"Yes, I did," Xianwu said. "Are you jealous of me? I got the rank one position without making any effort while you effortlessly worked hard to reach the level where I am standing today," he said with a tone tinged with humiliation.

"Why would I be envious of you? Everyone will know that you obtained this position because of our father," Yujin retorted, dismissing Zhongshu's presence and asking him to leave.

"That was what I wanted," Xianwu stated with a smirk. "Father could have pleaded with the Grand Empress Dowager to grant you this position, but instead, he chose to bestow it upon me, his legitimate son," he muttered and decided to walk away.

"Calling yourself legitimate when you know very well what your mother did. Who's to say if you were fathered by our father or someone else," Yujin taunted. It infuriated Xianwu, causing him to tightly clench his fists.

"Brother Yujin, you shouldn't have said that," Zhongshu intervened, urging Yujin to apologize to Xianwu.

"I said what I believed was right," Yujin maintained his stance as Xianwu approached him. Xianwu seized Yujin with his robes and delivered a powerful punch. Despite Zhongshu's attempts to intervene, the altercation escalated.

Yujin wiped the blood that oozed out from his lips and glared at Xianwu.

"The next time you say that, I'll kill you," Xianwu declared firmly.

Lady Lingji rushed to her son, tears streaming down her face, and stood before her husband. "My Lord, look at what Xianwu has done. He's now resorting to violence against his younger brothers," she demanded punishment for Xianwu.

"Shut your mouth!" Xianwu snapped at Lingji. "It's all happening because of you." Xianwu glared at his father before storming out of the house. He couldn't bear to spend another night there, fearing he would lose his sanity.

If only his mother had taken him away as well that night, he would not have been suffering alone in that house. Every single day was torture for him, but he could not either leave that house.