I existed in Jin Fengming's thoughts [Bonus chapter]

"Her Royal Highness woke up early today. Is she not getting a good sleep? I will include sleep-inducing tea for her in the breakfast and evening," Court Lady Xuan said while expressing her concern.

"That's not needed. I had a good night's sleep," Jia Li replied as she walked with a slight limp. Her body was aching from intense physical activity the previous evening. Although she wanted to take a day off from work, she couldn't do so due to her position.

"The Crown Princess does look tired," Court Lady Xuan emphasized upon her words. "I advise her to take a day's rest," she suggested. Jia Li wore the last piece of clothing, the phoenix overcoat, and turned to face the Court Lady.

"I am alright. Today, there is the appointment of some new ministers and rank officials. I need to be present there, else I will be considered irresponsible in my duties," Jia Li stated and asked Court Lady Xuan if breakfast was ready.

"It is Your Royal Highness," Court Lady Xuan confirmed and followed Jia Li to the private dining room.

As Jia Li settled on the chair, she recalled her promise to Xianwu. "Court Lady Xuan, I would like you to prepare the Osmanthus tea after I return from the court," she asserted.

"May I know why? The Crown Princess rarely takes tea after breakfast," Court Lady Xuan stated.

"I have a meeting with someone. Please ensure the pavilion is cleaned well, as we will be sitting there," Jia Li ordered her. Court Lady Xuan acknowledged the command, wondering whom the Crown Princess would meet.

Jia Li, after finishing breakfast, left for the imperial court.

"Sister Jia Li, good morning," Wangjie greeted her as he caught up to her steps. "I heard a strange rumor in the morning. Is the Crown Princess aware of it?" he inquired.

"Brother Wangjie, I hardly keep my focus on the baseless rumors around me," Jia Li replied politely and told him he could share with her the strange rumor.

"I want Sister Jia Li to learn about the rumor herself," Wangjie said and asked her if she was alright. "The Crown Princess doesn't appear well today," he asserted.

"Yes, I am fine," Jia Li lied as she didn't want to tell Wangjie she was feeling sick. "Will the other Princes not come? They usually accompany Brother Wangjie," she stated.

"They are on their way to the imperial court," Wangjie asserted. "I heard the State Minister's son refused to marry my sister. It happened for the first time, else only Sister Jia Li used to reject," he added mockingly.

"Some men aren't interested to involve themselves in the palace politics. The State Minister's son is one of them," Jia Li answered. They reached the top of the stairs and walked inside the huge mahogany doors of the Imperial Court.

The ministers greeted Crown Princess Jia Li and Prince Wangjie, who proceeded to the front. They were supposed to sit alongside the Emperor today. Wangjie took a seat lower than Jia Li. On both sides of Wangjie, the other princes took their seats.

Jia Li noticed Lee Shimin, wondering if any of his sons also got the highest-ranked position in any of the ministries. As far as she knew, Lee Shimin's two sons were already in the government, except the eldest one, who had failed the exam again.

Her eyes caught Jin Fengming, Prime Minister Jin Liang's son, among the new faces. She recalled Court Lady Xuan talking about him. His face stood out among all the men present in the hall, making him easily noticeable.

Lee Xianwu noticed Jia Li's gaze on Jin Fengming. Since he was standing at the back, it would be difficult for anyone to notice him, which he wanted to avoid.

"Why are you standing here?" Lee Shimin asked Xianwu, who quickly shifted his gaze from Jia Li to his father.

"Because this place is nice," Xianwu replied.

"You are supposed to be at the front," Lee Shimin declared, instructing Xianwu to follow him.

Xianwu lethargically walked behind his father as the ministers started whispering among them. Jia Li's gaze landed on Xianwu, confusing her about why he was there. Yesterday he told Jia Li he held no rank, and now, he was in the imperial court.

"Liar!" Jia Li remarked.

Xianwu stood next to Jin Fengming, who said, "I did not expect Lee Xianwu's sight in the imperial court."

"Everyone has the least expectations of me," Xianwu answered, and the two glanced at each other.

"Did you get the position because of your father's rank?" Jin Fengming curiously asked. "I do not remember seeing your name in the final list," he added.

"Why are you interested in knowing what I do? I never knew I existed in Jin Fengming's thoughts," Xianwu affirmed with a grin on his lips.

"Xianwu is wrong. I am curious to know why you agreed to work," Jin Fengming stated.

"Still that does not disapprove this fact that you are interested in my life," Xianwu proclaimed. The Emperor entered the Imperial Court, and the voices died down. Jin Fengming chuckled and turned his head to look at the front.

"Xianwu, you should not have entered such a bloody place. You should not have accepted your father's offer," Jin Fengming pronounced and ended the conversation between them.