I can protect her well [Bonus chapter]

Emperor Xiangwei was seated in his study, going through the old memories of his childhood when he used to sit for hours to study.

"Your Majesty, General Lee's son wants to see you," Eunuch Yang informed the Emperor, who kept the notebook on the table.

Xiangwei's brows creased, wondering why Lee Shimin's son wanted to see him. He asked Eunuch Yang to send him in.

After a while, Xianwu entered the room and greeted the Emperor, keeping his head low unless Xiangwei asked him to raise his head.

"I am surprised Lee Xianwu is here instead of working at this hour. Is he already trying to anger the other officials by not working?" Xiangwei asked him.

"I wasn't assigned any work today, Your Majesty. Also, Minister Fu asked me to accompany him to the palace, so I am here," Xianwu replied.

"Then, why is Lee Xianwu here? He never came to me before," Xiangwei was curious to know.