The target was lost [Bonus chapter]

Jia Li looked at Wangjie with a suspicious gaze and said, "I heard Brother Wangjie summon Jin Fengming suddenly. May I know the reason?" She waited for Wangjie's response.

"Jin Fengming is now an official. Brother Wangjie has to look after a lot of matters unlike our sister," remarked Zhao Yue, the Second Prince.

"Zhao Yue, do you think I sit and roam around all day?" Jia Li's tone turned a bit stern with a tinge of disappointment in that. She wanted at least one among them not to support her. They were a part of a family. Sadly, she didn't have such warm support from any of them.

"Forgive Zhao Yue, Sister Jia. He sometimes gets slip off the tongue," Wangjie said. His fingers traced the rim of the porcelain cup filled with chrysanthemum tea.