Lives and dies for his master

In the evening, Xianwu arrived at Jin Fengming's house in a getup in which he was hardly recognizable. 

He knocked on the door and Bong Huan opened it. Xianwu stepped in and saw Jin Fengming standing up from the chair. He then glanced at Zhen Lu, who was still unconscious. 

"I ended up giving him more quantity of what the Crown Prince has recommended," Jin Fengming asserted. 

"It's good that your parents aren't home for a few days," Xianwu said. 

"How do you know?" Jin Fengming asked. 

"Prime Minister Jin's absence in the court," Xianwu replied. 

"Bong Huan told me that someone from the palace planted the spy in the Crown Prince's house," Jin Fengming said. "Is it true?" he asked. 

"Yes. But I want to confirm the identity of the royal, who has sent him and if he leaked out any information regarding me," Xianwu said.