Face the truth

"Why did the Crown Prince suddenly call me at this hour?" Lee Yujin asked with a perplexed gaze. 

The next second, Xianwu held his half-brother Yujin by his robes. "Because you made a grave mistake," he said. "Who told you to talk about the stuff related to me and my mother to Zhongshu?" his jaw clenched as he fisted his palms on his robes. 

"Is the Crown Prince keeping a check on us brothers? Why does he always doubt me and my intentions?" Lee Yujin queried as he attempted to get away from Xianwu. 

But Xianwu's strength overpowered. "You have no right to talk about my mother," he stated while gritting his teeth. 

"Xianwu!" Jia Li pronounced his name as she knitted her brows together. "Leave Yujin. Why are you holding him like that?" she couldn't understand what transpired between the two brothers the moment she left the chamber to arrange the tea for them. 

Xianwu let go of Yujin and told him to stay away from his matters.