You are beautiful

The next day, Jia Li and Xianwu returned from the court to resume their day's work. Xianwu already had pending work left and finished it first while Jia Li read the important official decisions taken in the various ministries. 

In between the work, Xianwu would lean toward Jia Li's desk and see what she had been working on, or the other times, he would take a rest. 

"You are again not focussed," Jia Li remarked as she dipped the brush in the red ink. "For the first time, the court session went in my favor. Thank you," she said. "I think it is time to replace Prime Minister Jin," Jia Li suddenly suggested. 

"Why?" Xianwu asked. 

"Because he is on grandmother's side," Jia Li replied. 

"It is not easy to remove him when he holds a special privilege," Xianwu stated. 

"A special privilege?" Jia Li did not apply the stamp as she glanced at him with bewilderment.