Need someone stronger to lean on

Jia Li stood up from the steps to the residence upon seeing Xianwu coming toward it. She descended the steps quickly and rushed to him. His white mourning outfit was covered in mud at the bottom and his face looked pale.

"Why are you outside the house alone? Don't you know you are the Crown Princess?" Xianwu asked.

Jia Li began weeping. "Forgive me, Xianwu. I beg you to forgive me. Because of me, you lost your father." Her voice choked and she hung her head low. "My selfish ambition destroyed your family." She joined both of her hands as she raised them and apologized to him.

Xianwu held her hands before lowering them and hugged her. His big hand caressed her back while his other hand rested on the back of her head. "It is not your ambition that took my father's life," he said. "Stop crying." He was confident all this time that he would easily take down all of the evil people in the palace with his soft ways.