The Dao Sect disciples

Bai Hé respectfully curtsied to Prince Wangjie, bowing formally before him. She maintained her lowered gaze until given permission to raise her head, yet chose to keep her eyes lowered out of deference.

"Please, have a seat," Wangjie offered, indicating the chair prepared for Bai Hé by a maidservant. Bai Hé gracefully settled into the seat, her posture composed. 

When offered the tea, she refrained from picking up the teacup, opting to wait for Wangjie to initiate the tea-drinking ritual, observing the etiquette expected in such formal encounters.

"Have some tea, Miss Bai Hé," Wangjie offered in a polite tone. "Gracious and Charming," he suddenly remarked, catching her attention, and prompting her to finally peer at him. "The meaning of your name," he elaborated.