New Student

"Zria," An echoing sound thundered through the girl's mind. She knew she should be awake, but something was keeping her there. The dream where she was happy and nothing bothered her. She one day wishes she could be there, but the place was blurry. Nothing dared to give her a clue about where this place resigned.

"Zria!" Zria struck herself awake to the sound of a familiar voice; it was her teacher, once again knocking her out of her sleep. The rest of her students began to laugh as Mrs. Vera shakes her head in disbelief.

"I'm sorry," Zria pleaded. She had to help the others at the orphanages with their homework the night before, so sleep was something she didn't get enough of. Even though the teacher was a pain to be around sometimes, she was able to show some human emotion compared to most.

"I understand," Mrs. Vera placed a hand on Zria's shoulder in approval. "Just don't let this be a habit. Now then let's continue" she then snapped her finger to gain everyone else's attention to the girl standing to the front of the room. The girl had black hair that danced to her lower back, and her dark brown eyes match perfectly with her warm beige skin. She wore a sweet-leaf green colored shirt paired with ripped jeans. It wasn't long before the class had recess. Most of the other kids played soccer, or some other form of activity, though Zria hung out with Zach under the trees.

"So," Zach teased, handing her an apple from their leftover lunch. "How is sleepy charming?" Zria only punched them in their shoulder in response. Zria looked up at the trees' falling leaves. This tree was where Zach and her first met. Where they hugged and where they fought. This tree was their childhood.

"I'm fine." She began to take a bit out of the delicious fruit. Zach snickers in amusement, which causes them to glance at the new girl.

"What do you think of her," Zach nodded their head over in her direction to clarify. "The new girl."

"I think her name was Celestine."

"Yeah," They both had begun playing Speed, were just talking to fill up time. Who knows how long it would be before time was over. Most of the teachers were in the lounge eating whatever food or freedom that had left. "I believed she wanted to go by Celeste, or something like that."

"You want to go talk to her," Zria stood up. Seeing the girl alone was downer. Celeste was sitting on the edge of a hill, under the sunlight watching the other kids play games, and playing with flowers. Zria frowned. "She looks like she needs friends."

"Why," Zach sets their cards down carefully so as to not bend them. "Do you like her or something?" Zach receives a confused look from the other.

"Come on Zach," Zria began to walk toward the girl's way. "If I hadn't talked to you, where would you be?"

"I would be relaxing, while you, my good friend, would still be alone." Zach sighed, but followed Z up the hill to meet the new face.

"Hey," Zria's voice startled the girl from watching the game. Zach, wanting to laugh at Celeste's unexpected fear. Held out their hand first.

"Hi! I'm Zach. The non-binary friend. How are you doing?" Celeste was hesitant to shake their hand, but did so anyway.

"I'm fine," She looks out to the crowd of kids playing. Zria saw the girl's voice turn sorrowful as her voice trailed off. "Just lonely."

"Good thing we're here then," Zria proceeds to sit beside her, Zach following behind.

"Name's Zria, by the way."

"Name's Celestine," her face then turned red from embarrassment. "But you already know that." Zria only laughed in response, but this laugh was different. This one was one of enjoyment rather than one you had to fake.

"Yeah, I did."