A pale horse

As the trio of adventurers planned their travel into the desert in search of the Pearl of Ozymandias, Achmed El Gibar appeared to Indiana Jones to offer his services as a guide. "I take it Farouk wanted a little insurance?" Jones prodded.

"Indeed. But, I am attending only as a guide, and will not be entering the tombs with you." El Gibar confessed.

"Why not?"

"It would be foolish to do so. Many of my brethren have tried and never come out."

"You seem pretty familiar with this place."

"Indeed I am. I have seen on certain nights that strange and eerie lights can be seen floating in the air above the tomb as faint groans can be heard along with the beat of an ancient drum when the wind blows in the right direction, and been wise enough to trespass."

"Well, I don't spook too easy, and won't be driven off by lights."

El Gibar and Indiana proceed to negotiate securing a fleet of camels and horses for their travels and then with their companions traveled into the desert.


The tomb of En Sabah Nur sits some 15km south of Cairo. Dusk is settling when their party arrives. True to the word of Achmed El Gibar, faint dancing lights, like an Aurora Borealis shimmer above a rock protrusion jutting out of the sand surrounded by a beautiful oasis rich with palm trees and a small pond with a cascading waterfall. The sight seems like an illusion, but as they approach it, it is indeed tactile, not the mirage their eyes keep convincing themselves of.

There is a small shack a few meters from the edge of the pond with a small burning fire not far from the shack. An inspection of the shack reveals nobody is home, but there are signs of recent activity. The shack itself is well-kept and belongs to someone whom envisions themselves as some sort of shaman. Magical potions and tomes lie neatly on the bookshelves and cases and on the tables. The writings are in various ancient languages: Egyptian, Sumerian, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin among others. After taking a moment to decipher portions of the text, Indiana Jones was able to reveal the text all pertained or referenced to the "Apocalypse".

When the trio of American adventurers gathered the courage to enter the tomb, their guide El Gibar wishes them luck and leads their camels and horses a safe distance away from the entrance, muttering in Arabic about what fools these American men must be.



Eventually they come to an antechamber containing a reclusive hermit. The old man seats cross-leggedcross-legged in the center of the chamber, deep in prayer. He wears a turban with a 3" × 15" opal pin in the front of it. Though he seems deep in preoccupation, the hermit speaks as soon someone moves. He addresses the party, "Gentlemen, you are trespassing on sacred ground. I am Ozymandias, the guardian of En Sabah Nur, the Eternal Pharaoh. Your presence here is expected, yet not welcome. You hunger for salvation, yet you will only bring death and destruction. I cannot allow my amulet to be used for the pestilence you will rain down upon this earth, should you retrieve the other relics you seek."

Suddenly, a slight rumbling beneath their feet intensified into the sound of a massive beating drum, like the heart of some ungodly beast. In the hallway across from the trio of explorers a figure appeared, emerging from a plume of thick smoke that smells of gunpowder. The figure appeared to be a gaunt and skeletal civil war union fighter in the uniform of their military. A massive drum hangs by worn leather straps from his body, from which the resonating beat that filled the tomb originated.

Beneath Nick, Clif, and Indiana's feet a swarm of scarab beetles infiltrate the room from every crack in the floors and walls, gathering with repulsive skittering sounds to take the form of another humanoid figure. This time it was the form of a beautiful Geisha, resplendent with robes and make-up.

The loud rhythmic beat gained in volume, although the first mysterious figure had ceased his own pounding of his massive drums. From a nearby wall, the sound of a raging bull in cadence bellowed through the halls, as a gargantuan axe-wielding creature crashed through the stone walls of the tomb. This creature had the appearance of the legendary minotaur of Greek and Roman myth. As rubble and dust scattered in it's wake, the monster swung it's cleaving axe in a wide-arcing whoosh that narrowly missed Sgt. Nick Fury.

Finally, as the trio attempted to gain defendable ground in the antechamber, a fourth man descends from the ceiling atop a flying carpet. This man wore the customary Egyptian robes of royalty, as well as two gaudy rings upon the index and middle finger of his right hand.


When an opening permits, Death attempts to spirit away Ozymandias and abscond through one of the tombs many tunnels. The Rocketeer uses his Rocket-pack to jet after the escaping horseman and Ozymandias. Ozymandias uses his mutant ability to manipulate stone to create obstacles for The Rocketeer to traverse as he chases them.


As each of the Horsemen of Apocalypse is defeated, their bodily form disintegrates into dust instantly. Upon defeat Ozymandias turns to stone. Unknown to the three explorers, Ozymandias had come to his end within reach of the resting place of En Sabah Nur. However, a magical barrier seemed to be in place to prevent any intrusion into where the sarcophagi must lay. Releasing Apocalypse in this day and age would be disastrous, and it is highly doubtful that any of them would have the knowledge or strength to defeat such an enemy.

Indiana Jones felt up to scour the rest of the tomb for valuables, so he was allowed to explore as much as his ability and the patience of his traveling companions permitted.