
More years passed and as I grew up, I started having suitors like a normal teenage girl experience.

But what made me curious was that, all my suitors are either suddenly giving up or transferring to other schools.

I ignored everything.

Then there's Erron.

Who's always there for me in everything I do.

I can't understand myself to him.

I started being possessive of him and I don't get it why.

I'm not like this before.

Until one day I just cried when there was news that ruined my world.

Erron has a girlfriend.

It was rumored all over the school.

I cried my heart out.

That was when I realized, I was falling in love with my best friend.

I avoided him for a few days. I don't answer his calls, I don't reply to his text messages, I don't pay attention to him every time we meet at school, and I don't take him out every time he comes home.

All I could think was that he would give up on the urge to notice me when I didn't go in for a few days, I went with Daddy to Italy to visit the newly opened Art Gallery there.

But then when I came back home, Erron was there.

Standing at the main gate.

Looking helpless and broken.

His eyes widened and he was immediately surprised to see me get out of the car.

"I thought you're gonna study abroad. I thought you're going to leave me. I can't, I can't. Please, Aya, stay here please?" he said.

He held me by my waist and pulled me for a tight hug.

That day, he confessed his undying love for me. He explained everything, he said he doesn't have a girlfriend.

It was just a lame rumor.

He also admitted to me that he was the reason why all my former lovers backed down. He drives them away and no doubt says he's my boyfriend.

He told me that it's only me, his first and only love.

I could barely speak after he admitted to me. I was speechless, I didn't expect that we're each other's first love.

And it was the best feeling ever.

Knowing that after all, what I feel towards him is worth it. I just assumed things without asking him directly. He flirted with me after that. He was the sweetest. From the love letters to the way he treated me. Even my parents voted for him. After all, they've known him since we were kids.

Her courtship took several months before I finally answered her.

We were so happy.

It was inevitable to have a little argument sometimes but he proved to me he would do everything, just keep the relationship between the two of us.

We were together for years.



I could never ask for more.

Until one day, a news came that shattered my world.

Erron got involved in a car accident.

Dead on arrival.

He had lost so much blood that he could not breathe and died before the operation.

It was the most painful event of my life, witnessing the love of my life lying lifeless.

I just cried as I watched his coffin slowly lower to the ground.