No Rescue

Hobe's mind raced, desperately trying to make sense of the situation. His limbs felt heavy and unresponsive, as if shackled by an invisible force.

Fear coursed through his veins, numbing his senses and clouding his thoughts.

Time seemed to slow down as he watched Hari, torn between the instinct to protect her and the realization that his own body had betrayed him.

Every fiber of his being screamed for him to flee, to escape the imminent danger closing in on them.

But his muscles refused to obey. It was as if his willpower had been drained, leaving him stranded and helpless.

The weight of guilt settled upon his chest, knowing that his inability to act could cost both of them their lives.

Hari's cries grew more desperate, her voice trembling with a mixture of terror and sorrow.

She stood there, frozen in the middle of the desolate street, her small frame consumed by a torrent of emotions.

Hobe glanced back and noticed several other individuals with similar peculiar behavior, slowly approaching the lifeless body of Mrs. Johson, which had just been devoured by the limping man.

Lifting one foot and bracing it against his knee, Hobe observed as the zombies, now aware of another living human, sprinted towards him with alarming speed.

No. It couldn't happen. No one could harm Hari.

Summoning every ounce of strength, Hobe managed to regain his footing and sprinted towards Hari, narrowly avoiding stumbling multiple times along the way.

He ran and ran, his lungs burning with every breath. His legs felt like jelly, threatening to give way beneath him.

But he couldn't let Hari witness the horrors of this world. Hari couldn't see him being devoured by the zombies.

Driven by sheer determination, Hobe pushed himself to keep running, his eyes fixed on Hari in the distance.

The sounds of the pursuing undead grew louder, their snarls and grunts fueling his adrenaline-fueled sprint.

Hobe didn't mind becoming a meal for the zombies. After all, he felt his life wasn't worth fighting for. It held no meaning or significance.

But not for Hari.

Hari's life was precious. Hobe couldn't bear the thought of Hari witnessing the horrors of this world. He couldn't bear the thought of Hari becoming a feast for the zombies.

With every step he took, Hobe pushed himself harder, ignoring the burning pain in his lungs and the weakness in his legs.

He ran with a singular purpose—to protect Hari, to shield him from the atrocities that surrounded them.

No matter how futile it seemed, Hobe was determined to ensure that Hari would have a chance at a better life, even if it meant sacrificing his own.

"Hari, you're not just beautiful, you're extraordinary," Hobe whispered with conviction, his eyes filled with pride as he watched his little sister imitate the intricate dance moves of her beloved K-pop idols group.

"Really, Hobe?" Hari's voice quivered with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

Hobe nodded earnestly, his face beaming with encouragement. "Absolutely, Hari! You have all the talent and charisma to become a famous idol one day. Believe in yourself, because I believe in you. I've never been more certain about anything."

Hari's eyes sparkled with a newfound sense of possibility, absorbing Hobe's words like a sponge. She cherished her brother's unwavering support and took his words to heart, dreaming of a future where she would grace stages and captivate audiences with her own unique talent.

Suddenly, a piercing cry shattered the air, jolting both Hobe from his hopeful reverie. It was a desperate scream, filled with fear and urgency.


Without a moment's hesitation, Hobe scooped Hari into his arms, holding her close and tightly against his chest.

Fear gripped him as he rushed towards the safety of their home, his legs carrying him swiftly across the threshold.

Inside, a flurry of frantic actions unfolded. Hobe's hands trembled as he fumbled to lock the door, his mind racing with thoughts of protecting his precious sister at all costs.

He moved swiftly, covering the windows with layers of newspapers and draping thick fabric to shield their haven from prying eyes.

Every action was fueled by a mix of desperation and a hodgepodge of knowledge gleaned from the countless movies he had devoured.

Hobe was determined to create a sanctuary, a place where the horrors of the outside world would be held at bay, if only for a little while.

As he finally caught his breath, Hobe held Hari tightly, their bodies pressed together, seeking solace and security in each other's embrace.

In the midst of the chaos, Hobe mustered a smile, trying to conceal the worry etched on his face. "We're safe now, Hari. No matter what happens out there, we'll face it together. I promise."

Hari, clinging onto her brother's words and the unwavering love in his eyes, nodded in agreement.

Hobe frantically dialed the emergency number, hoping for a lifeline, but all he heard was the incessant busy tone mocking his desperation.

Frustration welled up within him as he slammed the phone down, realizing that help was seemingly out of reach.

In an attempt to gather information, Hobe switched on the television and scrolled through social media, only to be bombarded with a whirlwind of videos depicting the gruesome reality of the zombie outbreak.

The screen filled with scenes of chaos and despair, some people panicking while others dismissed it as a mere hoax.

"Damn it," Hobe muttered under his breath, feeling like he had stumbled into an unimaginable action-packed zombie apocalypse drama.

However, the noise and laughter on social media quickly subsided, replaced by a wave of fear, cries for help, and desperate pleas.

The reality of the situation began to sink in. It was clear that they were truly on their own, cut off from the outside world.

As the water supply and electricity flickered and eventually ceased, Hobe realized they were completely isolated, disconnected from any semblance of civilization.

There would be no external assistance or rescue. They were left to fend for themselves in this nightmarish scenario.
