Emily The Phoenix

Emily gazed at her creation with a proud expression. She had crafted an explosive device so tiny it resembled a microchip.

The bomb's sensors would react when the zombies passed by, causing them to be obliterated along with the debris of the building.

After completing the setup, Emily tidied her tools and joined Alina in a corner of the room.

They both looked at the monitor screen displaying the surrounding area, with blinking red dots indicating the positions of the zombies.

"They were going to be minced meat today," Alina said with determination. "I truly was a genius," Emily murmured.

Even just imagining it, Emily felt an immense happiness. With a smile etched on her lips, she quickly distanced herself and strode towards the supply depot, where she had to complete her mission.

The building appeared eerily quiet as Emily passed through each spot cautiously. Her eyes glared sharply, particularly at the dark rooms untouched by sunlight.

The clever zombies were hiding, even more adept than sewer rats. Her hand instinctively brushed against her weapon holstered at her waist, still nestled alongside the other explosives.

Each step she took resonated with a mixture of excitement and tension, fully aware of the gravity of the task at hand.

She didn't carry a substantial amount of supplies today, but that was alright. After completing her mission, she could return to the headquarters.

It seemed her comrades had finished their tasks as well. She had spent a considerable amount of time setting up explosives, but she was confident she would execute everything flawlessly.

The satisfaction of knowing she had contributed to their mission's success fueled her determination as she pressed forward.

Her footsteps veered towards the spiral staircase that led to the supply depot building. The structure was rather sizable, but what concerned Emily were the zombies that might be lurking inside, especially considering the warning Alina had given.

Yes, she believed she could handle it all. With each step she took up the staircase, her determination solidified, and she mentally prepared herself to confront any challenges that awaited her inside the building.

Emily swiftly moved towards the bomb device, a complex contraption with an intricate web of wires and a digital display.

She could feel her heart pounding as she carefully examined the setup, her gloved fingers tracing over the different components to ensure that each wire was securely connected and every mechanism was in its rightful place.

"Okay, I'm ready to activate the bomb and will initiate the countdown," Emily said confidently. She understood that this task was a critical step in their mission. "Be prepared for communication disruption for the next fifteen minutes."

With her pulse steady, Emily took a steadying breath, her focus unwavering. Her gloved hand moved with precision as she pressed a sequence of buttons on the control panel, each button press accompanied by a soft but distinct click.

A series of beeps and lights responded in a synchronized dance, signaling that the explosive device had transitioned from a dormant state to an active one.

The display screen showed a digital countdown timer, its numbers ticking away the seconds until the detonation.

Emily stepped back from the device, her heart still racing, and turned her attention to the surroundings.

She knew that the next fifteen minutes were crucial, and she remained vigilant, prepared to confront any potential threats that might arise while the countdown progressed.

With the countdown ready to begin, Emily entered the specific time duration into the digital display. The numbers started blinking, indicating that the countdown was in progress.

"Ten... nine... eight..." Emily's voice echoed, each number emphasizing the impending explosion. Her grip on the nearby surface tightened as she mentally prepared herself for what was to come.

As the countdown reached its final moments, Emily's voice became more determined. "Three... two... one..." Her voice seemed to resonate with the intensity of the situation.

And with a resounding "zero," the room erupted into chaos as the bomb detonated, unleashing a powerful blast that shook the surroundings and sent debris flying.

The force of the explosion was tremendous, causing the ground to shudder and the air to be filled with the sound of destruction.

The survivor group, positioned strategically at various points, braced themselves for the impact, their bodies instinctively seeking cover from the force unleashed by the explosion. Dust and debris clouded the air, momentarily obscuring their vision.

As the dust began to settle and the ringing in their ears subsided, the group cautiously emerged from their cover, surveying the aftermath.

The building that had once been the supply depot now lay in ruins, the mission to eliminate the zombie threat successfully accomplished.

"Amazing," Emily exclaimed with spirited applause, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of accomplishment and relief.

They looked fearful as they gazed upon Emily's presence, but she confidently placed her hands on her hips and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Emily The Phoenix, a Slayer Knight," she announced. Her tone was assertive, yet she radiated an air of approachability.

"For those of you who haven't been exposed to the virus, you can follow Koo and stay close to Koo's back. Let me warn you once again, please refrain from any foolish actions. Stick closely behind me, and I'll do my best to protect you. However, if any of you act recklessly and make foolish mistakes, I won't go through the trouble of saving you."

Emily's words carried a friendly demeanor, her sweet face concealing an underlying message of severity.

She extended her hand in a gesture of camaraderie, inviting them to join forces and trust in her leadership.

The survivors exchanged glances, some of them showing signs of hesitation while others seemed relieved by the assurance of safety.

"Check... check..." Emily examined her communication device. "Tck, it's really disconnected," she muttered in frustration.