The Mad Brother

Undeterred, he switched tactics, his words laced with a mixture of anger and defiance, a last-ditch effort to elicit any kind of reaction.

"Horse's penis! Dog's feces! What gives you the right to do all this? I don't care about the cowardly attitude you're displaying! But this is enough to prove that you're no better than hyena food!"

His chest heaved with exertion, sweat-soaked skin clinging to the contours of his body. The room felt like a furnace, the heat of his anger and anxiety mingling with the physical discomfort of his restraints. His breath came in ragged bursts, his throat raw from the strain of his shouts.

"Hari! Where is Hari?!" he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. "I beg you... if you dare lay a finger on any part of her, I'll make sure you're nothing but a name! Hey! Release me!"

His words echoed in the chamber, ricocheting off the walls like the desperate cries of a trapped animal.

But the room remained eerily silent, his captors refusing to reveal themselves or respond to his pleas.

The weight of his powerlessness settled in, a heavy realization that he was truly alone in this ordeal.

Hobe's roars reverberated futilely, falling upon deaf ears. The scrutinizing gazes of the Upper Society staff bore down on him, their faces contorted with cruel amusement.

As if witnessing a spectacle designed for their sadistic pleasure, they relished every nuance of his distress.

Hidden behind the reflective surface of the two-way mirrors, their laughter rang out, a cacophony of mockery that fed off Hobe's unrestrained anger.

"Look at how pitiful he is. One moment acting like a hero, the next moment whimpering like a loser," a voice sneered with a venomous edge.

The room echoed with laughter, the sound a discordant symphony of cruelty that seemed to punctuate Hobe's vulnerability.

Some attendees laughed so hard that they choked on their own spit, the intensity of their reaction revealing the extent of their twisted amusement.

"Isn't he more suited to be food for scavengers? Equally repulsive!" another voice chimed in, the words dripping with disdain.

Hobe's struggle had become a source of entertainment, a grim comedy that played out before the eyes of those who considered themselves superior.

The taunts persisted, an unrelenting barrage that only ceased when two more staff members entered the scene.

With a sense of purpose, they adjusted the position of the speaker, activating a device that amplified their voices. Hobe, his desperation palpable, was left to endure their words.

"That kid, your sister, can't stay in the facility anymore, she's infected," one of the staff members announced, the words laden with a chilling finality. "She will be burned alive in three hours."

The revelation hit Hobe like a sledgehammer, the weight of the threat leaving him momentarily breathless.

The gravity of the situation was crystal clear, and the urgency of the timeline hung over him like a looming specter.

Another staff member, adopting an air of feigned wisdom, spoke through a microphone connected to the speaker near where Hobe was bound.

"It's better to sacrifice one useless kid than lose many others due to the selfishness of a coward like you," the voice asserted, each word dripping with calculated cruelty.

Hobe's chest tightened, a mixture of anger and despair roiling within him. He took a deep breath, mustering the strength to respond.

"Other people who want to live and survive are not just you and your sister...." The staff member's condescending assertion hung in the air, fueling his determination to fight back against their manipulation.

Unwilling to accept their demeaning statements, Hobe's resolve ignited like a wildfire. He summoned every ounce of his strength, channeling his desperation into a fierce determination to break free from the restraints that bound him.

"I won't stay quiet. I'll kill everyone who hurts Hari in the cruelest way possible!" His voice, a roar of defiance, pierced through the chamber.

The words were not just a declaration; they were a vow, a promise etched in his spirit as he stood against the tormentors who sought to exploit his vulnerability.

However, the threats fell on deaf ears. Mockery and insults continued to echo, a cruel chorus that reveled in Hobe's vulnerability and despair.

"Hahaha, he's gone mad! Look at this, even my armpit hair is standing on end. Mama! I'm scared of this cowardly man!" The words were punctuated by mocking laughter, a cruel symphony that taunted Hobe's predicament.

"Try, dear. At least I can drink with your sister's corpse and celebrate your pathetic tears!" another voice chimed in, the words dripping with sadistic glee. Each insult seemed to add fuel to the fire of their cruel amusement.

"Shall we skin his corpse? The taste of a coward's flesh must be exquisite. Ah, would even hyenas refuse to eat it? Hahahah." The suggestion, gruesome and heartless, painted a chilling image of their sadistic intentions.

"That's right! I even want to taste the tears of this pitiable man, maybe there I'll see his life, as trash." The words, laced with contempt, seemed to strip away any semblance of humanity from their tormentors.

Laughter filled the air, a cacophony of cruelty that consumed the last shreds of conscience within those who reveled in Hobe's suffering.

The room itself seemed to resonate with their malevolence, the walls bearing witness to the depths of their depravity.

Amidst the mockery and insults, Hobe's spirit burned with defiance, a defiant ember that refused to be extinguished even in the face of their sadistic taunts.

Then, a middle-aged man with a body covered in fur, leaving only a few strategic areas exposed, made his entrance.

Exuding an air of arrogance, he sauntered into the scene while casually sipping from two whisky bottles.

His voice rose above the cacophony as he shouted at the others, "Hey, shut up! We should be thankful, shouldn't we? Ever since this damn outbreak, we haven't been able to watch a good drama. But now? We can watch it for free." His words, disrespectful and utterly unethical, elicited even louder laughter from the assembled onlookers.