Hobe Satsubasa_Status: Active

Chris turned to the researchers. "Prepare for Hobe's extraction," he instructed them, his voice laced with a sense of urgency. "We need to get him out of there and assess his condition. We can't afford to waste any more time."

Chris pressed the finalization procedure button with a decisive click, initiating the sequence that would conclude Hobe's installation process.

The machinery around them hummed to life, responding to his command. Two young researchers, clad in pristine lab coats and wearing transparent protective visors, stood at the ready behind him, poised to assist with Hobe's emergence from the installation capsule.

As the capsule's seals released with a hiss of compressed air, the glass lid slowly rose, revealing Hobe submerged in a translucent, bluish liquid. It clung to his form, adhering to the contours of his body as he floated suspended within the chamber. The room was illuminated by the gentle, ethereal glow of the liquid, casting mesmerizing reflections on the nearby equipment and gleaming surfaces.

The two researchers, skilled in the delicate procedures of installing and reviving Slayer Knights, approached the open capsule. With careful precision, they lifted Hobe out of the liquid, their gloved hands cradling his unconscious form. His body glistened with the residue of the revitalizing fluid, making him appear almost otherworldly as he was gently transferred onto a nearby medical examination table.

The room was filled with a sense of anticipation as the installation process had been deemed a success. The readings on the nearby monitors displayed reassuring data, indicating that Hobe's vital signs were stabilizing, and his consciousness was on the brink of returning. It was a critical moment as Hobe's journey to becoming a Slayer Knight would soon take its next step.

With meticulous care, the researchers began to clean and dry Hobe's body, removing any remnants of the bluish liquid and preparing him for his awakening. Every action they took was precise and deliberate, ensuring that the transition from installation to consciousness would be as smooth as possible.

As they worked, Chris monitored the progress with a watchful eye, his expression a mix of relief and curiosity.

He knew that Hobe's awakening held significant spectacle for their Slayer Knight society reality show and the ongoing battle for survival in their post-apocalyptic world.

The countdown had begun, and the seconds ticked away relentlessly. It wouldn't be long now before Hobe regained consciousness, and with it, the weight of his newly discovered status as the Cyan. The room held its collective breath, a palpable tension hanging in the air, as everyone anticipated what lay ahead.

As the minutes passed, Chris couldn't help but break the silence with a sardonic comment. "Alina will kill you, Hobe," he muttered with a chuckle, the tension in the room momentarily lifted by dark humor.

Then, as if on cue, less than an hour later, Hobe began to stir. His eyes fluttered open, and he found himself dressed in the distinctive attire of their region. But what truly caught his attention was the imposing figure that greeted him as he awoke.

Chris stood before him, a bemused smile playing on his lips. Hobe's heart raced, and he instinctively leaped backward, retreating to a corner with cautious wariness. The abrupt awakening had left him disoriented and vulnerable.

Chris, however, waved away his concerns with a casual flick of his hand. "No need to be on edge here," he remarked, his voice filled with amusement. "Save that vigilance for when you meet Alina. You might need it then," he added with a hearty laugh, echoing the uncertainty of Hobe's future and the formidable challenges he was about to face.

As Hobe's confusion began to wane, he took cautious steps toward Chris, who appeared to be the only person around. The room had an otherworldly ambiance, with strange equipment and monitors that buzzed with information. It was as if he had entered a futuristic sci-fi setting, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of disorientation.

The digital text displayed in his vision intrigued him. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie itself. Hobe had so many questions swirling in his mind, but he decided to start with the most pressing one.

[Downloading Hobe Satsubasa's memories...]

[Download complete...]


[Callsign: Hobe Satsubasa

Status: Active]

As Hobe's grogginess began to subside, he realized that he had been in a deep slumber for an unknown duration.

The unfamiliar surroundings and the digital text flashing before his eyes further added to his disorientation.

With cautious curiosity, he approached Chris, the man responsible for his awakening, and bombarded him with questions.

"Where am I? What happened to me? And what's with this digital display in my vision?" Hobe's voice quivered with a mix of confusion and apprehension.

Chris chuckled, seemingly unfazed by Hobe's barrage of inquiries. "Relax, my friend," he said, offering a reassuring pat on Hobe's shoulder. "You've been through quite an ordeal, but now you're a Slayer Knight, congratulations."

Hobe's brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of Chris's words. "Me? A Slayer Knight?"

Chris grinned, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Well, Hobe, it appears you've been selected for something ver very special. You were examined and categorized as 'the Cyan.' It means you don't fit the any Slayer Knight profiles, but you've got potential, kid."

Hobe's eyes widened in disbelief. "The Cyan? What does that even mean?"

Before Chris could respond, a holographic display materialized in the air, projecting information about Hobe's newfound status. It read:

[Callsign: Hobe Satsubasa

Status: Active

Classification: the Cyan]

Hobe couldn't help but stare at the hologram in awe. It was as if he had entered a whole new world, and he was just beginning to grasp the magnitude of it all.

With a wry smile, Chris couldn't help but savor the irony of the situation. He leaned closer to Hobe and said, "I can already picture the look on Alina's face when she sees this outcome. You better brace yourself." His handshake with Hobe was firm, devoid of sympathy, and accompanied by a pat on the shoulder that oozed sarcasm and humor.