The Quarantine for Special Infected Person

But as she offered this guidance to Hobe, she also found herself silently cursing her own unexpected transformation.

When had she become someone who cared enough to offer advice and warnings?

It was a puzzling shift in her character that seemed to have been triggered by Hobe's presence, and she wasn't entirely sure how to deal with it.

"I understand. Thank you, Mi... I mean Alina, for taking care of my sister while I went through the installation program," Hobe said with a sincere smile.

Hobe's genuine gratitude was evident in his smile, and his charm seemed to radiate a sense of warmth and sincerity.

His expression, with its boyish handsomeness, created an almost magnetic pull that made Alina question her own reactions.

She felt irritated with herself for letting his smile affect her, especially when she knew she should maintain a professional demeanor.